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Thoughts on Bioshock Infinite?

Dropped Da Soap
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1Thoughts on Bioshock Infinite? Empty Thoughts on Bioshock Infinite? 2010-09-01, 02:26



Here's the trailer:

I'm happy that they aren't using Rapture in this one, but a city in the sky is weird, and not something I would expect. It's being made by the people who made the original Bioshock, so it probably won't be a disappointment like Bioshock 2 was.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

The only thing BS2 was a disapointment in, was the story. And lets face it, how many games can live up to BS1's story?
Not many. Bioshock 2 was a great game.



I really shouldnt have watched that im Acrophobic



Dropped-Da-Soap wrote:The only thing BS2 was a disapointment in, was the story. And lets face it, how many games can live up to BS1's story?
Not many. Bioshock 2 was a great game.

Bioshock was better in every way except gameplay.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Characters, and story yes. But the story in the 2nd was still good. I played through the game 3 times, and I honestly thought that the story was not as good as the first, but was instead more emotionally gripping.


I never got the chance to play Bioshock 2, but I think that's probably better. Bioshock just had some quality that made it so engrossing that I don't think could easily be replicated. This trailer got me interested though. A city in the sky could be a cool change, although it looks to paradise-esque for me. One of the qualities I liked of Bioshock 1 was just the bleakness of Rapture.



Its full of Faschist Americans i think interesting shit could happen



When I saw it, I mainly thought "It's OK" because it looks pretty odd for a city in the sky with "handy men" walking around. It's as if we went back 50 years or something and had this crazy idea about making a city in the sky and nothing bad can come of it.

Depends on the story though, gameplay comes second on a Bioshock game.. Unless the story sucks so bad, gameplay wouldn't even play a oart.



Im just Surprised the Government let them build it,Looks like pretty shoddy construction mark my Words Nothing good will come of these Chitty Folk and theyre Flying Machines!

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Chitty-chitty Bang-Bang! Chitty-Chitty! Bang-Bang! We love you!



I think its a bold step up. We're so used to Rapture that I don't think simply exploring new parts will capture the same feeling. We are all so familiar with Rapture that it's no longer as scary as it was in the first game. Not to mention all the interesting characters have left Rapture to drown at the bottom of the sea. We need something new, and Bioshock: Infinite will deliver that with Columbia.

Still, I'm very cautious not to get my hopes up. From what I can tell, the entire ADAM storyline has been left behind with Rapture. There's still plasmids in a form, but it's not the plasmids we're used to. I guess there's a girl with superhuman powers or something, I'm kind of vague on the details. But I don't think we'll be seeing Little Sisters again. And that makes me feel very sad. I loved those little cute girls frolicking around the blood and carnage. I'm optimistic, but cautiously so.



Never played bioshock 2.

the first i enjoyed i particularly enjoyed the dark dank wet decrepid look of the city underwater! CREEPY.



I'm going to miss Plasmids, Little Sisters, and Adam. Sad



I'm going to miss the Little Sisters the most. Why do I see Chris Hansen walking toward my front door?



Bloodredtyrant wrote:I'm going to miss the Little Sisters the most. Why do I see Chris Hansen walking toward my front door?

lol. I love what the Little Sisters say



I'm interested as long as it's remarkably different from Bioshock 1 and 2.

I will be mega pissed if it's the same story arc of "stranger visiting utopian society fundamentally based on some particular philosophy, but WAIT it's become a dystopian society headed by a crazed narcissistic leader". By fighting through crazed residents and powerful "protector" type enemies and listening to radio diaries of the residents before they lost it, you slowly unravel the secrets of what happened to this secluded city. Also, the protagonist's "best friend" turns out to be someone completely different.
*End Bioshock spoilers*

Now, I loved Bioshock. Absolutely loved it. But one of the reasons I loved it was its starting originality in plot and gameplay. Bioshock Infinite won't be half as impressive if it turns out to have the same "gist" of Bioshock, both in gameplay and in story, except now the city's in the sky.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I fully agree with Pegasus. Plus Bioshock Infinite is being led by the guy who directed the 1st, but had nothing to do with the 2nd. SO I am awaiting 2012 with clenched fists.



B PEGASUS wrote:I'm interested as long as it's remarkably different from Bioshock 1 and 2.

I will be mega pissed if it's the same story arc of "stranger visiting utopian society fundamentally based on some particular philosophy, but WAIT it's become a dystopian society headed by a crazed narcissistic leader". By fighting through crazed residents and powerful "protector" type enemies and listening to radio diaries of the residents before they lost it, you slowly unravel the secrets of what happened to this secluded city. Also, the protagonist's "best friend" turns out to be someone completely different.
*End Bioshock spoilers*

Now, I loved Bioshock. Absolutely loved it. But one of the reasons I loved it was its starting originality in plot and gameplay. Bioshock Infinite won't be half as impressive if it turns out to have the same "gist" of Bioshock, both in gameplay and in story, except now the city's in the sky.

I've got good news for you! The entire plot seems to be much different. You aren't a random (or not so random) passerby that just happens upon Columbia. You play a detective (citations needed) that has been hired TO find Columbia and find one specific citizen, a girl named Elizabeth. She's the chick you see in the trailer catch you with a plasmid highly reminiscent of Telekinesis 3.

Well, from what I remember, you don't intrude upon Columbia when it's crawling with her version of splicers. You actually come across Columbia when she's still full of sane people. And then events start to unravel and Columbia's people begin to attack you. So unlike Rapture, you WATCH the fall of Columbia. And I can tell you, it's probably quite a long fall from that high in the sky.

And then there's something about a Death Star being built, but I don't want to read too much and spoil it for myself.



Hm interesting. ROFL at the death star thing though. Totally random but I'll take it.

I think I'll give Bioshock Infinite the same treatment I gave ME2: ignore all hype, previews, and videos pre-release, then buy it and play it through with absolutely no spoilers in your head. I feel that game developers have nasty habit of giving away (or at least inferring) too much about the plots of their games, so with games whose stories I eagerly anticipate I try to force myself to ignore previews.

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