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Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess...

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1911 sniping makes me all warm and fuzzy.

I carry 3 guns as it is and my pistol depends on the team I am using.



Yeah, just watch the M9 in CQC if you have to absolutely use it.

I feel sorry for the M1911, it's just a runt of a pistol. Everything else can do what it does, but better.

Funny enough though, the M1911 is by far the best pistol to fight another person using a pistol scratch



yay bob you better get it today

i wanna use slugs against you



Well, if you want to play against me, than fine. This is typically what happens anyways, because I switch to the enemy team, because it makes more sense to hurt my team by fighting against it, than trying to help it.



I really like it when I am russia so I can use my Grach to...

*Sees Kitsune's post*




Kitsune no Kaji wrote:Yeah, I like the M9 when I have no MA, because it's very accurate, and it's nice irons/low recoil make it easy to shoot people in the face from a long ways away. I just don't like how it fails to protect me a close range, so I usually have to no-scope them with my BA rifle, or die 90% of the time. It feels like a very beginner-like handgun (not a bad thing, I just mean, it's very well rounded)

The M1911 has terrible sights (they're blocky, and hard to see, not to mention the gun kicks stupidly, it's almost like it doesn't have enough recoil, but it has too's just...weird), and it's capacity prevents you from killing multiple attackers that are rushing you. If you have watched my videos, you would know that I take accuracy over spraying, but the 1911 can only drop 2 people per clip at VERY most on average. It's awful, really. If somebody is looking at you, you can't slow down to make your shots all count, especially at close range because they WILL kill you.

well if ur using a scoped rifle maybe, but using a pkm or slugged shotty the guy is usually half dead. and you shouldnt be rushing into battle with only a pistol, thats a sign you need a new primary. m1911 has 1/3 plus damage per shot so its 1-2 shots for a finish and 5 left over for a surprise kill, m93r is worse for more people imo, and ive beaten m60 assholes up with a 1911 close range and long. the sights didnt screw up so im good with that unlike the m14 and m60. theres nothing wrong with the sights becasue theyre barely there therefore not in the way. that has a better rof than the m14 and better irons which is better. and therefore is the best pistol



Fox, obviously trying to make a very funny joke, wrote:The M9 is just mediocre in every way; it's just not good or bad. It's dependable for what it does, but it doesn't excel at anything. I would also have to say it's the worst pistol for protecting yourself from somebody going for a melee kill.

How dare you!
I love the M9. I also love the Rex (with Mag Ammo) and the 93r (good either way), but I quit using the Rex a few months ago because I stopped using MA. I really like the M93 but the extra range of the M9 makes it more useful more often.

Another way to word your above statement is: The M9 is a jack of all trades and is competent in all situations.

I prefer it to the 1911 because I only use it as back up, so depending on how hurt the first guy already is I can drop 2-3 more without reloading. With the 1911 you can usually only take out 1 more, 2 if you're lucky, but never 3 unless they're all head shots.



Metalzoic wrote:
Fox, obviously trying to make a very funny joke, wrote:The M9 is just mediocre in every way; it's just not good or bad. It's dependable for what it does, but it doesn't excel at anything. I would also have to say it's the worst pistol for protecting yourself from somebody going for a melee kill.

How dare you!
I love the M9. I also love the Rex (with Mag Ammo) and the 93r (good either way), but I quit using the Rex a few months ago because I stopped using MA. I really like the M93 but the extra range of the M9 makes it more useful more often.

Another way to word your above statement is: The M9 is a jack of all trades and is competent in all situations.

I prefer it to the 1911 because I only use it as back up, so depending on how hurt the first guy already is I can drop 2-3 more without reloading. With the 1911 you can usually only take out 1 more, 2 if you're lucky, but never 3 unless they're all head shots.

if you have to drop 3 guys after using youre primary then you cant aim/ need to switch your primary



Well here's an example from 2 days ago (the game I played with Jdm_jev)
White Pass conquest. The building next to B that always has people in the attic.

I chased a guy up the stairs and shot him in the back with the last few rounds of my M416. As he died I noticed a medic with his back to me at the window and another enemy off to my right.

Switched to M9 shot dude to my right. Shot medic as he was turning towards me. Then as I turned around to face the stairs I just came up, another enemy (that was behind me at the other window) started firing at me but I killed him to.

If I had reloaded my primary I wouldn't have killed any of them. If I had the 1911 I most likely wouldn't have enough rounds to get all 3. See what I mean?



see i reload my gun when ever i get a spare millisecond and the m9 can really only kill 3 average to m1911 2-3



Me too. Like I said though, I only take my pistol out when re-loading my primary will get me killed.

m9 can really only kill 3 average to m1911 2-3
That's basically what I said a couple posts up.

M9: Average 3 kills sometimes 4.
1911: Average 2 kills sometimes 3.

Both are good without MA. I just use the M9 because that extra kill has saved my ass a few times. If I have my pistol out I'm already in deep shit! Very Happy



i dont even have the trouble in the first place casue i roll with a pkm, so i can see how the higher power appeals to me.



Sure. I can see how anybody can prefer any weapon in the game.
Someones preference is more important than any stats. If a gun just works for you then go for it.

Shit! Your baby bunchies are multiplying
BAD BUNCHIES! Smack smack smack smack smackers smackey smackers smack.. This is a lot of work



Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41
Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41
Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41
Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41
Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41Well...if I get to borrow that 360 today...I guess... - Page 2 29-41
pfft. bunnies got nothing on bunchies especilly when they start fiing the lazar

*smuggles away zoics wife again*



While the M1911 was unstoppable on release, it's just a good standard now. I don't really notice any huge advantage using it (though the community still doesn't use much else) but getting killed by it now is just annoying because of how good it was on release, same with the M60/M16/40mm/Carl.

And I've been using slugs lately so high power + high power = redundant. M9/Grach ftw



I am the least competitive person in the world. I rarely ever rage. I don't really talk in parties either haha.



Effing tall wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:
Fox, obviously trying to make a very funny joke, wrote:The M9 is just mediocre in every way; it's just not good or bad. It's dependable for what it does, but it doesn't excel at anything. I would also have to say it's the worst pistol for protecting yourself from somebody going for a melee kill.

How dare you!
I love the M9. I also love the Rex (with Mag Ammo) and the 93r (good either way), but I quit using the Rex a few months ago because I stopped using MA. I really like the M93 but the extra range of the M9 makes it more useful more often.

Another way to word your above statement is: The M9 is a jack of all trades and is competent in all situations.

I prefer it to the 1911 because I only use it as back up, so depending on how hurt the first guy already is I can drop 2-3 more without reloading. With the 1911 you can usually only take out 1 more, 2 if you're lucky, but never 3 unless they're all head shots.

if you have to drop 3 guys after using youre primary then you cant aim/ need to switch your primary

Oh really? I can't aim, that's why I seem to have no trouble shooting out chopper pilots without a scope. >_>

Like you said, you use your pistol as backup; I use mine as a primary weapon, because I tend to use weapons with a low clip size and slow RoF. Also, the 1911 just can't do as much as the other pistols it seems. It takes far too many rounds to kill somebody, especially vs. the size of the magazine.

Also, Metal, the M9 IS the jack of all trades, but it DOES NOT excel in any situation. It WILL NOT stop people rushing from up close to melee you, and it WILL NOT beat some of the other handguns when they are in their prime range.



Btw, I did get to borrow the 360, but I'm too nervous too play. I'll probably just play offline games or something.



Yay for me, I got 6 kills in one mag with the REX!

Honestly, you don't really need to aim with some of the pistols. If I'm not using magnum (probably not going to use the pistol) I use the M9.

If I do use magnum, its with an RDS SV-98, with the Grach or REX as backup.

If you ever miss the headshot and get a body shot, the Grach can drop them in 2-3 shots, and the REX only takes one. Its my personal 1-2 combo.

The Rex seems more accurate, as its stability resets near enough to its firerate. I also get the luckiest hipfire headshots.

I do agree with Fox in that I don't like the 1911's sights. As it is pretty much flat, I can't aim it properly. Still is good WITHOUT aiming though.



Still, Grach/Rex are by far the best with MA, and the M9 is probably the best without.

Also, you left the party Sad Didn't like my mock Southern accent? xD



why didn't you add me

I am chock full of rage now.



I never got your friend request. Sad

Also, I'm not playing MP anyways; I thought about it, and I decided that I wouldn't. I'd be tempted to try to gain the courage to try again tomorrow, but I may be visiting my grandparents. I just get to the MP screen, and I can't bring myself to press "A" to start a game, in Halo, CoD, or even BC2. :/



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:I never got your friend request. Sad

Also, I'm not playing MP anyways; I thought about it, and I decided that I wouldn't. I'd be tempted to try to gain the courage to try again tomorrow, but I may be visiting my grandparents. I just get to the MP screen, and I can't bring myself to press "A" to start a game, in Halo, CoD, or even BC2. :/

Suck it up and play man. Pull out the slugged shotty and snipe some dimwit Blackhawk pilots or countersnipe all those bush wookies. You know you want to.



I have given up; I can't even bring myself to even try anymore. My K/D has gone up quick enough to my standards; I have leveled out. SPM has gone down. W/L Isn't good enough, and I've been knifed too many times. Not to mention the number of loses that I have caused for my team, on any game. It has nothing short of disgusted me, so I quit. I have thought about a second chance, but I don't want to allow myself to.



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:I have given up; I can't even bring myself to even try anymore. My K/D has gone up quick enough to my standards; I have leveled out. SPM has gone down. W/L Isn't good enough, and I've been knifed too many times. Not to mention the number of loses that I have caused for my team, on any game. It has nothing short of disgusted me, so I quit. I have thought about a second chance, but I don't want to allow myself to.

You do not cause your team to lose, that is a FACT. As long as you are playing your role all you CAN do is help your team and from what I've seen you play that role phenomenally. You're what I call a slayer. You kill people well, you can read and predict their actions, you keep enemies away from the objectives and divert attention to yourself. Not many people can do that very well in BC2, but you can. Most people are objective rushers, supporters, or bush wookies.



My SPM shows uselessness, along with the W/L. Just like in CoD4, I have a NEGATIVE W/L ratio, meaning, I cause losses, even though I often have 10/1 KD games, the numbers DON'T LIE. I am TIRED of arguing this repeatedly. No matter what game it is, my W/L is often AWFUL. That is NOT a coincidence. I am USELESS and INFERIOR. I am DONE arguing this.



Alright, I tried. Sue me.



I didn't mean to come off angry or anything, but I'm just trying to say, that I'm not good enough to play anymore, so I retired myself. Just like when something goes lame, you kill or retire it. In a sense, I did both, MP gaming wise.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

You calling me a bad player fox, themz duel wordz.

Meet me first island base isla at 3:51 am I challenge you to a bumperboat royale



LOL?! HOW?! I'm simply stating that I'm inferior to just about anybody (no....anybody) here, and people constantly argue it. I LOSE more than ANYBODY here. I have learned that it's MY fault; I've learned that saying it's teammates, is and excuse, and a lie to myself. You're good; I ENVY all of you guys?! Why the hell does ANYBODY even remotely think that I'm worth 2 cents?! I CAN'T SEE IT!! >: (



Your stats betray you...



My stats show no significant improvement since about 3 months after I got the game, minus the W/L ratio, because I pretty much hijacked wins by playing with the SeC.

In CoD, my W/L ratio is .88, and my K/D is 1.83 (I remember when it was .77 K/D, when I first got LIVE, and I was so proud to improve it to 1.3, only to be called garbage on GameFAQs, I slowly improved it until I gave up, because I constantly lost)

As for Halo, I've lost FAR more games than I've won (not sure, but it's very rare that I win), and my K/D only around 2.00 (+ or - )

My stats show exactly what's happening.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

And I'm saying that by comparison I have a lower SPM/ KDR/ W/L rates than you by your thinking I'm a worse player than you...

Of course since I'm a badass player and your a badasser player...this is all mute so I know derail this topic by posting anne hathaways topless havoc scenes...

You wish...



Hheeeeyyyy... scratch He basically said I suck too! Mad
You hold him down Epyk, I'll give him the atomic wedgie! Twisted Evil

Plus I'm not the one that made the aiming comment... that was dick pickle pony. He's who I was actually responding to there. I don't think you noticed that you quoted me and him in that post.

Why do you keep confusing Hen's posts as mine? Very Happy

EDIT: Hey I just noticed I've brought my W/L up to almost an even 1.00 Very Happy



No, you guys are fine, because you constantly improve, and lose only to bullshit, or for a good reason. I can't believe I'm trying to fight this again...



Nope, to late. You're just gonna have to take your wedgie like a man. Hold still... this is only going to hurt for the rest of your life. Twisted Evil



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:
Effing tall wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:
Fox, obviously trying to make a very funny joke, wrote:The M9 is just mediocre in every way; it's just not good or bad. It's dependable for what it does, but it doesn't excel at anything. I would also have to say it's the worst pistol for protecting yourself from somebody going for a melee kill.

How dare you!
I love the M9. I also love the Rex (with Mag Ammo) and the 93r (good either way), but I quit using the Rex a few months ago because I stopped using MA. I really like the M93 but the extra range of the M9 makes it more useful more often.

Another way to word your above statement is: The M9 is a jack of all trades and is competent in all situations.

I prefer it to the 1911 because I only use it as back up, so depending on how hurt the first guy already is I can drop 2-3 more without reloading. With the 1911 you can usually only take out 1 more, 2 if you're lucky, but never 3 unless they're all head shots.

if you have to drop 3 guys after using youre primary then you cant aim/ need to switch your primary

Oh really? I can't aim, that's why I seem to have no trouble shooting out chopper pilots without a scope. >_>

Like you said, you use your pistol as backup; I use mine as a primary weapon, because I tend to use weapons with a low clip size and slow RoF. Also, the 1911 just can't do as much as the other pistols it seems. It takes far too many rounds to kill somebody, especially vs. the size of the magazine.

Also, Metal, the M9 IS the jack of all trades, but it DOES NOT excel in any situation. It WILL NOT stop people rushing from up close to melee you, and it WILL NOT beat some of the other handguns when they are in their prime range.

well yu wouldnt be using a pistol on a chopper pilot in the first place now would you?
if you are a sniper holding a scoped rifle you shouldnt be encountering more than 3 guys close, if you are you need to move or change your weapon/class

how can the 1911 beat all the pistols but is worse as a main? i ur talking bout capacity then it wont mean shit if you lose the gunfight

*sneak attack wedgie!!* Twisted Evil



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:LOL?! HOW?! I'm simply stating that I'm inferior to just about anybody (no....anybody) here, and people constantly argue it. I LOSE more than ANYBODY here. I have learned that it's MY fault; I've learned that saying it's teammates, is and excuse, and a lie to myself. You're good; I ENVY all of you guys?! Why the hell does ANYBODY even remotely think that I'm worth 2 cents?! I CAN'T SEE IT!! >: (
as much as i like to be called good, ur stats triple from playing with sec'ers and you have been shying away from that and still ranking near the top. there fore would super benefit form playing with a small squad, but may have to compete for kills and pints too much in a full sec game.

llamas can do logic



Llamas also eat their own poop. Neutral

EDIT: HEY! Don't you have some homework you should be doing?



Like I said, I have no idea why the 1911 beats other pistols, but is the worst for anything else.

Also, I'm don't want to argue anymore.



Metalzoic wrote:Llamas also eat their own poop. Neutral

EDIT: HEY! Don't you have some homework you should be doing?

uhh tahts why im up at 2 in the moring, doing work, silly goose

im also not a llama, its a bunchie or you see it as a pony, so it is in fact you who is the poo eater!

im going to get my 4 hour sleep now Sleep



I can't understand you with all that poop in your mouth... Razz



Screw the 1911, it's a tetris block. REX all the way!



ante87 wrote:Screw the 1911, it's a tetris block. REX all the way!

Sez Mr M9 over there.




remShotz wrote:
ante87 wrote:Screw the 1911, it's a tetris block. REX all the way!

Sez Mr M9 over there.


Hey now! The M9 is sleek and beautiful as well, a work of art even! They should have used the USP .45 instead of that ugly ugly 1911.



I'll agree on the working with SeC guys. Before their help my W/L was a 1.25 and my K/D hovered between a 1.50 and 1.6. Now look at it.

With mw2 i was a 1.48 K/D and .98 w/l

with MoH i'm a 2.64 K/D and ? w/l

I've found that playing with friends (SeC members) has and always will drastically improve my gameplay.

We'll see how that works out in BO!



Would you grow up? FFS, what fucking losses are you talking about? What, did you go C4 your own M-COMM? No? Then how is it your fault? BC2 is a team game. Victories and losses come as a team, stop making yourself out as this martyr. Plateaus are a normal part of life, what difference does it make if your scores aren't going up? If you're playing equally skilled players, you'll be lucky to have a 1.0 K/D and W/L. Obviously you're much better if you have anything above that. Quit the bitching and obsessing. Jesus Christ. Play. The. Game.



Yeah, ever since I started playing with/against SeC members my KDR stopped sky-rocketing. Same with when I stopped forcing Atacama Desert to come up in rotation.

If you're maintaining your KDR against actually good, not scrub-ass random players then you're a good player. I've only lost my dog tags once so far to SeCies but it doesn't mean I haven't found ways to look cool like heli roadkilling and smoke grenade kills.

I need to play against them more often so I can tag Drgn back.




Ante87 wrote:Hey now! The M9 is sleek and beautiful as well, a work of art even! They should have used the USP .45 instead of that ugly ugly 1911.

Ugly? Classic! I love the looks of a nice 1911 (I've owned a couple PA's), Also owned a USP .45 and had the slide powder-coated a dark royal blue... kind of wish I hadn't sold it. I do own a Berretta 92 with the M9 style frame. Fun gun to shoot as well.



The 1911 doesn't look ugly in real life to me, but on BC2...

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