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[BF4] Two weeks to go, who's going to be playing? (PC)

HydrasBreath ♜
The Adli Corporation
Artimise Flare
12 posters

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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I'm a bit wary of trying to play day one, since the game will undoubtedly have teething issues, especially with server load problems (maybe).

However, I am curious as to how many will be getting the game day one, and are up to run some rounds when it finally launches late this month.



I am.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Cool beans, we ran a few rounds in beta and that was pretty sweet, despite a few rounds being absolute crap due to the blueberries doing what they do best (absolutely nothing)..


I only have 2 weeks to buy a new PC? well thats me out lmao



Sym wrote:Me



Hydra has pre ordered already



so it looks like it'll be sym, art, jr, hydra, and me? if so we've got a full squad. is nice.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Ante wrote:so it looks like it'll be sym, art, jr, hydra, and me? if so we've got a full squad. is nice.
Damn straight, any idea what you guys will want to be lvling first?

I'll be playing all the kits, but I'll likely be favoring the engineer kit until I unlock carbines and then I'll be switching to recon and support.



Assault and support

What I always do



zombie medic train Razz



You can't do zombie train anymore, as you die almost instantly if you even get shot once as you get revived.

Anyway, I will be playing day one (hopefully it's not middle of day here). If there are problems in MP on launch, at least it will give me excuse to finish up SP.

Unlike previous BF series, I might roll support most as sniping with XM25 is more practical than shooting with SR. It's also partly because I suck at sniping now (at least compared to before), so if I do get better at shooting again, then I might go back to recon.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

not me.

might just play Path Of Exile like a madman instead Razz



I dont understand what people arent liking about it

This is BF

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I've gotten better at sniping with the Bolt actions, though I feel the bullet velocity feels slower than it was in BF3, symthic seems to show otherwise, but to me it feels slower.

The M40 is really nice now, I didn't like in BF3 how it had the least range when compared to the other BA rifles. If I can get good at BA rifles, I hope to be able to hone my skills so I can actually be aggressive with them like some of these crazy bastards in BF3.

After playing beta, I'm having an extremely hard time going back to BF3. In just about every single way I personally find BF4 (even in it's beta form) to be superior to BF3.



Maybe. Depends on optimization at launch.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Kenshiro wrote:Maybe. Depends on optimization at launch.
I'm talking about a game play standpoint, not from the coding and so on.

Of course BF3 is going to be better in regards to optimization, it's a final product, as opposed to BF4's beta wasn't.



Artimise Flare wrote:
Kenshiro wrote:Maybe. Depends on optimization at launch.
I'm talking about a game play standpoint, not from the coding and so on.

Of course BF3 is going to be better in regards to optimization, it's a final product, as opposed to BF4's beta wasn't.

Re read



Artimise Flare wrote:
Kenshiro wrote:Maybe. Depends on optimization at launch.
I'm talking about a game play standpoint, not from the coding and so on.

Of course BF3 is going to be better in regards to optimization, it's a final product, as opposed to BF4's beta wasn't.
More along the lines of "is it optimized enough" to run smoothly on my mid end machine.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Eh, my PC isn't all that fantastic either anymore. Was averaging 30 FPS on medium even with recording.

What's your current setup Rem?

On a side note, just tried to play a BF3 round, trying to play the recon class is pretty painful, though I have noticed that my accuracy and how well I can take enemy players out with the bolt actions has increased exponentially since playing the Beta. I'm making long range shots on moving targets that I never was able to do so before. Kind if interesting considering the fact that I wasn't all that great with them pre-BF4 beta.



I might try out R9 290X when it gets released, unless Titan Ultra is going to be out around the same time. If I end up getting R9 290X, then I will just swap Titan and 290X depending on whether the game requires PhysX or not.

BF4 Beta had some warping hit box issues that gave slow rpm single shots to land on moving targets (much more so than BF3). Hopefully solving this will help me be a better sniper in full release.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

StormEye wrote:I might try out R9 290X when it gets released, unless Titan Ultra is going to be out around the same time. If I end up getting R9 290X, then I will just swap Titan and 290X depending on whether the game requires PhysX or not.

BF4 Beta had some warping hit box issues that gave slow rpm single shots to land on moving targets (much more so than BF3). Hopefully solving this will help me be a better sniper in full release.
You notice that too eh Storm? It seems like there was a mess load of issues in regards to hit reg whenever i was trying to hit moving targets with the semi auto and BA rifles.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Sym wrote:Hydra has pre ordered already
Yep. I'll probably run Engy and Support the most. I'll mess with assault and recon too. I really want to get to mess with the semi auto rifles.

My first order of business will probably be unlocking carbines.



HydrasBreath wrote:My first order of business will probably be unlocking carbines.
I think this is a must.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

HydrasBreath wrote:
My first order of business will probably be unlocking carbines.
That right there is what I'll likely be doing just so I can unlock motion mines faster with the recon kit.



I'll probably be spending a lot of time as an LAV-25. Using the MASS as assault was pretty fun too though.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Yeah I feel like the majority of guns we'll see people running with will be carbines.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Not entirely sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing to be honest.



Artimise Flare wrote:
HydrasBreath wrote:
My first order of business will probably be unlocking carbines.
That right there is what I'll likely be doing just so I can unlock motion mines faster with the recon kit.
I think unlocking motion sensor will just come naturally through playing even with BA. Carbines are just to give option for me to push forward as a recon if the team is no good at pushing through the line.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

StormEye wrote:
Artimise Flare wrote:
HydrasBreath wrote:
My first order of business will probably be unlocking carbines.
That right there is what I'll likely be doing just so I can unlock motion mines faster with the recon kit.
I think unlocking motion sensor will just come naturally through playing even with BA. Carbines are just to give option for me to push forward as a recon if the team is no good at pushing through the line.
Agreed. Lag, optimization problems, and weird hit reg made it difficult for me at lest to do well with the SR's in the beta. Still though, when they did work, they were very satisfying to use.

Questions for you Storm, what did you do to practice becoming a god with sniper rifles? Obviously the camping doctrine many people adopt doesn't work. I've been trying the hyper aggressive recon style and it's a love hate relationship as of late. The past two matches I've done have ended with me at least breaking even if not going a tiny bit negative (still adjusting).

Got any tips or advice? Since you were a competitive gamer at one point and all?

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Artimise Flare wrote:Not entirely sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing to be honest.
Yeah I'm not sure how I feel about it either.



Keep in mind Siege is a perfect map for carbines. Medium to close range engagements almost everywhere. Obviously excluding the roof wookies. I have a feeling carbines won't be very effective on maps like Zavod 311 and Golmud Railway.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

HydrasBreath wrote:
Artimise Flare wrote:Not entirely sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing to be honest.
Yeah I'm not sure how I feel about it either.
So long as they're balanced I'm fine with it. The carbines were actually pretty damn accurate (the AK5C at least was), the ACW-R felt just right IMO, fantastic in CQC, but terrible against anything beyond 40+ meters or so.

It'll be interesting to see how all the other weapons stack up to each other. I'm particularly interested in the remote mortar.

Last edited by Artimise Flare on 2013-10-15, 22:36; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : grammar corrections)

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Artimise Flare wrote:
HydrasBreath wrote:
Artimise Flare wrote:Not entirely sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing to be honest.
Yeah I'm not sure how I feel about it either.
So long as they're balanced I'm fine with it. The carbines were actually pretty damn accurate (the AK5C at least was), the ACW-R felt just right IMO, fantastic in CQC, but terrible against anything beyond 40+ meters or so.

It'll be interesting to see how all the other weapons stack up to each other. I'm particularly interested in the remote mortar.
Yeah I'm really curious how the mortar will work too. Hopefully it'll make roof wookies a non issue.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

God that was soooo annoying in the beta. What I want to see, is a second or third way to get on top of that damn roof for D and several of the other buildings. As it is, it makes elevator campers way too easy to defend. Only chance of taking them out really (provided they're somewhat competent) is with a helicopter.



Artimise Flare wrote:Got any tips or advice? Since you were a competitive gamer at one point and all?
I was never really an aggressive sniper, unless I know that other team just were not as good in CQB as my CQB sniping was. If I was playing with at least some care, I usually tried to stay within distances of DM position than a sniper position, so there was a decent distance between me and target. I think BF sniping is all about distance memorization at choke points (given that you are competent at shooting to begin with). Besides memorizing bullet drop, I usually put the bullet travel time as 'doom(bang?) ~~~ pak(ding?)'. I always say to myself 'doom ~~~ pak' before actually shooting at that location for better chance against moving targets.

For practice wise, I remember that I never started with sniper rifle to begin with. Was using automatic weapons, but in a mentality I should be having for SR/DMRs. People usually engage in react shooting with shoot > align, but I tired to force myself to align first then shoot. Once the shooting is down, then its just experience, experience, experience with whatever rifle you are intending to use.

The problem right now is that I suck at shooting to begin with. And the only thing I can do about it is to play more online fps. Probably will never be back on the level I used to be at, though.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Interesting method to judge lead there. I've been doing something similar, but I simply count slowly.

one one thousand, two one thousand etc. It's been yielding better results, but I think your method may be better.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I am, probably. I already have the game... the "problem" is that I may be moving out to another city, and my workload may grow, together with another couple of issues.



We'll see.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

RStudios wrote:I only have 2 weeks to buy a new PC? well thats me out lmao



I was this close to getting a cheap i7 2600k for the hell of it earlier but I was like nah.....idk if I ever come across one cheap again I might,it would last for awhile. Idk what's gonna be up with the new consoles using 8 cores. Then again for the price of an i7 I could pretty much get the 8 core fx 8350 4ghz AMD plus a motherboard



I put all my old hardware in my office PC, including i7 2600K. Its quite an overkill for word processing and spreadsheet. LoL


I preordered so you will see me on. I am probably going to run through the campaign first though, just to see how awful it is lol.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Tom wrote:I preordered so you will see me on. I am probably going to run through the campaign first though, just to see how awful it is lol.
Yeah depending on if anyone else is online and whether or not I can actually play online I'll probably run through the campaign first too.



Who knows, maybe BF4 will be all browser launched just like BF3 and the site is going to be down due to massive traffic, causing no one to be able to play anything. Even the single player.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

StormEye wrote:Who knows, maybe BF4 will be all browser launched just like BF3 and the site is going to be down due to massive traffic, causing no one to be able to play anything. Even the single player.
I would be severely pissed if that happened. If the game unlocks at midnight for everyone though I should be fairly safe because of the time zone I'm in.

Anyone in my timezone or Newfoundland will be among the first people in NA to be able to play the game.


StormEye wrote:Who knows, maybe BF4 will be all browser launched just like BF3 and the site is going to be down due to massive traffic, causing no one to be able to play anything. Even the single player.
It will probably be just like BF3 where if you have origin in offline mode it automatically boots into single player.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

The campaign will be osum guise!

It's full of innovation. There is...

Wait for it...


I can't wait to play through the heartwrenching story of killing terrorists, thus saving the world from evil. God bless Murica, the world police .

Seriously though, what is the campaign even about?



I doubt Ill even touch the SP



Sym wrote:I doubt Ill even touch the SP

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