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New BC2: Vietnam Trailer

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1New BC2: Vietnam Trailer Empty New BC2: Vietnam Trailer 2010-10-21, 11:28

Comrade Rage77

Comrade Rage77

Can't wait. The price looks good to me.

2New BC2: Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: New BC2: Vietnam Trailer 2010-10-21, 11:58



Winter 2010 HAHA

1200 ms pts is what I expected.

3New BC2: Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: New BC2: Vietnam Trailer 2010-10-21, 12:57



Winter 2010 HAAA

12/30/2010! bunch of monkey fuckers!

1200msp i also expected this. Then watch in march it'll drop to 800.

4New BC2: Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: New BC2: Vietnam Trailer 2010-10-21, 17:53



fuck man why is it so far away

it looks good though, no complaint on the price.

5New BC2: Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: New BC2: Vietnam Trailer 2010-10-21, 18:23



I really want to like this but if even one of the maps suck it will not be worth it.

(still going to buy it though....)

6New BC2: Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: New BC2: Vietnam Trailer 2010-10-21, 19:42



I suspect that the mission giving the US two helos and a tank vs. three NVA tanks will be lop-sided unless the copters are armor-less, considerably less mobile than an attack helicopter and there's an AA gun or two that doesn't have push Jesus christ that is the worst balance decision ever.

Hey, let's make an AA gun weak as shit but make it troll a copter slightly and then get raped two seconds later. VADS aside of course.

7New BC2: Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: New BC2: Vietnam Trailer 2010-10-21, 19:50



Huey's don't have armor. There was a video of a guy flying slow and he was getting torn to shit in seconds.

It is going to be like a Blackhawk. In the right hands a Challenge....But Mostly it will be points.

8New BC2: Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: New BC2: Vietnam Trailer 2010-10-21, 20:05



but blackhawks are worthless, I shoot them down all the time now since the tracer buff came out. thankfully no retro-tech tracers are coming in but the armor-less aspect is a completely different story.

if shooting down a blackhaw gave kills consistently without using the gustav/ex. mk2 I bet my KDR would be like 2.0 higher

we'll just have to wait and see I guess. I already see people taking off with no crew and not-giving the gunners any vantage like in Modern Combat.

9New BC2: Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: New BC2: Vietnam Trailer 2010-10-21, 20:11



Most Blackhawks are useless becuase most people that fly....Suck at it.

Now you might get a some Dipshit Pilot thinking he can spam you with rockets from the huey. But thats is more for tanks and this thinks is bigger and slower then the BC2 Attack chopper.

As for Shooting them down. Mounted Machines guns showed to fuck them up quick. Hell you should be able to hurt it with Most LMG as even the AK-47. And if they add the LAW, shoot it down with a rocket.

SeC is going to fuck people's worlds up with them none the less.

10New BC2: Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: New BC2: Vietnam Trailer 2010-10-21, 20:16



Dark, Shaymo, and I used to be a really good Blackhawk team, a few months ago. We could fight any AA team, and maybe only go down once when we were all doing good.

11New BC2: Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: New BC2: Vietnam Trailer 2010-10-21, 20:18



I've had games with Ing where I've went like above 60 kills to one maybe 2 deaths since we never got shot down.

He had smoke, I had armor. Usually if we lost a helo it was because everybody switched to Engineer and was spamming rockets.

And my Hind piloting is awesome, I go for roadkills most of the time and we keep it alive until the third stage where all the tanks make it sort of useless and there's three VADS positions.

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