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BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer

Dropped Da Soap
7 posters

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1BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer Empty BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer 2010-09-18, 20:50



I'm guessing it's coming out in December D:

2BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer 2010-09-18, 21:00



I'm not getting that, doesn't seem like its worth it.

3BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer 2010-09-18, 21:13

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

There is something horribly wrong with you Bla

4BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer 2010-09-18, 21:29



i wonder how much it'll be

5BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer 2010-09-18, 21:30



I'm guessing 1200, but if we're lucky 800 Very Happy

6BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer 2010-09-18, 21:31



please be good to us dice. 800...

7BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer 2010-09-18, 21:33



It's probably going to be good, I don't don't feel like spending the money on it.

8BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer 2010-09-18, 21:51



lol that means you do want to spend the money

double negative ftw

9BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer 2010-09-18, 21:52



I love you hen lol, and I probably maybe would buy it if I wasn't getting Borderlands.

10BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer 2010-09-19, 00:23

Comrade Rage77

Comrade Rage77

Can't wait for it. I'm ready for some new maps and weapons.

11BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer 2010-09-19, 00:49



I want it and I'll buy it, I want new maps and weapons.

But I want an expansion to the BC2 we already have. If this only plays as a separate game/mode I'll be very bummed out.

12BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer 2010-09-19, 01:08



Yeah I still want more maps for the regular game.

And patches but that's a different story. Maybe if they start giving back to the community we can have a balanced VADS tank and an armed pilot seat for the Blackhawk/Hind in some sort of Air Superiority mode.

So much potential, so much Dice incompetence. It would seriously be the best game out right now if they took time to fix shit and give us more shit to play with, but not all game companies can be like Valve.

Well only on the PC for Valve.

Well they still find things to bitch about with regular patching but I think we'd be a bit easier to appease.

13BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer 2010-09-19, 01:16



JDM_Jev wrote:So much potential, so much Dice incompetence. It would seriously be the best game out right now if they took time to fix shit and give us more shit to play with, but not all game companies can be like Valve.

True. When it first released it was riddled with bugs, glitches, imbalance and terrible design decisions. Now after the patches it has had it's one of my all time favorite multiplayer Fps's.

But like you said, it wouldn't take much to massively improve it even more.

14BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer 2010-09-19, 18:54



Damn. It sounds like the weapons, vehicles and maps aren't interchangeable between Vietnam and standard BC2. I'd say that makes Vietnam a completely seperate game mode... not an expansion.

Exactly what I didn't want them to do. They should have just released it as it's own stand-alone arcade title then.

15BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer 2010-09-19, 18:56



I'm definitely not getting it then, doesn't sounds likes its worth it.

16BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer 2010-09-19, 19:14



Oh I'll still get it. BC2 is awesome fun and this will be as well, but it's not really an expansion.
So according to what I've been reading posted around is:

1. Nothing from the Vietnam maps will be usable in the BC2 we already play.

2. Nothing we already have in BC2 will be usable in the 4 Vietnam maps.

3. Neither Sylvester Stallone nor Chuck Norris will be playable classes.

Sounds like 2 seperate games (but the same basic gameplay) to me...

17BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer 2010-09-19, 19:15



Theres only four maps?!?!?!

18BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer 2010-09-19, 19:22



That's what it says. Also every game mode is available, but it doesn't say if that's on each map.

At the heart of this expansion lie four distinct, brand-new multiplayer maps based on the Vietnam war. Each map brings a new gameplay experience and fresh visuals, with characteristics such as foxholes, tunnels and dense jungles from where the enemy can launch surprise attacks. Also, 15 classic Vietnam-era weapons and 6 vehicles are available from the moment you go online.

All four multiplayer game modes from Battlefield: Bad Company 2, including the genre-defining Conquest Mode, will be playable in Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam. The expansion is integrated with the full game persistence, so no matter what theatre of war you participate in, you will continue to level up your soldier as usual.

To set that unmistakable 60's atmosphere, the audio team at DICE has recorded all-new voice-overs for both sides of the conflict, based on authentic dialogue from the Vietnam war. On top of this, a rocking soundtrack with 2 hours worth of time typical tracks gives the expansion a truly characteristic sound.

19BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer 2010-09-19, 19:25



Only four maps!?!?!? thats seems kind of... Stupid.

20BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer 2010-09-19, 20:03



HA it's not going going to be 800. It will be 1200/

21BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer 2010-09-19, 20:58



The regular game only has 10 maps, 3 of which are awful (Nelson Bay, White Pass and Laguna Presa).

So it may as well only have 7 maps since I back out whenever I come across one of those. I played with Storm earlier (I found him on random D:) so I stuck with it but it was the first time I played there in a long ass time.

4 maps for Vietnam = good enough.

22BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer 2010-09-19, 21:01



If they are very well made maps then yes they might be good enough, but I'm still not gonna fork up that much money for four maps. I'm not saying it's bad if you do, I'm just saying i'm not going to.

23BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer 2010-09-19, 21:04



Well it sounds something that's worth the money though, much more bang for your buck then the traditional FPS map pack that sucks and only-features maps.

24BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer 2010-09-19, 21:33



Nelson Bay is an awesome map!!!!

25BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer 2010-09-19, 21:59



So it seems like you will level up your BC2 character in both games, but they will be separate games.

26BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer 2010-09-19, 22:55



I'm betting on $20

27BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer Empty Re: BFBC2 Vietnam Trailer 2010-09-20, 00:11



There was a leak a while back that said that it would be $15 along with a couple of other things and amazingly he has been right so far.

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