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[BF4] Engineer players & PDW's vs Carbine's

HydrasBreath ♜
Artimise Flare
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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

For all of you here at the SEC, from the first impressions of the game, do you feel there is any reason to use a PDW over a carbine?

Honestly, I don't see the point, especially when the ACW-R is such a freaking BEAST in CQC engagements. The Carbines vs the PDW's (at least from what we got in the beta) seem to completely outclass the PDW's in most situations, which brings us right back to the way we had the engineer back in BF3.

Jack of all trades, capable of taking on nearly anything at most ranges.

The nice thing that balances things out this time is that other kits have access to weapons that can level the playing field now, particularly the recon class with their DMR's and also having access to carbines.


HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Unless they have some insane high rate of fire PDW' 1000rpm or more I don't really see why you wouldn't run a carbine on engy. There is the P90...that thing is probably pretty sexy with it's 50 round capacity and awesome hipfire.

But yeah I think I'll probably be running a carbine when I play engy most of the time.



It was stupid of them to make carbines all-kit in the first place.

That and the overlap of the Support and Recon classes really makes me mad.



As far as the beta goes, the PDWs had better hipfire in my experience.



Ante wrote:As far as the beta goes, the PDWs had better hipfire in my experience.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Metalzoic wrote:It was stupid of them to make carbines all-kit in the first place.

That and the overlap of the Support and Recon classes really makes me mad.
What do you mean overlap, are you talking about how both have C4 now?

Both classes have very distinct roles now, recon still can't clear out roof snipers as easily as a support can. The XM25 is extremely useful, and I think with the mortars, they'll become even more deadly and efficient at clearing roof tops.

Frankly, I think it's a good thing that recon get C4, they're actually useful against armor, and it's one of those high risk high reward deals anyway.



It's just C4. I don't get why people make a big deal about this. Once we see recons running around with XM25s and supports chucking pokeballs then we can complain about overlap.

In BC2, both assault and recon could use C4 and nobody bitched, so what the shit is the big deal.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Ante wrote:It's just C4. I don't get why people make a big deal about this. Once we see recons running around with XM25s and supports chucking pokeballs then we can complain about overlap.

In BC2, both assault and recon could use C4 and nobody bitched, so what the shit is the big deal.
^ This

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Ante wrote:It's just C4. I don't get why people make a big deal about this. Once we see recons running around with XM25s and supports chucking pokeballs then we can complain about overlap.

In BC2, both assault and recon could use C4 and nobody bitched, so what the shit is the big deal.
[BF4] Engineer players & PDW's vs Carbine's 1955213_300



Bring back the Spec Ops class.



BF2142 combined Sniper and Spec Ops to create Recon class. So speaking from traditional perspective, Recon IS Spec Ops. C4 belongs to Recon. And Carbine also should belong to Recon ONLY.

And I also worry quite a bit about carbine. Hope BF4 doesn't turn into Call of Carbine: Battlefield 4.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Ultimately, I just don't see the point of using a PDW, yeah sure, you may win in a CQC engagement, but you're handicapped everywhere else, since most BF maps, even the CQC orriented ones have areas with ranges that leave the PDW's at a disadvantage.



I don't really see that much disadvantage in Carbines even in CQC when comparing to PDW. Unless its a distance where PDW hip fire radius is completely covered by target. Not exactly the best idea to hip fire in most situations, especially against better players.



What if...

and hear me out now...

other PDWs will have properties that will not be on carbines?

Like maybe a 40 round magazine? Or a 50 round magazine? Or a 64 round magazine?

Or ridiculous fire rates? Or really low recoil?



the mag size on PDWs is worth noting.

pp-2000 = 44
p90 = 50
cbj-ms = 55
js2 = 50 (afaik)



P90 and other large magazine PDWs are in the game.

Low recoil can be ok, but then there is a need to increase spread for the weapon.

I just am not happy with changes to Engineer class that had been happening over time through out the series. SMG and PDW were to be used as a last resort self defense weapon in close range, not a direct assault on all classes. Then there was a change to buff Engineer in direct face to face fighting to be on par with other face to face classes. Now, they realized Engineer class was buffed too much so they are now given PDW instead, but then everyone is able to run around with Carbine that is basically one fit all weapon. So, there is no change to Engineer and only made new primary weapon class pretty much obsolete. Interesting move made by DICE.



it's not like it's set in stone man. DICE could easily just increase reload times/bump up recoil on carbines and they'd be fine.



We'll see, but I don't think there will be any big change to recoil and reload time to put PDW on par with Carbines.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Make it so PDW's reload faster than carbines and then things could get interesting IMO.



HydrasBreath wrote:
Ante wrote:It's just C4. I don't get why people make a big deal about this. Once we see recons running around with XM25s and supports chucking pokeballs then we can complain about overlap.

In BC2, both assault and recon could use C4 and nobody bitched, so what the shit is the big deal.
[BF4] Engineer players & PDW's vs Carbine's 1955213_300
I think they should either give it to Recon only.


Make it an all-kit gadget that all classes can use.

Classes shouldn't overlap at all and it doesn't make sense for that to be a rule for everything except in the case of C4. It is inelegant and shows that they didn't put much thought towards it.

Hell you could even make it a rule that if a class uses an all-kit weapon then their 1st gadget is always C4 and can't be changed and their 2nd gadget must not be a weapon.

That way an Engineer running with a carbine would have to use C4 and couldn't use any type of rockets or mines with it.

A support using a DMR can't have both C4 and an Xm25 etc...

That would really help balance out the all-kit stuff.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Metalzoic wrote:
HydrasBreath wrote:
Ante wrote:It's just C4. I don't get why people make a big deal about this. Once we see recons running around with XM25s and supports chucking pokeballs then we can complain about overlap.

In BC2, both assault and recon could use C4 and nobody bitched, so what the shit is the big deal.
[BF4] Engineer players & PDW's vs Carbine's 1955213_300
I think they should either give it to Recon only.


Make it an all-kit gadget that all classes can use.

Classes shouldn't overlap at all and it doesn't make sense for that to be a rule for everything except in the case of C4. It is inelegant and shows that they didn't put much thought towards it.

Hell you could even make it a rule that if a class uses an all-kit weapon then their 1st gadget is always C4 and can't be changed and their 2nd gadget must not be a weapon.

That way an Engineer running with a carbine would have to use C4 and couldn't use any type of rockets or mines with it.

A support using a DMR can't have both C4 and an Xm25 etc...

That would really help balance out the all-kit stuff.
Yeah that would be pretty interesting...kind of like how it was for assault in BC2.

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