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BF4 Singleplayer trailer

HydrasBreath ♜
The Adli Corporation
Ars Diaboli
11 posters

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1BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-22, 12:06



I know I'm in the minority, but I like FPS campaigns. Can't wait to play through this. Looks fucking intense.

2BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-22, 12:11



The only way I would play this is via Remote Play from the PS4.
If I was at home where I could play MP I never waste my time with SP.

3BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-22, 12:15



You ever figure out which console youll be playing BF4 on Metal?

4BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-22, 12:19

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I need to know, and this is important...

Will I save the world from terrorists? Will I bathe myself in glory in the name of my homeland? And kill terrorists, that's the most important.

Well... will I?

Seriously though, maybe I'm just jaded but that seems like yet another shitty campaign with an extremely linear path, shooting gallery, crappy story, and characters you won't even remember the next day. And I enjoy FPS campaigns, too. It just so happens that most seem to be incredibly bad recently, the last ones I truly enjoyed were Bioshock 1 and 2. I'm not sure if the Metroid Prime games should be included, since they are more about exploration and adventure... but well I did like the shooting in them, too.

5BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-22, 12:19



I pick it up for 360 on the 29th, again for the PS4 on the 15th and then trade my 360 version towards the X1 version on the 22nd.

My guess is that I'll stick with the X1 version. However if the PS4 version has some obvious advantage over the X1 then I may stick with that.

Even then I'll probably keep the PS4 version so I can play the campaign Remote Play from my office with my feet up on my desk.

6BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-22, 12:23




Dont the new consoles come out November 15th?

7BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-22, 12:24



PS4 does. The X1 is a week later on the 22nd.

8BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-22, 12:26



Nice. Im interested in seeing how the graphics comepare to my PC haha.

Wonder if its time to upgrade now?

9BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-22, 12:32

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

What card, CPU, and RAM do you have?

10BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-22, 12:34



I7 960 at 3.2 ghz(stock)

EVGA GTX 580( OD'd to 900 mhz)

12 gigs

11BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-22, 12:39

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

God no. At most, you could upgrade your card if you want, but your setup takes a shit on what the PS4 should be able to do during its first 1-2 years.

12BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-22, 12:42



Figured as much

580 is still going strong, over 2 years later.

It has its moments now though with a few games ( BF4 , FC3 , AC3 and Metro LL )

But overall its still a beast

13BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-22, 13:52

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

looks like a CoD trailer with better graphics Rolling Eyes 

although i reckon talking about that dude punching a dog in the face is going to be the new way to troll the CoD board Razz

14BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-22, 15:51



Looks hypey, but I won't get my hopes up. DICE was never really good at singleplayer stuff outside the anomaly that was BC1. Multiplayer will always be the real draw.

15BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-22, 17:40

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

I'll play it once then probably never touch it again like I did with the campaign in BF3. I figure it will be pretty ok.

16BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-22, 19:49



Ante wrote:[flash(425,350)]I know I'm in the minority, but I like FPS campaigns. Can't wait to play through this. Looks fucking intense.
I also like FPS campaigns. At least you are not alone.

17BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-22, 21:01

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

StormEye wrote:
Ante wrote:[flash(425,350)]I know I'm in the minority, but I like FPS campaigns. Can't wait to play through this. Looks fucking intense.
I also like FPS campaigns. At least you are not alone.
I like them too, I find most pretty interesting, I especially like the ones that allow co-op. Gears of War and Halo Co-Op was actually pretty fun when I used to play them with my friends back in the day.

18BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-22, 21:01



Im losing interest in FPS campaigns rapidly

19BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-23, 19:01



Ars Diaboli wrote:I need to know, and this is important...

Will I save the world from terrorists? Will I bathe myself in glory in the name of my homeland? And kill terrorists, that's the most important.

Well... will I?

Seriously though, maybe I'm just jaded but that seems like yet another shitty campaign with an extremely linear path, shooting gallery, crappy story, and characters you won't even remember the next day. And I enjoy FPS campaigns, too. It just so happens that most seem to be incredibly bad recently, the last ones I truly enjoyed were Bioshock 1 and 2. I'm not sure if the Metroid Prime games should be included, since they are more about exploration and adventure... but well I did like the shooting in them, too.
That asian chick looks a lot more memorable than the usual character tropes.

I never forgot sarge, sweetwater, haggard, and preson marlow though. DICE definitely has it in them to make memorable characters.

Something i like about BF campaigns is that they don't take themselves TOO seriously. The soldiers are imperfect rather than cold hard commandos.

All I really need from the BF4 campaign is for them to keep going that route with comic relief, make sure the characters have some personality and theres at least some focus on developing them, fix the god awful enemy AI, and have at least a little bit of BC1 free roam.

20BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-23, 19:25



it's worth noting that there's 3 different endings to the campaign so it'll probably be a little more open than BF3.

21BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-23, 19:36

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

As long as they don't saturate the damn game with all those horrible QTE's I'll like it. Also yes, I loved the BC MC's, Haggard in BC1 was especially hilarious.

"And just like that, a single man invaded a country" ~ Preston Marlow

22BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-23, 19:58

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

thats why Bad Company was the tits.

23BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-23, 20:03

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Are you kidding? She even pulled the "u mad cuz imma girl right?". At least the black dude isn't listening to hip hop.

I didn't play the BC1 campaign so I can't comment on it. BC2 had some funny moments, but it took itself too seriously for what it did, and I hear that it is a common complaint when compared to BC1. When a campaign takes itself as seriously as BF4 seems to do, but does generic and/or dumb things, well... I have a hard time enjoying it.

Like I said, maybe I'm just jaded, but it looks generic as hell.

24BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-23, 21:23

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Ars Diaboli wrote:Are you kidding? She even pulled the "u mad cuz imma girl right?". At least the black dude isn't listening to hip hop.

I didn't play the BC1 campaign so I can't comment on it.
if you can pick it up pre-owned for a few dollars its well worth it. shouldnt be too hard, its so old now if you find it, it'll be cheap as hell.

the BC1 campaign is glorious.

25BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-23, 21:48



Ars Diaboli wrote:Are you kidding? She even pulled the "u mad cuz imma girl right?". At least the black dude isn't listening to hip hop.

I didn't play the BC1 campaign so I can't comment on it. BC2 had some funny moments, but it took itself too seriously for what it did, and I hear that it is a common complaint when compared to BC1. When a campaign takes itself as seriously as BF4 seems to do, but does generic and/or dumb things, well... I have a hard time enjoying it.

Like I said, maybe I'm just jaded, but it looks generic as hell.
Well, it's mainly the fact that she's a girl at all. That's the only memorable part.

Still not as memorable as mike 1 juliet.

26BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-23, 22:33



BC1 campaign is surprisingly solid, though I didn't really have the urge to play through it again. BC2 wasn't bad I guess. BF3's was probably the most bland experience of my life; it was like a Chinese knock-off of a CoD campaign.


27BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-23, 22:34



BC1 SP was amazing, except for the psychic soldiers.

28BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-23, 22:43



I never tried the campaign in BC1 or 2. Never even started it.
I did start it by accident on BF3 when someone put the wring disc in the drive.

I think the last campaign I actually played was MW2
Space Marine
All the Battlefields
All the CoD's
Gears 2
All the Killzones.

I didn't play any of the SP.

29BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-23, 22:48

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Yeah BF3 was bland as shit.

30BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-23, 22:52



I didnt finish BF3 SP

Got the the jet level and hit the MP and never came back

If the SP in BF4 was multi co op I would be more willing to give it a go

31BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-23, 23:10



I don't even think there's co op at all in bf4, I got past the jet level in bf3 for the first time not long ago and didn't care for it really.

last fps sp I probably beat and it was co op, Halo 4, it was ok but got tired of the cookie cutter auto aim insta kill across map DMR loadout (plus useless teams)

32BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-23, 23:15



Last Halo I played was 3

last Halo I enjoyed was 2

33BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-23, 23:40

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I may pick up BC1 in Origin eventually. It's like $3-4 I think. If the campaign is funny, I can go for it. I had some laughs at random shit that happened in BC2 suddenly.

34BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-23, 23:42



Er I thought BC1 was console exclusive?

35BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-23, 23:49



Ante wrote:Er I thought BC1 was console exclusive?
it is

36BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-24, 00:18

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

... it is?

I'm retarded then. I could swear I saw it... probably BC2.

37BF4 Singleplayer trailer Empty Re: BF4 Singleplayer trailer 2013-10-24, 00:21



Yea you can get BC2 on Origin

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