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Seems BF4 for X1 is in 720p

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1Seems BF4 for X1 is in 720p Empty Seems BF4 for X1 is in 720p 2013-10-27, 15:57





that can't be true. I mean I hope not. 720p near 2014 is ridiculous.



No doubt. This would be a major blow imho for M$

Rumor is Sony has BF4 running at 900p



it doesn't surprise me,I knew the 1.6ghz cpu wasn't up to it lol

although the xbox 360/ps3 were sub hd most of the time and just upscaled, this will prob be 720p upscaled to 1080p if people have 1080p tvs, I bet alot still have 720 though. Some still have tube tvs >_>



New console got too much hype about its performance and exaggerated speculations are rampant. It's just common phenomenon whenever new major console is released in recent gaming history.

Sony was notorious for this, but after one of the employees that was responsible for exaggerating hardware performance moved to MS, MS also seems to be following the same route.

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