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dice to help with ME3 weapons

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1dice to help with ME3 weapons Empty dice to help with ME3 weapons 2011-04-22, 04:02





I bet that there will be some OP weapon that completely destroys any type of difficulty the game could have. God DICE better not screw up.



Why the fuck would they do that

Its not like DICE is particularly good at balanced weapons



According to everyone ever, no developer is good at balancing weapons. I think DICE does a decent job with weapon balance. Also, it looks to me like they'll be doing more than just balancing. If we get DICE's sound crew on ME3 weapons I will cream myself. This also means we get an extremely experienced FPS developer working on weapon handling, leaving Bioware to flesh out the RPG aspects/story. This nothing short of a WIN... so why all the hate/apprehension?

dice to help with ME3 weapons Sea7b7019



Liberty Prime wrote:According to everyone ever, no developer is good at balancing weapons. I think DICE does a decent job with weapon balance. Also, it looks to me like they'll be doing more than just balancing. If we get DICE's sound crew on ME3 weapons I will cream myself. This also means we get an extremely experienced FPS developer working on weapon handling, leaving Bioware to flesh out the RPG aspects/story. This nothing short of a WIN... so why all the hate/apprehension?

dice to help with ME3 weapons Sea7b7019
Because DICE have never made a game at launch without at least one over powered weapon and that can kill the difficultly for an RPG shooter game like mass effect. I do agree though I am excited to hear the sound design they will put into the game and weapon handling.



I'm really excited about this. Getting a FPS company to help with the guns can only help, I haven't been really happy with the guns on ME, but it's a RPG so I don't get caught up in it.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i only mind OP weapons in MP games.

in SP i can use the OP guns and ramp the difficult up, or just use a different gun.

hell, i did BC2 on hard with a Scar-L and Grach. a game is as difficult as you choose to make it for yourself.



I don't see what the big deal is. So what if some weapons are "OP". the games strictly single player... I don't mind dominating the enemy when they're overwhelming me anyway... Besides relying on your friendly AI has shown to NEVER be a good thing in past games, GIMME DAT OPWEAPONZOR NAO!!!

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

4x AN-94 on BC2 was so evil, you got it on the second to last mission then its all fun and obliteration.

same with the T88 LMG, except you get it on the first/second mission IIRC. 200 rounds and 600 spare... Twisted Evil



I had a dream i platted the an94 last night....

I was all "NOOOOOOOOO" in my dream cause it was a stupid normal kill for the plat... WTF i dreamt about actually platting a weapon on a video game...

to make things worse i couldn't remember the guys name to send him a message!! CRAP....


The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

wow, thats a weird ass dream.

but i once had a reccuring dream about being chased around a stagnant swimming pool by an alligator. very strange.

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