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[BF4] Test Range at office

Artimise Flare
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1[BF4] Test Range at office Empty [BF4] Test Range at office 2013-11-21, 01:20



Got back from lunch and most of the guys fire up some flash game on PC or play some smart phone games, and I fire up BF4 Test Range to change some loadouts and testing camo.

Everyone stops what they are doing and were testing out BF4 instead. I may have convinced some guys to get it. LoL

2[BF4] Test Range at office Empty Re: [BF4] Test Range at office 2013-11-21, 01:22



I saw some dude playing COD on xbox on some huge TV at school the other day....

Ive only fired up test range once, and it was miserable. Couldnt figure out how to fly the helis.

3[BF4] Test Range at office Empty Re: [BF4] Test Range at office 2013-11-21, 01:23



You still can't fly?

4[BF4] Test Range at office Empty Re: [BF4] Test Range at office 2013-11-21, 01:25



No I'm terrible

Honestly since I made that post I haven't even attempted it once.

Its so frustrating for me. I was such a good pilot in BC2 and now on PC I totally forgot how to fly. Grrrr

I can fly jets ok enough, but helis? Nope

5[BF4] Test Range at office Empty Re: [BF4] Test Range at office 2013-11-21, 01:31



Why don't you try using controller just for helo?

I am actually thinking of doing just this for Jets, maybe helo (but KB+M gives better precision for high maneuverability with helos). Its just really tiresome to constantly ram my mouse over and over again just to turn fight someone.

6[BF4] Test Range at office Empty Re: [BF4] Test Range at office 2013-11-21, 01:33



I actually never thought about doing that.......

God damn.....your a genius.....

7[BF4] Test Range at office Empty Re: [BF4] Test Range at office 2013-11-21, 01:36



If control scheme is changed, just tune it to your liking to the way it used to be in BC2 (Metal mentioned it changed a bit, but I don't know).

Scout helo is the easiest to control, as its the most nimble and do almost anything you control it to be. Attack helo seems to be nerfed from beta, as it just doesn't move as well as it used to be.

8[BF4] Test Range at office Empty Re: [BF4] Test Range at office 2013-11-21, 01:42



I got a 7 kill streak gunning today in a choppa

9[BF4] Test Range at office Empty Re: [BF4] Test Range at office 2013-11-21, 01:58

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

It took me a while, but I'm pretty decent in the helicopters, though I have a hard time in the scout for some reason. You have to be very very accurate it seems with you miniguns now, the 25mm's seem like they'd be a little more forgiving due to the splash damage they provide.

10[BF4] Test Range at office Empty Re: [BF4] Test Range at office 2013-11-21, 02:01




11[BF4] Test Range at office Empty Re: [BF4] Test Range at office 2013-11-21, 02:06



Once you unlock 25mm, it's infantry killing capability is night and day. Minigun's only real purpose is Air to Air fighting. Or if the other team is just so ultimate morons that no one decides to AA on you, you can just close in on them (like point blank range) and spray one time to kill them constantly (but someone always goes AA).

You can also GTA pretty easily with 25mm, as its easy to kill repairing engineers (game's pubbies are getting worse every single sequel, so not many spawn as engineer on gunner to fix you up) and just take the tank/IFV for your own. Just make sure the helo doesn't go into enemy hands by destroying it.

Another lulzy thing you can do is to use laser guided missile on fixed turrets (or mortars with idiots operating next to it). They are happily firing away at something, and BOOM! You get extra points for destroying turrets too. Hainan rush first base has at at least three fixed turrets (TOW included), which someone mans, as its best way to halt beach assault, so you get plenty of unsuspecting/suspecting-but-no-choice victims.

EDIT: If you want to unlock things fast for Scout Helo, just repair repair repair on it, as a passenger. You still get points for Scout Helo, even if you are a passenger. Heck, you can even help it out by either using Stinger for AA, or RPG or something for Anti-Ground.

12[BF4] Test Range at office Empty Re: [BF4] Test Range at office 2013-11-21, 02:50


I used to play alot of flying games years ago, so I have a flight stick and a yolk, it does give me a 10x advantage. But in Battlefield and sim games, keyboard is pretty damn easy too.

Just change your settings sym, fly/aim with the mouse, put the ailerons /yoke on the left/right keys, and the flaps in the up/down....

Invert if it feels more natural to you, but flying a plane, up goes down, down goes up Razz

also make use of your keypad more, I have all 9 digits setup for controlling flying in games.

13[BF4] Test Range at office Empty Re: [BF4] Test Range at office 2013-11-21, 02:51



I have a joystick too
Should I hook that bitch up?

I never use it

14[BF4] Test Range at office Empty Re: [BF4] Test Range at office 2013-11-21, 03:07

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Sym wrote:I have a joystick too
Should I hook that bitch up?

I never use it
I fly with default controls for the most part. I can't fly a helicopter worth a damn with a joystick. Feels awkward as all gets out for me.

15[BF4] Test Range at office Empty Re: [BF4] Test Range at office 2013-11-21, 03:12


Yep, but don't set it for up/down left/right

Use it for flaps and ailerons. you can control the normal up/down/left/right shit from your mouse .

16[BF4] Test Range at office Empty Re: [BF4] Test Range at office 2013-11-21, 05:25



it was much easier to fly with the xbox controller,I'm beyond horrible on pc lol

17[BF4] Test Range at office Empty Re: [BF4] Test Range at office 2013-11-22, 16:21



Love that test range!! Finally was able to learn how to fly a helicopter. Died ALOT, but I was at least able to be mediocre in the scouts, helpful in the transports, and just plain bad in the attack copters.

18[BF4] Test Range at office Empty Re: [BF4] Test Range at office 2013-11-22, 19:43

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Yeah, the test range is great. Also, the last two times I went into it I unlock achievements for the single player campaign.

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