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[BF4] Wow... flashbang is terrible

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Testing it out on test range basically led to a conclusion that no one should bother with this, unless you are evil and want to kick people out of server by killing them with flashbang (you get disconnected if you get killed by flash, unless its patched already).

Coming from CS days where flashbang ruled supreme, and even BF2 had decent flashbang that lasted heck of a long time if hit correctly, BF4 flashbang does not do anything...

The only real good part of it is smoke coming off the explosion that somewhat masks a location for 2 seconds.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Yeah nobody really uses them the stun doesn't really last very long.



I'd much rather no one use flashbangs than everyone use flashbangs.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

That seems to be the consensus. Also Smoke for the tanks seems very weak in terms of concealment. I remember in BF3, when you popped smoke screen, it actually obstructed your tanks view as well as the enemies. Now, not so much.

Depending on the map, I typically will either use smoke or active countermeasures

Also, is there any reason NOT to use the RGO impact grenades?



Have you tried actual smoke screen, instead of IR smoke? Its not the same, at least according to people who have used it.

Mini frag is the way to go for frags.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I use the actual smoke screen and the smoke always appeared to be much thinner than it was back in BF3



Pretty sure the smoke thing is a bug. M320, XM25, and even the handheld smoke grenades make very, very little smoke.

Active Protection is the way to go. Although I've noticed it doesn't seem to stop MBT LAW rockets. Better be a fucking bug because that launcher is the most annoying weapon in the game.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

It's not a bug apparently and yes the LAW is a bitch. Goes through everything, and does a solid 25pts of damage regardless of upgrades. Only thing that keeps it from being disgustingly OP is the fact that it can't critical you.

I hate the damn thing, especially when it's being spammed by a million engineers

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Yeah the LAW is fucking annoying. I don't even really like using it as an engy.



I like the rpg better, I hate how the LAW (that's the 1st engie rocket right?) will sometimes randomly lock onto and hit empty vehicles like a javalin

don't know if it's a glitch or what but it's screwed me before

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