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Squad Deathmatch isn't terrible

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I started playing it a little bit cause I joined Texasmace and that's what he was doing. It was Nelson Bay and I somehow had no one else in my squad. Basically me vs the world. So I played Recon with a Garand and C4 and went to town. Most people playing squad DM are complete newbs so it was like being the Predator. I just crouched and threw motion sensors everywhere I went, listening for sounds and picking people off left and right.

I almost won the match by myself, but then a bunch of nubs joined my squad and kept spawning on me and giving me away so we all turned into cannon fodder for the other squad that didn't suck.

But still, it was one of the most enjoyable games i've had in a while. I felt like I was playing Metal Gear Solid or something.



Playing Squad Deathmatch with a group of friends is great. I remember one time I was playing with Storm, Tallness, and the 4th I can't recall for some reason, but we absolutely annihilated everybody for the most part. Storm would throw motion sensors, I would give him ammo, Tallness was medic, and somebody else was Engineer.



SeC vs. the world SDM is awesome. Super fun!



I like SDM SeC games more than anything

Khult gets a lot more knife opportunities too



I do hate it when everyone else leaves after being pwnt, and the only way I can find the last person against us is by spraying my bullets into the air. Its still funny how I only do it with the AUG (pretty much) yet its still one of my most accurate guns.



DrBob276 wrote:Playing Squad Deathmatch with a group of friends is great. I remember one time I was playing with Storm, Tallness, and the 4th I can't recall for some reason, but we absolutely annihilated everybody for the most part. Storm would throw motion sensors, I would give him ammo, Tallness was medic, and somebody else was Engineer.
I think it was Chimo.



SDM is awesome! I like it the best without or without SeC (haven't gotten to play it much with SeC though Sad). Conquest after that (which I only play with SeC). Rush is way at the bottom for me. Just too big with too much going on for me to cope.



I never really got into Squad DM...

Probably will crank it when the new maps are out...



My experience with it has been meh. Isla and Presa are fun, Nelson Bay is annoying as tits, and I don't remember the rest. They should have put in CTF or a KotH game type instead.



Love me some SDM! Every time I play Conquest with SeC, or anyone for that matter, I end up running four miles just to get shot by a sniper. Yeah, that's real fun.
My SDMs have been going really well lately. I was in a squad Saturday night with a group of very talkative, very stoned guys. They were horribly entertaining meat-shields. I would stay a little behind them like they were bird dogs flushing pheasant.



WHen 8 plus SeC guys sow up on the same side of a Conquest match...well its gets boring.... We have so m any good players that we just crush the other side... SDM is awesome because it mixes us up and its just fun as all get out to be shooting at other SeC guys I think!!! HAHA I think it is great fun!

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