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PS4 version of BF4 will be the one I keep.

Dropped Da Soap
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It was up in the air for awhile and I was actually leaning a bit more towards the X1 version.

However, since my X1 won't even be working again for a couple weeks, causing me to miss the entire double XP period, I'm just going to stay with the PS4 version. It doesn't hurt that the MP looks a little bit better too.

Just bought Premium for the PS4 WHOOOOHOOOO!
One less 1st world problem for me!

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

You should give me money then



Smart man


It's going to take them weeks to fix your problem? Jesus Christ MS...



chunckylover53 wrote:It's going to take them weeks to fix your problem? Jesus Christ MS...
No doubt

M$ is such a shit company

Just terrible



Sym wrote:
chunckylover53 wrote:It's going to take them weeks to fix your problem? Jesus Christ MS...
No doubt

M$ is such a shit company

Just terrible
Well probably a week for my part to get to them a week to get it back.

And if we're comparing they fixed my RRoD 360 and had it back to me in 12 days total for free.

For my PS3 Sony quoted me $150 and a 30 day turn around time.



Was the PS3 failure an actual hardware failure like RROD?



Sym wrote:Was the PS3 failure an actual hardware failure like RROD?
Knowing metal it was probably a bullet hole.



Ante wrote:
Sym wrote:Was the PS3 failure an actual hardware failure like RROD?
Knowing metal it was probably a bullet hole.
Ha! It wasn't the yellow light thing. It just stopped reading discs. Games, movies didn't matter it simply would never start them.

The one I let Sheep and Grey borrow was starting to do the same thing. Sometimes it simply wouldn't load from disc.


Hey metal do you know how to get rid of the stuff in the top right corner? It's just a bunch of emblems and says battlelog and crap. It's there in single player in multi and in menus. It just won't go away =X.



chunckylover53 wrote:Hey metal do you know how to get rid of the stuff in the top right corner? It's just a bunch of emblems and says battlelog and crap. It's there in single player in multi and in menus. It just won't go away =X.
If I remember right you can turn it off under display settings.



Its actually under gameplay settings. "shmide in game battlelog"


I only have a little over 2 hours into BF4 multi but i don't know how i feel about it. Don't really like it but don't hate it, i think it's just because i have no one to play with. Damnit buy PS4 people.



chunckylover53 wrote:I only have a little over 2 hours into BF4 multi but i don't know how i feel about it. Don't really like it but don't hate it, i think it's just because i have no one to play with. Damnit buy PS4 people.



eh I likely won't for a long time, neither of my friends who swore up and down they were buying it whenever they do I even changed his mind to getting the X1 now haha



There is no point to own these consoles right now imho. As a PC gamer there is nothing for me there. The only saving grace would be some amazing exclusives and a price drop.

I might consider it when its like 150

Ill never buy an X1 though


I've bought it out of boredom, not much going on in my life at the moment and i knew i wasn't getting an X1. I've been playing mostly madden...



LOL yea thats what I mean

There are no great games yet

THe only launch title on either system that interests me is Killzone and Killer Instinct  

The new Infamous might sway me though....

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

What happened to your Xbone? Did Microsoft take it from you to fix the suck out of it?

Seriously though, was it another RRoD thing?



His power brick went dead



Sym wrote:His power brick went dead



Sym wrote:LOL yea thats what I mean

There are no great games yet

THe only launch title on either system that interests me is Killzone and Killer Instinct  

The new Infamous might sway me though....
Killer Instinct is actually really cool and has a lot of depth.

KillZone is... nice to look at but bland and dull.
It's getting traded back in after 1 MP match and the first level.

My daughter played it for about 2 hours then said "well, no reason to ever play that again"



chunckylover53 wrote:I only have a little over 2 hours into BF4 multi but i don't know how i feel about it. Don't really like it but don't hate it, i think it's just because i have no one to play with. Damnit buy PS4 people.
I would say that hands down it is far better than BF3. I love it.


I didn't like BF3 that much, i think i have like under 80 hours in total.

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