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Call of Duty: Ghosts Sales Are "Troubling," Analyst Says

Artimise Flare
The Adli Corporation
Ars Diaboli
9 posters

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Andy Chalk @ The Escapist wrote:Call of Duty: Ghosts is a big hit but its sales are running significantly lower than last year's Call of Duty: Black Ops 2.

Call of Duty: Ghosts may well be the best-selling game of the year, but it's still trailing Black Ops 2 sales by 19 percent year-over-year. Activision had previously warned that the transition between console generations would negatively impact sales, but analyst Doug Creutz of Cowen and Co. said the situation is worse than the publisher predicted.

"Upon further reflection, we think the numbers are a bit more troubling than they first appeared," Creutz wrote in a note to investors. "While the year-over-year gap is only 19 percent thus far, that includes two extra weeks of sales for the 360 and PS3 versions. Against 2011′s [Modern Warfare 3], where the difference is only one week, the title is down 32 percent life-to-date."

In other words, if Ghosts didn't have an extra week of sales (the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of Ghosts came out November 5, while Black Ops 2 came out on November 12), the gap between it and Black Ops 2 would be even greater. The later release of the game on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One accounts for some of the slide but Creutz said that neither console has enough of a user base to make up the overall difference.

The gap could grow even wider over the vital month of December, he added, which would leave the game in a pretty bleak position. "We don't think it is out of the question that the title could wind up comparing down 20 percent to 25 percent year-over-year, which is appreciably worse than the down 10 to 15 percent that we think is baked in to guidance," he said.



Couldn't have happened to a nicer company.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Oh noes, instead of making 3 bajillion dollars they only made 2!



Thats a lot of money in the eyes of investors. They invested in the company expecting high figures, and they found out that their investment is not paying off.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Well, it is paying off. They were just expecting some ridiculous x100 return of investment and will instead get a "measely" 60x or so. 

The gold mine is running out of gold, tough shit. They are smart people, they know it happens.



I might have phrased it wring. It is paying off, but not as much as they probably expected.

Of course, no one would have expected the company to hit jackpot all the time, but its now showing the trend of downfall.

It doesn't mean its the end of the world or anything, but there might be investors reconsidering long term investments. And I hope this makes them produce a better product next time. I don't think these companies will make good game for the sake of making good game anymore, so this sort of thing may be a positive event.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I don't really care anymore to be honest. For me, Activision-Blizzard is like a factory of potato chips. The just release tired old shit nowadays. I don't even hate them or anything, it's more like they don't even exist, I just ignore whatever they shit out.

Well I do hate Blizzard a bit after what they did to StarCraft and Diablo. In my dreams, SC2 and D3 never happened Sad

Anyway Activision will just get some other franchise to whore out until it dies if they later decide to kill COD.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i give zero fucks about this.

A) of course COD is going to decline at some point, you cant keep throwing the same shit at people. eventually they will get bored of it.
B) COD Ghosts was one of the best selling games of the year. why the fuck cant people jsut be happy about that?
C) COD made a shitton of money. investors wanting more is just plain greed. as Ars said, they expected 100x return and only got 60x. boo fucking hoo you bunch of children.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

The cash cow appears to be running out of milk it seems.



Artimise Flare wrote:The cash cow appears to be running out of milk it seems.



Artimise Flare wrote:The cash cow appears to be running out of milk it seems.

Its just squirting Dust out of its udders now

Never fear though

Call of Duty:Dust is planned for next year



with mummy companion dlc? Don't worry if you don't buy it we'll spam you every fucking time you go to the main menu with an advertisement you have to quit out of to play the game!!1111 BUY OUR SEASON PASS IT SAVES YOU 10$$



I don't think it's really CoD that's declining (at least in terms of buyer interest). I think it's just that people are on the fence about buying the new consoles, or can't get one.

So it's not as much "I'm not going to buy CoD Ghosts" as much as "I'm waiting until I get a PS4/XBONE to buy it".



Duck wrote:So it's not as much "I'm not going to buy CoD Ghosts" as much as "I'm waiting until I get a PS4/XBONE to buy it".

Actually they gave longer time for CoD:G for this specific reason, and without this the decline was even bigger.

I used to REALLY like CoD, was probably a fanboy if you ask me, back in the days up until CoD4 (except that nade launcher...). I even enjoyed SP up until BO2. CoD:G didn't deliver anything on any grounds for me, and all I asked was decent SP (didn't have to be amazing).



StormEye wrote:
Duck wrote:So it's not as much "I'm not going to buy CoD Ghosts" as much as "I'm waiting until I get a PS4/XBONE to buy it".

Actually they gave longer time for CoD:G for this specific reason, and without this the decline was even bigger.

I used to REALLY like CoD, was probably a fanboy if you ask me, back in the days up until CoD4 (except that nade launcher...). I even enjoyed SP up until BO2. CoD:G didn't deliver anything on any grounds for me, and all I asked was decent SP (didn't have to be amazing).

I think the amount of time they'd have to wait would be until the next gen consoles reached market saturation. The CoD boom started with CoD 4 when everyone already had a 360 or PS3. They can't expect the same kind of sales when we're in the middle of a transition and most reviews are saying to wait on buying a next gen console.



I think the fact that Ghosts is quite the downgrade from BO2 also has to do with it. Infinity Ward needs to get their shit together



Khfan60 wrote:I think the fact that Ghosts is quite the downgrade from BO2 also has to do with it. Infinity Ward needs to get their shit together

They can't. All the people that made IW an IW are no longer there.



Oh yeah, that's right. I forgot about all that dumb drama with them and Activision and what not. The new team sucks then.

Oh well, theres always next year. Heres hoping for WWII

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