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The map of who's online.

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1The map of who's online. Empty The map of who's online. 2010-10-24, 06:30



I just found this today, but one thing bugged me. It doesn't show my exact location on there, not even close actually. I was hoping it would help me sta... I mean get to know peoples locations better, but it doesnt...

2The map of who's online. Empty Re: The map of who's online. 2010-10-24, 06:38

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

i think tats what they had in mind

3The map of who's online. Empty Re: The map of who's online. 2010-10-24, 06:41



Oh... well that's disappointing, but just for funzies I'm going to tell everyone part of my address right now just in case they feel like stalking me or doing anything else in that category. Well my city atleast, it's a small one, It's name is Oak Grove.

4The map of who's online. Empty Re: The map of who's online. 2010-10-24, 13:35



Uh, what map?

5The map of who's online. Empty Re: The map of who's online. 2010-10-24, 13:44



Metalzoic wrote:Uh, what map?

It's the thing when you go on the right side of this page. It'll say "Who is online?"

click view the whole list and google maps pops up. It'll roughly get people around their city or something but not the house. For some reason that google maps fails like eff. But the one on google gets my house pretty accurately.

6The map of who's online. Empty Re: The map of who's online. 2010-10-24, 13:46

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

My location changed and it's now slightly accurate!


7The map of who's online. Empty Re: The map of who's online. 2010-10-24, 17:20



Why is this map even here?

8The map of who's online. Empty Re: The map of who's online. 2010-10-24, 17:44



I'm getting any maps, just people profile homes.

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