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Favourite FO:NV moments?

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1Favourite FO:NV moments? Empty Favourite FO:NV moments? 2010-10-31, 05:02



I'd have to say mine would be annihilating an entire enemy encampment (especially Fiends/Legion ), without being detected once (never says "DANGER" in Sneak mode), but saving one enemy that only can melee. After you get rid of every enemy but that one, just calmly walking into the open and standing there, then watching them run at you, and just as they lunge, blow their head off with a shotgun. Makes you feel like your probably the toughest guy to ever exist, but it's really easy.

My other favourite thing is the number of "WTF!?" glitches that there are. Like people getting stuck in the ground and such.

2Favourite FO:NV moments? Empty Re: Favourite FO:NV moments? 2010-10-31, 05:11



Vault 11.

Exploring Lake Mead underwater.

Getting on top of a cliff overlooking Camp Forlorn Hope and picking off everyone in the camp with the Anti Materiel rifle. Damn those Heavy NCR soldiers.

3Favourite FO:NV moments? Empty Re: Favourite FO:NV moments? 2010-10-31, 05:18



Just don't spoil Vault 11 for me, I still haven't found it. Very Happy

4Favourite FO:NV moments? Empty Re: Favourite FO:NV moments? 2010-10-31, 12:03



It's part of the Brotherhood of Steel quests.

5Favourite FO:NV moments? Empty Re: Favourite FO:NV moments? 2010-10-31, 18:33



Higurashi wrote:It's part of the Brotherhood of Steel quests.

I actually found it on my own yesterday; I finished it at 3:00 in the morning. It was one of the few things I've seen in a FO game that made me slowly set my controller down and shut off the TV when I was done. Very strange.

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