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the Nov 15 game auction

Epyk MD
6 posters

allow staff?

the Nov 15 game auction Vote_lcap88%the Nov 15 game auction Vote_rcap 88% [ 7 ]
the Nov 15 game auction Vote_lcap12%the Nov 15 game auction Vote_rcap 12% [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 8

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1the Nov 15 game auction Empty the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 01:18

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

It would be rather pointless to use awesome cred at this point since everyone has the same amount so..

What I'm looking for is some type of fair, un-"fixable" competition I can hold for the prize.
Just realize that it will prob take a week to get it to you so those that are itching for BO's its going to be two weeks late...

Also your stance on staff participating.
They have no sway in this so I think its fair to allow them to join.

2the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 01:27



So what do we do exactly?

3the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 01:28


Sure, I'm fine with that. How is this auction going to work?

4the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 01:35

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Originally you would just bid AC. But I havent had time (too much BC2) to add in the AC reward games. As it its now everyone has the same amount so an auction would be pointless. So I'm going to hold a competition instead. Anyone have ideas or thoughts on a fair, unbiased competition I can hold?

5the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 01:37



Wait? There's awesome cred reward games? Also, I think the auction is fair, personally.

6the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 01:38



The cutest person here =D
And I have absolutely no clue, atleast I don't know how to have an unbiased one.

7the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 01:39



And no it isn't fair, everyone would just bid the max amount of AC.

8the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 01:40



Lol! Yeah, good point. I never thought of that.

9the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 02:10



I don't have the same amount of awesome cred. (and I think it's conspiracy). So it wouldn't be fair to me.

10the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 02:16



I really think it should just be a SC2 tournament Very Happy. But really it should be a battlefield game and which team wins 3 out of 5 gets the awesome cred.

11the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 02:23



T-800 wrote:I really think it should just be a SC2 tournament Very Happy. But really it should be a battlefield game and which team wins 3 out of 5 gets the awesome cred.

There's never a fair BC2 private match though. The teams are never balanced right, from what I've heard.

12the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 02:25

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Only one person is going to win the game. So It would have to be something that only a single person could win.

I decided that the easiest thing for me to do is just send an online gift card to your email if you win. To the game store of your choice.
Ebay and paypal and such sites have region and age restrictions

13the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 02:26



What kind of game are you thinking of?

14the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 02:27

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Also...if I do gift cards...the winner could have it in time for black ops release.....

I would push it up for the occasion

15the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 02:33

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Atm I'm just spit balling with you guys.

We could do. Best in proved kdr in bc2 until nov 9th...
Or an anonymous "why I deserve to win" essay contest filtered through storm (you would send them to him with a code name attached. Something that has nothing to do with you . Then he would send them to me...
Or a an online odds/evens or paper/rocks scissors tourney

16the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 02:36


I kinda like the essay idea, but I dunno if bias could play a role into it.

17the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 02:37



Awesome MD wrote:Atm I'm just spit balling with you guys.

We could do. Best in proved kdr in bc2 until nov 9th...
Or an anonymous "why I deserve to win" essay contest filtered through storm (you would send them to him with a code name attached. Something that has nothing to do with you . Then he would send them to me...
Or a an online odds/evens or paper/rocks scissors tourney

I vote "no", to the improved K/D in BC2. It will be easier for players with a lower K/D to improve, and people will work more for camping and killing than going for the win, and that's not good.

However, I do like a random win, or a written essay. Those are both good ideas.

18the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 02:43

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

The odds/evens p/r/s
Was a flash of inspiration, and I would totally take part in to take grand prize...though I would still give the gift card to the runner up I guess

19the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 02:45


What is the grand prize anyway?

20the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 02:55



Wacco wrote:What is the grand prize anyway?
A $60 gift card and I like the chance idea more since we do have writers here.

21the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 02:56



You guys go ahead, I'm not going to even try, lol.

22the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 03:14

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Why? It will be based off pure chance, iv already found an outside medium to use. And you could win $60...why wouldn't you do it?

23the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 03:19



What about a haiku contest instead of an essay? Not sure what topic, but anyone can try to make a 5-7-5 haiku without "writing" talent.

Just an idea...

24the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 03:24



I vote for a Texas Hold em or Blackjack Tourney Very Happy

25the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 03:31



How would we do it though?

26the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 03:40



We could party up on a Website like and do it

They allow you to play it for Free and with Friends i think

27the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 03:51

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

It would be really hard to coordinate schedules though. With a RPS tourney we just need to sync up two a a time.

We have three options.
- blind posts( in a post only forum)
-Messaging the hosting admin your throw.
-using an outside medium. (These could not be watched by admin, so if somone lies about winning ( I would ask for a screenshot of your win as proof, if two seperate ones are produced I will move that both members are DQ'ed from this months give away and if caught the offending party would be permaBannded from all upcoming events)

28the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 04:04



Would we Sync up 2 People or would the Admin in Question just use the First 2 People who responded because then the admin might Pair his Favourite up with someone who would lose to that Hand Ie Pairing his Favourite who has Rock with a Scissor

29the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 04:15

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I would make a seed sheet. You would only play the members along your seed tree. It would be a match, or 3 at a time if I can do when storm and DL are on as well.

If we do the flash version you would have to get together with your opposite and have a game, winner takes screen shot of final score and posts their victory. I have a rather large TV so forgeries are gonna be hard to pass off.

30the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 04:19

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Atm this is the best iv come up with, if someone can suggest a way to do this or anything else in an organized document-able fashion please feel free to share

31the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 04:24



Russian Roulette Very Happy

32the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 04:26

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Perhaps odds/evens are better...

Rules would be:
Submit a number between 1-5
And a guess of if the total of the group will be odd or even. If you guess right you move to the next round, guess wrong your out.

This would be a lot easier to keep records of and would allow for a 24 hour period of rounds if need be.

I like this.

33the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 04:30

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Oh shit!!

Using a yet undetermined amount of AC could let you move on to the next round even with a loss...
Wtf why am I so smart!?!

34the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 04:31



I blame the booze or possibly the Society Very Happy

35the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 04:39

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

This takes care of:
-the possibility of me cheating
-You cheating (not saying anyone would)
-A use for AC!!!!

Its. Fucking. Perfect.

36the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 04:43



Do i get extra lives because of my Avatar? Very Happy

37the Nov 15 game auction Empty Re: the Nov 15 game auction 2010-11-02, 04:58



Awesome MD wrote:Only one person is going to win the game. So It would have to be something that only a single person could win.

I decided that the easiest thing for me to do is just send an online gift card to your email if you win. To the game store of your choice.
Ebay and paypal and such sites have region and age restrictions
Well, I just lost the game ._.

I like the idea and since awesomecred is the same right now I guess it's a better idea with more of it before we do anything to do with it.

We COULD do an essay like thing for why we should win it'd be pretty fun to see the ideas people come up with and truly see if they deserve it or not but what if you get two or three that you really like? Since it's normally hard deciding when you have to read things and you don't want to disappoint people.

I thought what we also could do is some kind of..
never mind forgot it on the spot >_> i'll edit when I remember but it's something to do with your imagination or something you could have a competition (E,g, Halo Reach most random clip) but then I realized with that example I don't think everyone here has it.

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