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Mystery Science Theater?

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1Mystery Science Theater? Empty Mystery Science Theater? 2010-11-02, 21:53

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Just curious if anyone loves this as much as I do, haha.

Currently watching First Spaceship on Venus. We watched Werewolf a few nights ago, that might be my favorite so far, haha.

2Mystery Science Theater? Empty Re: Mystery Science Theater? 2010-11-02, 23:32

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I love mystery science theatre! I was considering buying it on DVD (if I could find some) but have never gotten around to it. I haven't seen it since I was about 20, but I still remember it fondly.

3Mystery Science Theater? Empty Re: Mystery Science Theater? 2010-11-03, 00:21



I didn't have cable growing up (pity me!) but I used to watch it with my friend at her house.

Is it even still on tv?

4Mystery Science Theater? Empty Re: Mystery Science Theater? 2010-11-03, 01:54



I've seen pretty much all of them with my family but still wait for more of them to come out on Netflix Instant so that I can watch them again.

5Mystery Science Theater? Empty Re: Mystery Science Theater? 2010-11-03, 08:20

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Yeah, I watch it on Netflix instant Smile

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