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TK's Favorite [DR2]

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1TK's Favorite [DR2] Empty TK's Favorite [DR2] 2010-11-03, 14:39



For those who do not know, this is an achievement for winning every type of match in TIR on DR2. It's a pain.

Well, lastnight I needed just 2 more. Pounds of Flesh and Ball Buster. I get into a match with 3 chatty kids. I was micless, but I heard them through the TV.

As luck would have it, both of the matches I needed, came up. And I won Ball Buster pretty easily. SCORE!!! Then Pounds of Flesh came up. It was very close and I ended up winning by less that 50 pounds.

The chatter stopped. and I get a message...

"Fuck U"

My first hate mail!!! =) I wanted to give a whitty response, but I blanked. The best I could come up with was Nelson's,"HA-ha!"

Then I filed a complaint on the little shit that sent me that message. =)

2TK's Favorite [DR2] Empty Re: TK's Favorite [DR2] 2010-11-03, 18:26

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Nice. I have only won Stand up Zomedy(sad that people get mad when you use the Dynamite correctly and send you hatemail lol), Ball Buster, Rammsterball and Bounty Hunter.

I stopped playing when those were the only damn games coming up. Took me forever to win Rammsterball though. The damn lag in both that game and SLicecycles drives me crazy. And almost everytime I play Slicecycles I am always the one starting first

3TK's Favorite [DR2] Empty Re: TK's Favorite [DR2] 2010-11-03, 18:37



Ramsterball took total luck. But I got it eventually. Same with Slicecycles. Zomboni is a game I win nearly every time. Not sure why.

Pounds of Flesh I struggled with because I would charge and the zombies would never make it to the scale. I figured out that you can flick them up in the air while you are charging. After learning that, I win that frequently.

The hate mail caught me off guard. As frustrated as I got when I lost, I never thought about sending hate mail.

4TK's Favorite [DR2] Empty Re: TK's Favorite [DR2] 2010-11-03, 20:00



I still need to get the TiR achievements. I've only played it once so far and was last place by a mile!

5TK's Favorite [DR2] Empty Re: TK's Favorite [DR2] 2010-11-04, 09:17



It's kinda ridiculous. I consider myself pretty good at these games, but 99% of the time there's 1 guy/gal in the match that destroys everyone. It took about 25 total tournaments to get this achievement.

Also, I looked at my Friends on the leaderboard. You are my only friend to have played this Metal.

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