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Homefront MP videos

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1Homefront MP videos Empty Homefront MP videos 2010-11-04, 23:30



Not sure how I missed these but I thought I'd post them for everyone here. I loved Frontlines and have been looking forward to Homefront (with my fingers crossed).

I'm worried though because he doesn't mention the frontlines gametype which is what made that game so great. frontlines mode was like conquest and rush mixed together.

The MP is 32 player which is what Frontlines was originally, but they bumped it up to 50 players a couple months after release... My fingers are still crossed.

Watch the vids and tell me what you guys think. Possibly an upcoming SeC game?

2Homefront MP videos Empty Re: Homefront MP videos 2010-11-04, 23:33



This game will fail just because it is made by THQ.

3Homefront MP videos Empty Re: Homefront MP videos 2010-11-04, 23:38



Looks awesome =D

4Homefront MP videos Empty Re: Homefront MP videos 2010-11-04, 23:40



I could've sworn I heard about this years ago. I was really excited to hear about it, but I completely forgot until I saw this.

5Homefront MP videos Empty Re: Homefront MP videos 2010-11-04, 23:41



T-800 wrote:This game will fail just because it is made by THQ.

Homefront MP videos 65

6Homefront MP videos Empty Re: Homefront MP videos 2010-11-04, 23:43



Higurashi wrote:
T-800 wrote:This game will fail just because it is made by THQ.

Homefront MP videos 65
These people made frontlines........

7Homefront MP videos Empty Re: Homefront MP videos 2010-11-04, 23:44



T-800 wrote:This game will fail just because it is made by THQ.

THQ publishes a lot of good games man. They're no better/no worse than Activision or EA. If it fails it will be because of the amount of shooters released and the marketing power of CoD and Halo.

I was asking what you, personally, thought of what you saw from a game perspective. Not how well you thought it will sell.

Watch the vids.

8Homefront MP videos Empty Re: Homefront MP videos 2010-11-04, 23:44



Wait, THQ is making this game?! I should've paid attention, but all I have to say to that, is:

9Homefront MP videos Empty Re: Homefront MP videos 2010-11-04, 23:44



Metalzoic wrote:
T-800 wrote:This game will fail just because it is made by THQ.

THQ publishes a lot of good games man. They're no better/no worse than Activision or EA. If it fails it will be because of the amount of shooters released and the marketing power of CoD and Halo.

I was asking what you, personally, thought of what you saw from a game perspective. Not how well you thought it will sell.

Watch the vids.

I can not remember the last time I played a good THQ game.

10Homefront MP videos Empty Re: Homefront MP videos 2010-11-04, 23:45



I'll get it if you guys do. I think it looks really good.

11Homefront MP videos Empty Re: Homefront MP videos 2010-11-04, 23:46



Frontlineswas a great game. It just started out like BC2... a laggy, glitchy mess. A month later it ran smooth. Smooth enough that they bumped it up to 50 players.

12Homefront MP videos Empty Re: Homefront MP videos 2010-11-04, 23:47



I've never played the first one. They actually produced it though? I thought that it died? Unless you're talking about Frontline: Fuel of War, and I tried out the SP, and thought it was decent.

13Homefront MP videos Empty Re: Homefront MP videos 2010-11-04, 23:47



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:I've never played the first one. They actually produced it though? I thought that it died? Unless you're talking about Frontline: Fuel of War, and I tried out the SP, and thought it was decent.
Frontlines: fuel of war.

14Homefront MP videos Empty Re: Homefront MP videos 2010-11-04, 23:48



THQ made Hello Kitty: Happy Party Pals. Of course this will be awesome!

15Homefront MP videos Empty Re: Homefront MP videos 2010-11-04, 23:48



Yeah, that game Tom. I thought it was Frontlines, but I wasn't 100% sure.


16Homefront MP videos Empty Re: Homefront MP videos 2010-11-04, 23:49



The reason I have very little faith is because these people are very new studio and there last game sucked at least the demo did.

17Homefront MP videos Empty Re: Homefront MP videos 2010-11-04, 23:50



T-800 wrote:The reason I have very little faith is because these people are very new studio and there last game sucked at least the demo did.

THQ isn't new. >_> Unless you mean that studio section.

18Homefront MP videos Empty Re: Homefront MP videos 2010-11-04, 23:51



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:
T-800 wrote:The reason I have very little faith is because these people are very new studio and there last game sucked at least the demo did.

THQ isn't new. >_> Unless you mean that studio section.
The studio making it.

19Homefront MP videos Empty Re: Homefront MP videos 2010-11-04, 23:52



Oh, okay. Gotcha.

20Homefront MP videos Empty Re: Homefront MP videos 2010-11-04, 23:52



I can not remember the last time I played a good THQ game.

Darksiders, Metro 2033, Saints row 1/2, Drawn to life, Frontlines, All the MX games (most are good), Their MotoGP games are fucking awesome and it bites they don't make them anymore... Hmmm, I can't think of any other ones at the moment.

They've had some good ones.

21Homefront MP videos Empty Re: Homefront MP videos 2010-11-04, 23:55



T-800 wrote:The reason I have very little faith is because these people are very new studio and there last game sucked at least the demo did.

You didn't read what I posted above did you. I agree with you, the demo for Frontlines was broken. The actual game was great once the kinks got worked out.

22Homefront MP videos Empty Re: Homefront MP videos 2010-11-04, 23:57



Metalzoic wrote:
T-800 wrote:The reason I have very little faith is because these people are very new studio and there last game sucked at least the demo did.

You didn't read what I posted above did you. I agree with you, the demo for Frontlines was broken. The actual game was great once the kinks got worked out.
Oh I did not know what you were referring to and I did not know THQ published darksiders.

23Homefront MP videos Empty Re: Homefront MP videos 2010-11-05, 11:16



I played the demo for Frontlines, liked the concept, but didn't dig the execution. If they could actually release a stable game I'd probably give it a look. Looks like it could be a good successor to BC2.

24Homefront MP videos Empty Re: Homefront MP videos 2010-11-05, 11:58



blackholedreams wrote:I played the demo for Frontlines, liked the concept, but didn't dig the execution. If they could actually release a stable game I'd probably give it a look. Looks like it could be a good successor to BC2.

Once again, I agree. The demo for Frontlines was a broken mess (maybe why it got taken down right after the game released?) and didn't represent how the finished game ran.

Like I said earlier, about a month after Frontlines released they had the lag issues fixed and the game ran really smooth with 32 players.

They got it running so good that they bumped the player count up to 50 players! 25 per team with several maps as big (maybe bigger) than any BC2 maps. They also released 5 more maps for the game with new weapons and vehicles on them. Good stuff!

25Homefront MP videos Empty Re: Homefront MP videos 2010-11-05, 13:02



Probably worth my time, then.

26Homefront MP videos Empty Re: Homefront MP videos 2010-11-06, 02:19



We'll see... hopefully it doesn't suck!

27Homefront MP videos Empty Re: Homefront MP videos 2010-11-06, 16:13



I didn't play BF2:MC on 360 so Frontlines gave me my Big Battle(BF pc) fix.

Was it fun?....Sure. Was it good?......Not really. Guns where paper and most vehicles need 3 people shooting rockets to get one hit. It was nice the Vechiles needed ammo.

The Kit up-grades where fine. Sniper+Air Strike was a fave of mine. When you had a sqaud going you could really change the battle. 5 men tearing up 25 un-oragnized force behind enemy lines was a blast. To bad most people in tha game where fucking dumb.

This game.......I dunno.....Super Korea in the US? ugh.....Whats with the US invasion syndrome all of a sudden?

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