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The Adli Corporation
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1Homefront Empty Homefront 2011-03-05, 19:06



So who is all getting this game? I was watching some videos and reading up about it and it looks awesome. But i know most of my FR list on xbox isn't getting it so depending if some of you are getting it i might. What are your guys opinions?

2Homefront Empty Re: Homefront 2011-03-05, 19:10

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation


ill probably get it a week after it comes out.

3Homefront Empty Re: Homefront 2011-03-05, 19:30



yeah ill probably be getting it

4Homefront Empty Re: Homefront 2011-03-05, 19:33

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I am getting it for sure.

Of course might not be day one as I was planning. I got 60 bucks in both my accounts, and Pokemon comes out this Sunday, and I preordered it off Amazon. And I am not sure if Amazon already took my money or what, cause I could have sworn I was supposed to have more then 60 when I checked my accounts Friday(Payday).

But of course I did check my accounts early Friday morning, so my direct deposit may have not already gone through.

5Homefront Empty Re: Homefront 2011-03-05, 19:41



Probably get it after a few weeks.

6Homefront Empty Re: Homefront 2011-03-05, 20:22



I will rent if I can.

7Homefront Empty Re: Homefront 2011-03-05, 23:17



Quite a few of us are getting it now. DL and Metal have pre-ordered and I plan on getting it on release or, like Fox, a week later or so.
You will have maybe ten or more SeC playing it.

8Homefront Empty Re: Homefront 2011-03-06, 01:06



Already paid for

9Homefront Empty Re: Homefront 2011-03-06, 01:08



This should be in the gaming Forums dude

If you dont know how to get there go to the Home button at the top of the page then Speakeasy gaming

10Homefront Empty Re: Homefront 2011-03-06, 01:49



Oh I didn't know that there was a specific board for that. I pick lounge cause I didn't see anything else. Sorry bout that I'll make sure I post it on the right place

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