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Top 5 Best Zombie movies IYO

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1Top 5 Best Zombie movies IYO Empty Top 5 Best Zombie movies IYO 2010-11-05, 12:37



1. Shaun of the Dead
2. Zombieland
3. Night of the Living Dead
4. Dawn of the Dead
5. 28 Days Later



1: Dawn of the Dead. (we need another georgey movie to follow this)
2: 28 days later
3: 28 weeks later
4: zombie land
5: shaun of the dead



I didn't like 28 weeks later very much for some reason. It's not horrible, but I loved the first movie so much more.


1)Night Of The Living Dead (1990)

The rest in no particular order

Dawn Of The Dead (2004)
Dawn Of The Dead (1978)
Day Of The Dead (1985)
Shaun Of The Dead

Night gets #1 all time to me purely because it was the first zombie movie I ever saw.

I was a kid and it came on cable and I had no idea what it was about, but by the end it was mind=blown status.



I think 28 weeks later was the weaker flick because of the whole military involvement thing, and the fact that there was a carrier in the movie, which also became.

Now Night of the living dead was in black and white? and that was the one where the girl was in the house with the black guy that ended up turning? and the end of the movie was in color!? i vaguely remember the movie.


The 1968 version of Night was the black and white one. It's a classic for sure, but I prefer the 1990 version for the aforementioned sentimental reason.

The 1968 version is required viewing for zed heads imo.



My first zombie flick was also the 1990 Night of the Living Dead. It is where I get my base idea of what a zombie is.

Have you see the Night of the Living Dead remake with Sid Haig? It's suppsoed to be 3D. I caught it on OnDemand. It's not very good. But it has some humor in it.


Yeah I saw it lol. It's not very good, but it was somewhat fun.



I love Sid Haig for his Captain Spaulding character in House of a Thousand Corpses and Devil's Rejects.


YES! I love both of those movies. They both get loads of hate though lol.



I don't get the hate though. They're up there in my top ten favorite horror movies.

Fuck yo mama! Fuck yo sister! Fuck yo Grandma! But Most of all... Fuck You! *Boom!!!*

God I love that guy!


I think people hate on them because of Rob Zombie.

Zombie likes to use Haig alot and Ken Foree who was in the original Dawn Of The Dead.

Hilarious scene from TDR:

Language warning

Last edited by Kenneth on 2010-11-05, 13:34; edited 1 time in total



Zombie's wife is a hottie. And also in all of his films. Sherrie Moon Zombie.

Obviously I like Rob. He's the original MISTER ZOMBIE


Yeah she's pretty damn fine.



I love that scene. lol...

"Are you saying... that I would cut off a chicken's head? Stick my dick in it? Fuck it... And go "Aah"?"

I'm not sure I could have made it through that line without cracking up.

I'm starting to think you and I are the only Horror Movie fans here D.


Horror is my favorite genre for sure. I like being scared. Action and Sci-fi is right there also though.

Somewhat horror related, have you seen Sunshine?



Doesnt ring a bell.



Is it the re-igniting the sun movie? I just googled.


Yeah it's that. It's pretty good, check it out if you can.



Will do. I've been watching a lot of movies lately. Catching up, if you will.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Night of the Living Dead (original and remake)
Dawn of the Dead (original)
Day of the Dead (original)
Zombie Flesh Eaters
Shaun of the Dead


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