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mildly annoyed!

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1mildly annoyed! Empty mildly annoyed! 2010-12-10, 16:19



my boyfriend and i left a ton of our stuff here in storage in CA when we moved back to WA about a year ago, and over the course of my stay in CA i have been seeing my things in other people's houses, such as my microwave at my brother's house, my cutting board and favorite measuring spoons at my mom's, some dishes at my sister's...

it's starting to really piss me off tbqh.

if they had asked me to use these items, i would have said yes, you can borrow them, as i am not using them so have at it. but they did not, and i am pretty sure they've got no intentions of ever giving them back (especially my brother, he is famous for taking my things and never giving them back EVER, like my PS2 that he kept taking out of my room and using, and never putting back, until he eventually got a 360 and GAVE MY SYSTEM AWAY. prickface.).

gah! just because it is in storage does not mean people can just come and take whatever the hell they want without asking, that is just so fucking rude. i need to tell everybody ya'll need to give me my shit back before i come through your houses and start taking stuff of yours without asking. fuckers.

2mildly annoyed! Empty Re: mildly annoyed! 2010-12-10, 16:20



Just go demand your stuff back and but it in storage.

3mildly annoyed! Empty Re: mildly annoyed! 2010-12-10, 16:23



i know i do, but i am a wuss lol

4mildly annoyed! Empty Re: mildly annoyed! 2010-12-10, 16:25



Heebs wrote:i know i do, but i am a wuss lol
nothing like calling the cops on family lol.

5mildly annoyed! Empty Re: mildly annoyed! 2010-12-10, 16:29



That's theft. Why do you even trust him with your belongings? (no offense) If somebody ever stole my shit, that would be the last thing they ever did unless they gave it back and apologized.

6mildly annoyed! Empty Re: mildly annoyed! 2010-12-10, 16:47



it is in my mom and dad's storage, but they let my siblings go in there and loot my things for some reason, it's very irritating. my dad's philosophy?? "I'll buy you a new one."

so far he owes me quite a lot of shit >.>

7mildly annoyed! Empty Re: mildly annoyed! 2010-12-10, 16:49



That sucks, that really does. It's stupid when somebody you care about steals your things. Sad

8mildly annoyed! Empty Re: mildly annoyed! 2010-12-10, 16:50



I would suggest putting it in a real storage container and not with your parents.

9mildly annoyed! Empty Re: mildly annoyed! 2010-12-10, 17:12



Leave a notice on their door requesting the items to be returned to storage in 30 days. After 30 days go to their house, and take your shit back!

10mildly annoyed! Empty Re: mildly annoyed! 2010-12-10, 21:38



Kick him in the balls, then tell him he can either A. give you your microwave back, or B. give you his baby for keeps, like a trade, ja? Win win.

11mildly annoyed! Empty Re: mildly annoyed! 2010-12-10, 21:41



I found a controller in my friend's house, with the unique finger grip rub off located on thumb sticks (which all of my friends recognize as my signature of using such controller for a long period of time). My friend tried to claim that it was his, but everyone just LoL'd.

12mildly annoyed! Empty Re: mildly annoyed! 2010-12-10, 21:43



That would make me mad too. What you should do is take something of there's that's more valuable for every item of yours they've "borrowed"... plus like Sheep said, kick em' in the balls.

13mildly annoyed! Empty Re: mildly annoyed! 2010-12-10, 21:45


Just tell them that the items are their Christmas gifts.

14mildly annoyed! Empty Re: mildly annoyed! 2010-12-10, 21:47



D00MSDAY DEVICE wrote:Just tell them that the items are their Christmas gifts.
I think I'm going to use that one on my controller friend. LoL

15mildly annoyed! Empty Re: mildly annoyed! 2010-12-10, 21:51



I hate theft. I would probably quit being a friend to someone if they ever stole from me intentionally (not accidently take something, then give it back, but really steal it)

16mildly annoyed! Empty Re: mildly annoyed! 2010-12-10, 22:23



i think i will take my brother's Wii as payment, along with his baby, then tell him he can have the microwave as a Christmas present.

everyone else can keep what they took because i would then have, not only a Wii, but a really cute baby, and i think that would make me feel a lot better >.>

17mildly annoyed! Empty Re: mildly annoyed! 2010-12-10, 22:26



That is a good plan. After you do that you should meet me for drinks...

18mildly annoyed! Empty Re: mildly annoyed! 2010-12-10, 22:28



are you trying to seduce me, sir? lol

19mildly annoyed! Empty Re: mildly annoyed! 2010-12-10, 22:29



Not yet. I'll save that for when we actually meet. Wink

20mildly annoyed! Empty Re: mildly annoyed! 2010-12-10, 22:30



mildly annoyed! 8269af4fa2d0b2fb31f91ab77a8e7b4a1228261038_full

21mildly annoyed! Empty Re: mildly annoyed! 2010-12-10, 22:33




Metal, you're a shameless flirt, you know that? <3

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