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Oh, today is such a great day...>_>

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I'm stuck at my Mom's house with NOTHING to do all day; the only reason I had to come here was to bury the skunk because she was too lazy to. It was AWFUL; I've never smelled something so putrid in my entire life, and trust me, I've smelled A LOT of very bad smells. So, now I get to wait here until my Dad gets here around 6:00, bored out of my mind, on the super slow internet. Awesome. Just great. >_> I don't even get to play Black Ops until 6:30 or so. I don't care if that game turns out to be the biggest piece of shit ever; I need a new CoD, right now, lol.



That sucks man. Does your mom live out in the sticks or something? Why you burying roadkill D:



Well, I shot a skunk a few days ago, because it was in a trap, and it was too small to cover it up and release the animal somewhere else (it ended up spraying her, and I laughed when she called about it). Anyways, she was too lazy to bury it, so I had to come out, dig a hole, and bury the skunk. It smelled SO bad, because it had leaked fluids after it had died on itself; I had to dig until I couldn't tolerate it, then back away and get fresh air before I threw up, then dig again. To make matters worse, the body was all stiff, so I wouldn't come out of the trap; it took me 3 attempts to shuffle it out into the hole and quickly throw dirt on it.

Yeah, we live out of range of DSL internet, so it's either dial-up, or get lucky enough to get a signal from somebody else's wireless connection, which is only a little faster. :/



fuck that blows

the only thing I could compare that to is picking up dead seagulls when the murder of crows took over the block and had some kind of territory war with everything else in the area. I had to pick up a bunch of dead quails, seagulls, everything really.



Yeah. I wish it was a crow or something that I had to shoot instead. Lol. That was the worst thing I've ever smelled. It's not even really the actual scent that bothers you, but once you smell it, it seems to stay in your nose for a minute, even if you get away from it, and if it builds up too much, you instantly start to have a gag reflex start going. Dx

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