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Great day today! :D

6 posters

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1Great day today! :D Empty Great day today! :D 2010-11-23, 22:33



Well, I had to wake up at 5:30 this morning, as opposed to 12:00 (I'm really lazy these days, I know Sad ). It was -12 with windchill, which is odd, because a few days ago it was in the 30s-40s in the morning.

I got to go back to the spay and neuter clinic I used to volunteer at with my Mom, which was rather entertaining, and it wasn't that busy (only about 10 dogs and 2 cats, as opposed to 30-40 total on average, because of the blizzard and whiteout conditions on the roads). I got to make coffee (hot chocolate for one person),learned how to neatly fold towels, and had a funny conversation about people having rabies, moths having rabies (I got laugh quite a bit with this one), and help clean/sterilize instruments, and wrap them. Then, possibly the most hiliarious/strange thing, was all the staff (they're all women, I'm the only guy, besides one of the doctors, who alternates every other day, who wasn't there today though) was taking pictures of a dog's testicles because they were shaped like a heart (very strange, I know, but easily hilarious) and were talking about sending them to people for Valentine's Day in Februrary.

After work, I got to try to get sheet music, but saw nothing interesting at the one store, so I'll have to go back tomorrow at a different one. I also randomly picked things to make a sandwich at Subway for once, just for fun, and it actually turned out pretty good.

Awesome day! How'd your guy's day go? I hope none of you from WA had to go through Snoqualimie today; it's treacherous right now.

2Great day today! :D Empty Re: Great day today! :D 2010-11-23, 22:36


I've been stuck at home all day because of snow. To get just about anywhere, I need to go down plenty of hills, which I'm not risking because I have NO idea how to drive in snow. It's pretty crazy in Seattle, we even got on the national news because people are so bad at driving. They all leave their cars in the middle of the street and start walking home, and are surprised when they get there in the morning and their cars have been towed haha.

3Great day today! :D Empty Re: Great day today! :D 2010-11-23, 22:39



We on the Eastside always get a kick of the Westside getting snow. Very Happy

I would stay indoors there, even if I knew how to drive in the snow, because so many people don't know how to. It's actually not very difficult. Easy on the gas, easy on the brakes, gently turn. It's all about slowing down, and taking it easy.

4Great day today! :D Empty Re: Great day today! :D 2010-11-23, 22:40


Yea. I just got my license though, so I just haven't had the chance to drive. It really does seem like the main problem is people being idiots. It's common sense not to go fast on ice, but I guess most people in Seattle lack common sense. It's a joke. I remember when I lived in the Midwest, it took 3 feet of snow for school to be cancelled as compared to like an inch or two here.

5Great day today! :D Empty Re: Great day today! :D 2010-11-23, 22:42



Let's see...

I went to class. Gov't was uneventful. History was interesting. Speech was annoying, because I'm working in a group, and we've got this girl who assumed the responsibility to be the leader, and she's an anal-retentive, tightly-wound control freak. I kept trying to piss her off by telling her things like I planned on coming in to class drunk on the day of our presentation, but she didn't even grin. No sense of humor. She's pretty, but I've never met a more unattractive girl. She'd probably be awesome if she ate a bottle of valium.

Anyway, after that, I played BlOps, raged hard, then went grocery shopping. I bought too many ingredients for my salad that I made. I mean, I have enough salad to feed probably 25 people. I'm not very good at making food. I really overestimated the amount of vegetables I'd need.

Then, after the salad, I ate some and it was tasty. Now I'm drinking beers and acting like a spaz, and listening to music. Also, I'm listening to music. MUSIC.

6Great day today! :D Empty Re: Great day today! :D 2010-11-23, 22:42



Yeah, that's how it pretty much is here. Sad The only reason a lot of schools were closed today wasn't from the amount, but the whiteout driving conditions, and the sheer cold. Our school district was open, like always though. :/

Music is always great. Smile

7Great day today! :D Empty Re: Great day today! :D 2010-11-23, 22:43


Music is more than great.

8Great day today! :D Empty Re: Great day today! :D 2010-11-23, 22:44



It's everything.
I can't imagine existing without it. Life would be so boring.

9Great day today! :D Empty Re: Great day today! :D 2010-11-23, 22:46



I love music. It's amazing how something about the way sound is sequenced can creat such a reaction in your body and mind.

10Great day today! :D Empty Re: Great day today! :D 2010-11-23, 22:51


It really is amazing when you think about it. Humans have been making music since almost the dawn of time, it's a huge part of us.

11Great day today! :D Empty Re: Great day today! :D 2010-11-23, 23:45



The Cramtron ™ wrote:She's pretty, but I've never met a more unattractive girl. She'd probably be awesome if she ate a bottle of valium.

Ha! I know the type.

12Great day today! :D Empty Re: Great day today! :D 2010-11-24, 01:20



Nice to hear you had a good day.

13Great day today! :D Empty Re: Great day today! :D 2010-11-24, 01:25



First day of cold weather here, with a inch of snow on the ground. School wasn't kind to me today, but in the city I hear there was hundreds of accidents because of the snow and city. Stupid city drivers, learn how to drive.

14Great day today! :D Empty Re: Great day today! :D 2010-11-24, 01:28



Freezing ass cold outside for eastern WA. Forget driving around Seattle with it's steep downtown streets.

15Great day today! :D Empty Re: Great day today! :D 2010-11-24, 01:29



It is 56 degrees outside where I live.

16Great day today! :D Empty Re: Great day today! :D 2010-11-24, 01:32



18° F. outside here right now. My right nipple actually froze and fell off.

17Great day today! :D Empty Re: Great day today! :D 2010-11-24, 01:34



34 degrees. Coldest it has been in quite a while. We've had a pretty warm November for Cleveland, but I hear it's supposed to snow this weekend.

I dread it.

Last edited by The Cramtron on 2010-11-24, 01:42; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : "NOVERMBER..." I typed it lowercase, so the r blended in with the m; thusly: "Novermber." It's insane, I know that I would not notice that, but for a while now I've been playing a game to see how long I can make this explanation.)

18Great day today! :D Empty Re: Great day today! :D 2010-11-24, 01:37



Yeah it snowed quite a bit here yesterday and surprisingly it hasn't melted off yet. It's still to damn cold. Brought all eastern WA to a standstill. The paper said we had a plane slide off the runway today. Shocked

19Great day today! :D Empty Re: Great day today! :D 2010-11-24, 01:38



Kari just told me it took a friend of ours that rides the bus 7 fucking hours to get home from work last night because of the weather. That. Would. Suck. Ass!

20Great day today! :D Empty Re: Great day today! :D 2010-11-24, 02:00



Well I had Hot Topics this morning. Nothing wakes you up than a picture of a vagina that has laser burns to remove warts. Or a rotting dick. Then had a Spanish vocab test and aced it. Then had a chemisty test. I think I did fine. English we evaluated Jeffersons claims/counteratguments to Britian for independence. Then in algebra I did some work that needed turning in. Grade went from 67 to 95.

21Great day today! :D Empty Re: Great day today! :D 2010-11-24, 03:56


Yea Metal, I saw on the news tons of people having to sit on the highways stuck in their cars for hours, buses crashing, people crashing, people leaving their cars. Snow just brings Seattle to a halt.

22Great day today! :D Empty Re: Great day today! :D 2010-11-24, 05:13



Spent day with female counterpart.

Always good Smile

23Great day today! :D Empty Re: Great day today! :D 2010-11-24, 05:38

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I'm reading all this and want to share how my day was, but the fact of the matter is that with the time difference, I'm just waking up.

so, um...good day?

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