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My comprehensive review.

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1My comprehensive review. Empty My comprehensive review. 2010-11-10, 05:23



Single player: Haven't tried it, but I might.

Zombies: Haven't tried it, but I might.

Multiplayer: Pretty fun (mostly), but I forgot how much the CoD games make me angry. I do like it more than Reach though. I played for a few hours until I reached rank 14 and overall my urge to get rid of it is stronger than my urge to play it... not a good sign.

I'll give it a couple more days to see if I enjoy it more.

2My comprehensive review. Empty Re: My comprehensive review. 2010-11-10, 05:25



I noticed that after I stopped playing cod my anger levels went WAY down. I would like to see what you think of it in a day or two.

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