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Ouch! Im struggling with COD

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1Ouch! Im struggling with COD Empty Ouch! Im struggling with COD 2010-11-10, 17:52



Well I havent played cod online since four,.and im finding the transistion hard. My kd is sitting at .90 right now......terrible. Its going to take me a bit to adjust. Any pointers from you COD vets?



I'd help you, but I need dome help here too.



This game plays A LOT differently from the other CoD's, so I can't really give a lot of advice. My only advice is to pick a gun that you feel very comfortable with, and sticking with it. Don't hold down the trigger and let the gun spray all over unless they're close to you. Also, the a lot of getting better is knowing when to ADS, and when to hipfire. Good luck. Smile

I would help teach you by showing you some of the things I do, but I don't really know how to teach anything. Sad



Though I still have not played BO, I will just speak from my all previous CoD experiences.

The way I play CoD is to remind myself constantly to slow down. Unlike BF, where it is a slower paced game, so I don't have to do anything special to fit the pace, but CoD type of 'twitch shooters' tend to urge me to hurry up and do something.

By ignoring that little urge in me, it usually gets me to pay more attention, and calm down.

Of course, there is an option of just enjoying the game, and run around freely.



You just going to have to suffer with a bad kdr until you get a feel for the weapons, and learn the maps.

That's just something I've found to be true for every shooter. Don't worry about your kdr until you're confident enough that you're capable of raising it.



well, if you quickly see a guy, quickly hipfire, then aim down sight and line up ur shot.

use ur grenade at low health

ALWAYS stick to the edges of the maps, neer the midle unless u really know what youre doing.

uav killstreak and lower killstreaks


dont sprint if you think ur near combat

i dont know about black ops but if ur under fire, drop or sprint to cover



If you hadn't played until COD4, like Cramtron said, you will just have to suffer until you get used to COD again, learn the maps and find a gun and play style you lie the most.

A few basic tips are don't keep running back to kill the same guy who killed you. Most of the time its better to just go somewhere else instead of feeding the guy kills. Also on that note, be aware that if you camp in one spot for to long, someone you killed will come back and grenade your ass.

Learn the hot spots in the map and try to stay out of them, instead flank and hit from behind. COD is all about map knowledge and getting the drop on the enemy.



Hey guys! Just wanted to bump to say ikk be online to game today. Im getting used to black ops and my game is improving for sure.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

i went positive for the day!

my kdr is still in the bucket but improvement has been had.
i switchef to semi-auto weapons sym, it makes me be more cautious since i know ill loose a head on firefight



Yea the transistion from BF can be quite jarring. It took me a good three days to get my kd into the positive ha. The first day and a half was bad, real bad. Until I got my beloved AUG.

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