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Ouch Gamespot gave it a 6 as well

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Brinks taking punches left and right. Getting ready to watch the review now to see what they say.



*DL secretly laughs under his breath!



Naw man. I do laugh when I go to the GFQ boards and watch the trolls battle the fan boys, but the whole anti brink was just some bull shit joke between Epyk and myself good for some Lowls. But I will say that Epyk did not hold up on his end with the pro Brink, anti Homefront propaganda! HAHAHA But for my Fellow SeCers I was hoping they had a hit. It's taking a beating though. I aplaud Homefront and Brink for trying to bust in on the FPS game. Its just hard to do.



that's also why i don't trust this new "rage" game coming out soon...

I saw a commentary on the dashboard last night, and the guy says you come out into a desolate land after a meteor strike hits the planet. You've been hiding in life pods underground built by the governments of the world...

All i could think about was "hmmmm this sounds like a spinoff of the fallout universe".

I'll wait for gears 3 i thoroughly enjoyed the first 2.



Yea I know I'll get tons of fun out of Gears 3 so that will be my next game purchase as well.

Air Supremacy

Air Supremacy

I was gonna get Brink, but I decided to get Dead Space 2 instead.



^you made a good decision man.I ended up trading in Dead Space 2 for Left 4 Dead 2 and Halo Reach,same day I got Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 for only 9 bucks and got the first Vegas for 3 bucks lol

man,I was thinkin about gettin Brink,but honestly,to me,it's hard to justify 65 bucks for a game in today's sorry ass economy,and it just seems like people do half assed jobs on important parts of games.Maybe part of it is being burned out on games,but the only thing that interests me this year since Mass Effect 3 got delayed is Battlefield 3 and Skyrim.

I played enough and watched enough of the Gears 3 beta to know that game is still bullshit....

I wouldn't mind renting it,but for online?fuck that game lol

I already knew Brink wasn't gonna be able to compete with anything,sad as it is,if it's not Call of Duty in todays market,it doesn't mean a whole lot....=/

Battlefield and Halo are next in line,but still have far fewer players than Black Ops for example

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Dead Space 2 is fucking amazing. We should play some online together.



I didn't know anybody else here even had Dead Space 2 or I would of played it with yall when I used to have it.....

I still have the 1st Dead Space.Man that game scared the fuck outta me when I first played it,the only game to truly ever do that,which is why I decided I'd always keep it Smile

the 2nd was very good,epic story and smooth gameplay.I hated the button mashing in the multiplayer when a necro jumps on you though.....made my hands get so tired since it was constant.But the MP was fun for what it was worth...

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