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feedback please

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1feedback please Empty feedback please 2010-11-12, 13:56

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

iv been thinking that as far as the site is concerned, i would just post gaming and other relevant news which would in turn allow me to RSS feed it strait to the forums.

i would post blogish articles here and there, and also host the SeC reviews
(sorry for the wait wacco) (i apologize again shoji)

so in a sense it would just be a background extension of the forums so they stay at the forefront of our community

2feedback please Empty Re: feedback please 2010-11-12, 14:08



Sounds like a good idea to me. Also, your new picture, looks...epic! Lol.

3feedback please Empty Re: feedback please 2010-11-12, 14:28



feedback please 7-52

feedback please Konata-pointing-big-1

then it becomes

feedback please Adam-g10

Anyway, interesting idea, btw.

4feedback please Empty Re: feedback please 2010-11-12, 19:14



I didn't even know there was a website...

5feedback please Empty Re: feedback please 2010-11-12, 19:19

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I had daily updates for a while, but then real life got in the way.
If I only do rss feeds andoccasion blogs I can keep upp with it

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