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Considering picking up BC2 again (need feedback)

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So I'm thinking of trading in Black Ops (maybe Crysis 2 as well) and considering getting Bad Company 2 with the credit. Now I know most of you like BC2 so before you all go out and say pick it up again...there's some things I'm curious about. These are just some I can think of off the top of my head.

Have there been any tweaks or adjustment since the game came out? Haven't played in a long time and can't remember if there were any adjustments made to the game before I stopped playing or not.

Are there still a lot people that don't seem to be of any help at all during matches? I love playing objective modes and one of the main problems I remember I had playing multiplayer is that a lot of people prefer to just sit all the way in the back and snipe. Even thought the majority of them seem to have no idea how to snipe at all.

Do teams still seem to be completely helpless against enemy vehicles? One reason I like homefront so much is that I don't need to be a specific class in order to even stand a chance against vehicles so in BC2, do most teams you play on still pretty much leave enemy vehicles unchecked until you do something about it yourself?

Would it be better to wait for Brink and see how that turns out before deciding? I have my doubts about that game but I also think it has potential if done right.



There have been several rebalancing patches since the game came out.

There's still bush monsters.

Vehicles are made of styrofoam in BC2. They always have been. Even circle strafing chopper whores don't stand a chance against a good squad.

I say pick up BC2. Not that I have anything against Brink, looks like a neat game.



BC2! <3

Yeah, vehicles can be pretty easy to take out, and most time people seem to be pretty good about getting them dead.

There are still useless squad mates out there, but you have us!

But you could always wait til Stink comes out, just to be on the safe side. No need to go out and buy BC2 again if you're just going to let it collect dust while you play Brink, especially this close to 3 coming out.


That was one of the things that frustrated me when I played BC2 back then. When an enemy got into a seemed like my entire team just let the guy rampage with it the entire match and I would be the only one trying to take it out. In homefront there doesn't seem to be that problem at all. When there's a tank out...most of the time several team members including myself try to take it out with rocket launchers and what not.

And I know there's always going to be some people that are useless. I expect that from every shooter game now-a-days. Just wanna make sure that if I pick it up again, there's enough people doing something to make a difference so I'm not stuck trying to do everything myself all the time lol.

When does BF3 come out anyway?



PhantomZehn wrote:That was one of the things that frustrated me when I played BC2 back then. When an enemy got into a seemed like my entire team just let the guy rampage with it the entire match and I would be the only one trying to take it out. In homefront there doesn't seem to be that problem at all. When there's a tank out...most of the time several team members including myself try to take it out with rocket launchers and what not.

And I know there's always going to be some people that are useless. I expect that from every shooter game now-a-days. Just wanna make sure that if I pick it up again, there's enough people doing something to make a difference so I'm not stuck trying to do everything myself all the time lol.

When does BF3 come out anyway?

well now youve got us!

BF3 comes out in november.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I get upset when these basterds take out a vehicle before I can. Jackasses.

Ever seen 4+ rockets / c4 hitting a tank at once?

Also...I secretly like to shoot friendly C4 before they blow it....
especially if your name starts with khult



reminds me of this one time on isla defense where i think about 4 at4's & CG's hit a blackhawk at the same time...

awesum stuff


Brink comes out tuesday so i am sure reviews won't take too long to come out and then you can decide. I'll try to post my impressions of it once i've played it for a little while but i am never good at explaning things.

BC2 is usually always fun though and i am sure the servers will stay active for a long while.


Yea I'm definitely going to wait until Brink comes out and I hear more about it from people that have actually played it before making a decision. And no, I've never seen multiple rockets or c4 hit a tank at the same time since I was usually the only one trying to take these things down lol. Also I've never really been good using c4 no matter what game it was.

Considering picking up BC2 again (need feedback) 360_Phantom%20Zehn

Here's my stats from when I last played. As you can see I'm not too bad. But 1 man can't win the war lol. The 1 teamkill was most likely someone that ran within range of my grenade after I threw it.



have you ever seen 2 bricks of c4 fly 20+ feet?

if not, then you havent played with me. lol once you master the c4 toss the recon/assault becomes your antivehicle class

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Some times I wish you could see the faces of the people you just C4'd in the 3rd story attic ...frim the first floor...


I've tried c4 in just about every shooter game I've played. The only time I get a kill is when I pretty much just get lucky. Short story is I just plain suck at using them lol. My grenade tosses are fairly accurate though. If I get this I'm gonna have to take lessons from some of you c4 experts haha.

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