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So, why does everybody hate Sticks and Stones?

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Honestly, it's my favourite game. Dying to a stupid weapon deals extreme punishment by forcing you to lose all your points and melee kills are worth one quarter of a kill by a weapon that is harder to use.

The other games seem halfway stupid. Sharpshooter is very dumb a lot of the time, because it usually tends to give out weapons that I've never even seen, and most people have, so people that have played longer have a bullshit advantage (even though I usually win, and they all quit).

And Gun Game is just fucking stupid. I played it, and I was winning then I lost, because somebody had their friend feed them kills when they started losing (had the same clan tag), not to mention I died last in the game (typical). Either way, I saw people only using a revolver the whole match ( I came in 2nd, had the crossbow), or something stupid, meaning that once you fall behind, you're probably screwed, which is pretty stupid, not to mention being forced to use launchers (cough, China Lake) against better weapons, giving them a small chance to catch up, because you're at a disadvantage (stupid). Nobody is ever perfectly even.

Sticks and Stones is definitely the best of the 3 I've tried, because it's a perfectly even playing field the entire time, and punishes failure and mistakes severely. I'd try One in the Chamber, but I've heard it always becomes a camp fest.



I think its more of preference. I hate using the throwing knives (or tomahawks) and the ballistic knife. They just seem like stupid weapons only there to make your e-peen look bigger by using them.



The only thing I hate about it so far is getting 4th place to 3 people that have a negative K/D >_>



Because there is a Call of Duty board.



Weird, I posted it under CoD, but I guess it misposted for some reason.


Gun Game is never supposed to be even. That's the challenge of it.



You mean the stupidity?


If anything is stupid about it, it's that it doesn't actually go from best to worst, it just kind of jumps around the weapon classes. I don't know what you aren't getting about gun game.



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:The only thing I hate about it so far is getting 4th place to 3 people that have a negative K/D >_>

I'm not sure which game-type you're talking about here. But if it's a game where deaths don't matter, then what's to hate? They played better than you (even if they have a negative Kd).

Domination for example. Someone might go 25-1, but if they didn't help to win by capping flags then they suck in my book.

The Free-for-all game types are the same way. It matters not one tiny bit how much you die. It only matters how many kills you get. If I go 30-35 I still win because a positive kd with less kills doesn't mean shit.


Honestly, I stopped caring about K/D. It doesn't matter in CoD. You die so often that I just don't care. I just try and go for objectives, and killing as many as I can.



Sticks and Stones would be fun if the tomahawk didn't totally drain all your points. I'd be fine if it took away 100-300 or something, but I should lose when I have 900 points, and the guys next to me who has 150 wins because someone gets a lucky tomahawk throw.



No, in an FFA match, I just laugh when beat by people who ALL went negative, because everybody was spamming Tomahawks, and they got lucky enough not to get hit multiple times. I went 18-6 one match, and the people above me went 16-20, and 7-18, and I just died laughing, because it was so stupid.

Gun game is stupid because nobody is ever on a fair playing field. Sometimes you have an advantage, and sometimes they have the advantage. It would be like having a boxing match, then randomly flipping a coin, then giving one guy a gun, and the other guy gets his fists, and then wonder who wins, is how ridiculous the advantage usually is.


That's not true. I've won occasionally when I was at the sniper and some guy was on ballistic knife. It's really just luck and how good the other team is.



There's no teams; it's FFA. >_>

And yes, you can win, but what I hate about Wager Matches, is that they'll all luck for the most part, just like any FFA game. Can't find anybody or they spawn clear across the map from you repeatedly, so you can't find anybody half of the game? Too bad. One guy sucks, but everybody sucks worse, and you have no problem killing him when you find him, but dumbasses keep trying to kill him and feeding him kills? Too bad. TDM is the way to go, but then you have to contend with teammates....oh LIVE community, why must you be so stupid. Sad

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

I wish there was a game that would use the knife as it was intended. As a tool. With an option of carrying a multi-tool to disarm C4, Mines, etc. along with breaching.



Cookie Monster wrote:I wish there was a game that would use the knife as it was intended. As a tool. With an option of carrying a multi-tool to disarm C4, Mines, etc. along with breaching.

As a gameplay mechanic or just as an animation it would be cool.


Kitsune no Kaji wrote:No, in an FFA match, I just laugh when beat by people who ALL went negative, because everybody was spamming Tomahawks, and they got lucky enough not to get hit multiple times. I went 18-6 one match, and the people above me went 16-20, and 7-18, and I just died laughing, because it was so stupid.

Gun game is stupid because nobody is ever on a fair playing field. Sometimes you have an advantage, and sometimes they have the advantage. It would be like having a boxing match, then randomly flipping a coin, then giving one guy a gun, and the other guy gets his fists, and then wonder who wins, is how ridiculous the advantage usually is.
You really really really really really really really really don't understand gun game and I don't think you ever will.



Ingsmasher wrote:
Kitsune no Kaji wrote:No, in an FFA match, I just laugh when beat by people who ALL went negative, because everybody was spamming Tomahawks, and they got lucky enough not to get hit multiple times. I went 18-6 one match, and the people above me went 16-20, and 7-18, and I just died laughing, because it was so stupid.

Gun game is stupid because nobody is ever on a fair playing field. Sometimes you have an advantage, and sometimes they have the advantage. It would be like having a boxing match, then randomly flipping a coin, then giving one guy a gun, and the other guy gets his fists, and then wonder who wins, is how ridiculous the advantage usually is.
You really really really really really really really really don't understand gun game and I don't think you ever will.

Yes, I do. It's never perfectly balanced, and therefore not competitively worthy.


Call of Duty games are never perfectly balanced, and therefore not competitively worthy.

Do I win?



No, but because it's more unbalanced than even the uncompetitive amount it already was. At least it's more balanced than BC2. >_>

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