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Oh, Nuketown...

5 posters

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1Oh, Nuketown... Empty Oh, Nuketown... 2010-11-18, 02:31



How you should be removed from public games, because you are, by and far, the worst CoD map I have EVER played. I hated SHITment, and I hated Dome, but take the cake. Never have I wanted to castrate other players with a rusty spoon until you showed up, and I don't even feel that angry compared to how I normally do. Such a stupid fucking map. I don't think I'll ever know why people vote that shit to be played over and over again...but then again, they are all probably the same people who would go to the jukebox and play Lady Gaga and Bieber over and over again.


2Oh, Nuketown... Empty Re: Oh, Nuketown... 2010-11-18, 03:11


Nuketown is one of the most fun maps. You're doing it wrong if you don't think so.

3Oh, Nuketown... Empty Re: Oh, Nuketown... 2010-11-18, 03:16



I do good on it in free for all, but domination on that mad is an explosion frenzy. Take your flak jacket.

4Oh, Nuketown... Empty Re: Oh, Nuketown... 2010-11-18, 03:21


Demolition and Headquarters are awesome there.

5Oh, Nuketown... Empty Re: Oh, Nuketown... 2010-11-18, 03:29



Nuketown is fun once in a while, but whenever it pops up, it is voted for over and over and over again. It's asinine and it's made me hate the map with a passion.

6Oh, Nuketown... Empty Re: Oh, Nuketown... 2010-11-18, 03:30



They need to put in a rule so that twice 2 in a row takes a map out of the rotation for awhile.

I haven't even tried headquarters yet. Used to love that mode.

7Oh, Nuketown... Empty Re: Oh, Nuketown... 2010-11-18, 03:34


Metalzoic wrote:They need to put in a rule so that twice 2 in a row takes a map out of the rotation for awhile.

I haven't even tried headquarters yet. Used to love that mode.
Voting to replay a map is one of the best new features. Why would they take it out just because most people want to play a map over and over? Majority rules, you can back out and search again if you don't want to.

8Oh, Nuketown... Empty Re: Oh, Nuketown... 2010-11-18, 03:39



True, but for me backing out of a map means searching over and over for another game to get into until it "just clicks" and starts working again.

Sometimes it's instant, sometimes it takes 5+ minutes of "trying to join a game" etc...

9Oh, Nuketown... Empty Re: Oh, Nuketown... 2010-11-18, 03:40



Some people like to settle into a lobby that they're doing well in/have a good connection/etc etc. Only being able to play the same map twice in a row is a good idea.

Everything in moderation.

10Oh, Nuketown... Empty Re: Oh, Nuketown... 2010-11-18, 03:44


ante87 wrote:Some people like to settle into a lobby that they're doing well in/have a good connection/etc etc. Only being able to play the same map twice in a row is a good idea.

Everything in moderation.
Then those some people can vote for a different map.

11Oh, Nuketown... Empty Re: Oh, Nuketown... 2010-11-18, 04:42



It should be able to repeat a map once, then be forced to go on.

Also, I laugh at you if you actually think it's a good map. It has THE worst spawn system of any map I've played. I had a match, where my team and the enemy team, were spawning half and half, side by side in both spawns. Such a mess. I had a 47-1 game there, and I still think that map is the biggest piece of shit as far as spawns go.

12Oh, Nuketown... Empty Re: Oh, Nuketown... 2010-11-18, 04:43



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:It should be able to repeat a map once, then be forced to go on.

Also, I laugh at you if you actually think it's a good map. It has THE worst spawn system of any map I've played. I had a match, where my team and the enemy team, were spawning half and half, side by side in both spawns. Such a mess. I had a 47-1 game there, and I still think that map is the biggest piece of shit as far as spawns go.
It is.

13Oh, Nuketown... Empty Re: Oh, Nuketown... 2010-11-18, 04:45



I thought nothing could be worse than Shipment, then this map suprised me. Only map in the game that I don't like.

14Oh, Nuketown... Empty Re: Oh, Nuketown... 2010-11-18, 04:57


Kitsune no Kaji wrote:It should be able to repeat a map once, then be forced to go on.

Also, I laugh at you if you actually think it's a good map. It has THE worst spawn system of any map I've played. I had a match, where my team and the enemy team, were spawning half and half, side by side in both spawns. Such a mess. I had a 47-1 game there, and I still think that map is the biggest piece of shit as far as spawns go.
You keep talking about these good scores like it's any kind of challenge to do good against pub scrubs. I like Nuketown because it's always fast paced and sometimes having fun should take priority over stat-whoring and crying when someone spawns behind you on a 5 foot wide map.

15Oh, Nuketown... Empty Re: Oh, Nuketown... 2010-11-18, 05:01



As if CoD has any good competitive league (also, lol, considering you're the one bragging today about going 38-10)

I don't know about you, but dying, then respawning behind an enemy, then killing them, then dying isn't exactly fun. I think it's you who has a sense of fun that's screwed up. It's honestly about as fun as having a boxing match, but having to take turns to punch each other, when it should be if one guy is getting the shit beat out of him, and can't protect himself, then too bad. It's fun for the guy winning, instead of being fun for no one. Honestly, how is it fun to die that many times, and take turns killing each other, without getting a killstreak or anything.

16Oh, Nuketown... Empty Re: Oh, Nuketown... 2010-11-18, 05:05


Kitsune no Kaji wrote:As if CoD has any good competitive league (also, lol, considering you're the one bragging today about going 38-10)

I don't know about you, but dying, then respawning behind an enemy, then killing them, then dying isn't exactly fun. I think it's you who has a sense of fun that's screwed up. It's honestly about as fun as having a boxing match, but having to take turns to punch each other, when it should be if one guy is getting the shit beat out of him, and can't protect himself, then too bad. It's fun for the guy winning, instead of being fun for no one. Honestly, how is it fun to die that many times, and take turns killing each other, without getting a killstreak or anything.
I think you're the only one who thought I was serious when I posted that score.

I don't remember saying anything about it being competitive, and I don't know about you, but I don't die right after I get one kill.

17Oh, Nuketown... Empty Re: Oh, Nuketown... 2010-11-18, 05:09



Sometimes on Nuketown, you will, because you will spawn into gunfire, on a grenade, or better yet, into an airstrike your teammates have earned for them.

Yes, you can get high killstreaks, but that doesn't mean that the map isn't a piece of shit, and has problems with the spawns. I had a game on CoD4 on Shipment, where I went 121-7, but that doesn't mean that the map is any good. It's horrible. Nothing else to say. It's funny, because I'm not even going to argue this anymore, because you seem to be the only person I've ever seen that thinks that the map is fine, which says something.

18Oh, Nuketown... Empty Re: Oh, Nuketown... 2010-11-18, 14:15



The spawns on Nuketown are horrendous. I remember one match, I spawned and immediately killed a guy who was standing right in front of me, moved forward 10=15 feet and then got shot in the back by the guy i had JUST killed. He literally spawned in the spot I did seconds later. The killcam looked ridiculous.

Maybe people who "stat-whore" and don't like being reverse spawn-killed have fun too? Who are you to decide? Nuketown is a broken map for any gametype outside of FFA or Team Tactical.

19Oh, Nuketown... Empty Re: Oh, Nuketown... 2010-11-18, 14:23



/\ \/ /\ \/ > < > < A B A B X X Y Y

The nuke drops right away and the match is over before the shit show can begin...

20Oh, Nuketown... Empty Re: Oh, Nuketown... 2010-11-18, 14:25



noooooooooooo the konami code, noooooooooo.

21Oh, Nuketown... Empty Re: Oh, Nuketown... 2010-11-18, 16:14



I HATE nuketown. Gah! I agree, horrible.

22Oh, Nuketown... Empty Re: Oh, Nuketown... 2010-11-18, 16:16



Actually my strategy for that map helps the rage. Ill admit, I like to camp both garages with a motion detector to avoid the disgusting spawn system. Nobody goes through the garages, and you can still get a good view of most of that tiny map.

23Oh, Nuketown... Empty Re: Oh, Nuketown... 2010-11-18, 16:19



You can usually find me behind one of the couches standing in a puddle of my own piss with a snot bubble hanging out of my nose.

24Oh, Nuketown... Empty Re: Oh, Nuketown... 2010-11-18, 16:26



If you guys die alot, try my strategy. It cuts the frustration alot. Plus people are stupid so they will feed you kills by running through the housr or truck in the middle.

25Oh, Nuketown... Empty Re: Oh, Nuketown... 2010-11-18, 16:58



Yeah I usually camp upstairs with a claymore placed to kill anyone who comes in from either entrance. It's pointless to run around on that map.

26Oh, Nuketown... Empty Re: Oh, Nuketown... 2010-11-18, 17:00



Lol, that's pretty much what I did when I went 47-1; I got tired of bullshit, so I started doing that. The only bad thing, is that if they're smart enough to realize you're up there, and you don't have flak jacket, you're going to get bombarded by every explosive ever made.

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