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why does nuketown exist?

Patrick Star
10 posters

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1why does nuketown exist? Empty why does nuketown exist? 2010-12-27, 00:27

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

too much camping spots for such a small map its designed for the 74u

2why does nuketown exist? Empty Re: why does nuketown exist? 2010-12-27, 00:49



Because Shipment, Dome, and Rust exist.

3why does nuketown exist? Empty Re: why does nuketown exist? 2010-12-27, 00:56



Somehow, I've come to love that map.
I never liked Shipment, Dome, or Rust, however.

4why does nuketown exist? Empty Re: why does nuketown exist? 2010-12-27, 01:13

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

its rage made into a map imo one b52 will kill everyone buildings exceptional

5why does nuketown exist? Empty Re: why does nuketown exist? 2010-12-27, 02:22



I like it... Shipment also. But Dome and Rust sucked.

6why does nuketown exist? Empty Re: why does nuketown exist? 2010-12-27, 02:25



I love Nadetown it was one of my Fave maps on BlOps Very Happy

7why does nuketown exist? Empty Re: why does nuketown exist? 2010-12-27, 02:27



Frostbyrn wrote:I love Nadetown it was one of my Fave maps on BlOps Very Happy

That can be used for every map in the CoD series XD

8why does nuketown exist? Empty Re: why does nuketown exist? 2010-12-27, 02:29



Yeah but none has such Epyk Flashbang Spam Very Happy

9why does nuketown exist? Empty Re: why does nuketown exist? 2010-12-27, 03:01

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

i see what you did thar!

10why does nuketown exist? Empty Re: why does nuketown exist? 2010-12-27, 03:04


Nuketown is one of those fun things that they haven't gotten rid of yet.

Some related questions:

Why did they remove the option to vote for the same map more than twice?
Why is Sabotage 10 minutes instead of 20 like it normally is?
Why can't we play 9v9 Search?
Why did they add a spawn delay on Demolition?

These questions can all be responded to with the same answer: Treyarch/Infinity Ward can't accept that they make games that cater towards casuals, so they try and try and try their hardest to give public matches the illusion of being competitive. Rather than letting you vote for a map that you enjoy, you get to play a fun map twice before moving on to a map that nobody likes because otherwise it would be "unfair" or something like that.

Why isn't there 9v9 Search and Destroy or anything but Domination and Deathmatch? Well, silly, it's because that would be too much fun. It would also make it too easy for good players to level up in a system that has been repeatedly exploited despite the developers' best efforts to stop the community from doing so.

Why did they lower the time limit on Sabotage? Simple, they figured nobody played it anyways so they might as well take away the one thing that made it enjoyable to play with a party.

Why is there a spawn delay on Demolition now? Duh, it's because the fun part of demolition was that it replaced Sabotage as the longest lasting game mode and gave you a chance to kill people and have fun!!! Can't let that happen now can we?

I'm sure they'll stop making small maps from now on because there's too much complaining from the few people that don't know how to play game, despite the fact that the majority of the community enjoys playing them.

11why does nuketown exist? Empty Re: why does nuketown exist? 2010-12-27, 03:33



Because it is sometimes fun?

12why does nuketown exist? Empty Re: why does nuketown exist? 2010-12-27, 05:12

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

Mr. A. Knife wrote:Nuketown is one of those fun things that they haven't gotten rid of yet.

Some related questions:

Why did they remove the option to vote for the same map more than twice?
Why is Sabotage 10 minutes instead of 20 like it normally is?
Why can't we play 9v9 Search?
Why did they add a spawn delay on Demolition?

These questions can all be responded to with the same answer: Treyarch/Infinity Ward can't accept that they make games that cater towards casuals, so they try and try and try their hardest to give public matches the illusion of being competitive. Rather than letting you vote for a map that you enjoy, you get to play a fun map twice before moving on to a map that nobody likes because otherwise it would be "unfair" or something like that.

Why isn't there 9v9 Search and Destroy or anything but Domination and Deathmatch? Well, silly, it's because that would be too much fun. It would also make it too easy for good players to level up in a system that has been repeatedly exploited despite the developers' best efforts to stop the community from doing so.

Why did they lower the time limit on Sabotage? Simple, they figured nobody played it anyways so they might as well take away the one thing that made it enjoyable to play with a party.

Why is there a spawn delay on Demolition now? Duh, it's because the fun part of demolition was that it replaced Sabotage as the longest lasting game mode and gave you a chance to kill people and have fun!!! Can't let that happen now can we?

I'm sure they'll stop making small maps from now on because there's too much complaining from the few people that don't know how to play game, despite the fact that the majority of the community enjoys playing them.
if your calling me bad i can guarantee i am somewhat above average i just hate small maps like that nuke town in particular because bad spawning exploit of OP weapons(I.E.AK 74u) and people being pussies and camping with said weapons.

13why does nuketown exist? Empty Re: why does nuketown exist? 2010-12-28, 00:35



The AK74u isn't overpowered though. Its one of those weird community cult of personality guns where they refuse to use anything else despite the fact that its bad (something the community always shies away from).

It doesn't have an advantage over the AUG/FAMAS and without rapid-fire its just a 40-30 AR that's weaker at long-range. Why people use it idk

Dying to it a lot doesn't automatically mean its the greatest gun ever. You could give everyone in the lobby a MAC-11 and it'd probably annoy you just as much by the end of the round.

14why does nuketown exist? Empty Re: why does nuketown exist? 2010-12-28, 00:53



no the 74u is definately a teir above every other smg

low recoil+ highpower= top smg used

nuketwn is good when there isnt one asshole spaming flashes and grenades every spawn

demolition needs repawn so a guy can actually advance to the bomb and plant without having to kill the same guy 3 times

2 rounds of terrible map? nty, but i guess if you hated tit that much you could just quit

20 min sabotage is just mindless killing of the one guy who is trying to advance the bomb, nty

9v9 search? hellz ya

15why does nuketown exist? Empty Re: why does nuketown exist? 2010-12-28, 02:08



all the smgs are terrible assault rifles. if the ak74u is the best of an outclassed weapon class its still an outclassed weapon, hence why its not 'omg op wew'

just like the galil. never got why people used that thing either. obviously not 'for fun' since everyone still tries their ass off drop-shotting and shit around every corner

16why does nuketown exist? Empty Re: why does nuketown exist? 2010-12-29, 18:35



I like nuketown. I kinda feel like flash and stun grenades should be limited somehow on that map though, only thing that really bothers me there.

17why does nuketown exist? Empty Re: why does nuketown exist? 2010-12-29, 18:40



1. spawn with warlord pro

2. throw everything you have in general direction of enemies

3. Spray 74u until you die

4. profit

18why does nuketown exist? Empty Re: why does nuketown exist? 2010-12-29, 19:10

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

will try..........

19why does nuketown exist? Empty Re: why does nuketown exist? 2010-12-29, 23:03



Well every game has to have that 1 map that noone likes...

20why does nuketown exist? Empty Re: why does nuketown exist? 2011-01-01, 21:54



I hated it at first, but now I think it's pretty damn fun for deathmatch or domination.

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