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My boys weren't there!

Patrick Star
12 posters

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1My boys weren't there! Empty My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 01:55



And I played conquest! With no SeC members. Jitty was on but I couldn't get into his game. So I tried just joining a conquest match by myself (scary!) hoping we would meet up in the middle.

We did not. It was very awkward playing without you guys. I didn't know who to follow, what was going on and kept losing my teammates. And dying - but I'm used to that lol.

But then magic happened! I got in the groove on a new map, and bam! Practically doubled the highest score I'd ever gotten on Conquest. 1655 for the sheep! I was in the middle of the leaderboard instead of at the bottom!

I have to own though, I had some supremely good teammates. I thought about messaging them to tell them they kicked ass, but I chickened out. Plus I don't know how to send messages to people not on my FL.

So, YAY! I'm all excited now. I quit after that because I'll have to go to bed soon, and I need to relax.

2My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 01:58



Congrats on a good game.

If I remember right:
You can view peoples Gamer card from the scoreboard and send them a message that way.

Or if you open up the Xbox guide and go to your friends list. Scroll to the right and it will have a list of the last (100?) people you've played with in any game on live.

3My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 01:59



yay for the sheep! you go girl, kickin' ass and takin' names.

4My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 02:00



lol sry, i didnt know you were on, would have sent you an inv to party, i was playing with shoj and shaymo. but gj on the score XD

5My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 02:02



It never told me Shoj was on, and I'm pretty sure he's on my friends list. ><

And Thanks everybody! I might have to go back and see if I can remember the GTs of those guys and message them. One of them had a 4000 something score. .... I wants one.

6My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 02:04



lol you never see shoj online anyway he appears offline 9 out of ten times idk why though

7My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 02:05



It's a conspiracy.

Involving ducks.

8My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 02:13



OH NO! affraid

9My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 02:15

Patrick Star

Patrick Star


10My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 02:16



i thought it was platypi ?

11My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 02:16



Those things are so damn cute.

It was also really quiet. I think because when I play with SeC there's always a live party going on too. No one was on their mics, at least not openly.

12My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 02:19

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

My boys weren't there! PlatypusTwins i dont know.... the spell check thing says its wrong

13My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 02:22



Who cares how you spell it? Those things are so freaking adorable!

I wonder if you can have them for pets... My BF owes me an AWESOME present, and this could be it...

14My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 02:26



lol i would like to have a pet thats not a fish, my dad is alergic to dog and cat fur Crying or Very sad

15My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 02:26

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

16My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 02:27



Harharhar Camel. Razz You are sooo funny.

17My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 02:33

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

I love you

18My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 02:48



i remember seeing somewhere they are poisonous, but i was life wtf? they dont have teeth and they cant spit so...? i dont even...

19My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 02:51



The males are.

20My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 02:52



¿jitty? wrote:i remember seeing somewhere they are poisonous, but i was life wtf? they dont have teeth and they cant spit so...? i dont even...

Yes, a male platypus is poisonous; they have poisonous spurs.

21My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 02:56



Frostbyrn needs a pet female platypus Very Happy

22My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 03:08



I got an Arcade today and I was playing CoD:BO.

Khult wasn't even on BC2 Sad

23My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 03:10



I don't have him on my friends list, so I wouldn't know. I didn't get knifed either, so if he was on, he wasn't near me.

Maybe I should add him!

24My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 17:32



I was really excited to finally play with the SeC but I was hugely disappointed when nobody was on. I didn't see you, sheep! I tried to join party with Terry but he wouldn't reply...don't know. Joined session with him and couldn't hear him. Got pissed and quit but then I decided to go balls to the wall, lone wolf, SDM and tore some fooos up. I was a neenja hunter, my friends! Guess I'll be stuck with the randies some more.

I'll be on in another hour or so if anyone is interested

25My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 18:38



Awww, Sheep you unfriended me! I am seriously butt hurt over that. Sad
I was especially looking forward to squadding with you. Oh well...back to randies. Where the hell is everyone! All that talk and all I see is Ack Blops on my screen. No love

26My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 19:57



texasmace wrote:Awww, Sheep you unfriended me! I am seriously butt hurt over that. Sad
I was especially looking forward to squadding with you. Oh well...back to randies. Where the hell is everyone! All that talk and all I see is Ack Blops on my screen. No love
My boys weren't there! 0301852812-13-51

27My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 20:59



I did?! I don't even know HOW to do that. >< I remember getting your request, and I swear I pressed the accept button. I'm sorry Tex. I'll send you a request next time I get on. Probably Monday night.

And yes, everyone is geeking out on Black Ops lately. I've been crying about it for a good week now. My controller got soggy and everything.

We need to have a big SeC match sometime soon!

28My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 21:01



I may get and play BC2 a bit soon, just to change up the pace. I'll probably be an ass and hide in a vehicle the entire game though.

29My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 21:04



As long as you keep your mic off Kitty so we don't have to listen to you screaming. My ears hurt last time.

30My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 21:06



I actually haven't raged for 3 days straight. cheers

31My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 21:07



I'd get on if anyone else felt like it.

You know something's wrong when I see Khult online and he's not-on Battlefield.

we had some good games on BO though, not like he'd feel like discussing them >_<

32My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 21:29



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:I actually haven't raged for 3 days straight. cheers
My boys weren't there! B0053949_4203061

33My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 21:36



StormEye wrote:
Kitsune no Kaji wrote:I actually haven't raged for 3 days straight. cheers
My boys weren't there! B0053949_4203061

Hard to believe, I know, but I'm doing it. I feel pretty damn good. I find that getting 12 hours of sleep, along with playing only an hour or two of MP a day, and quitting when I feel kind frustrated helps immensely.

34My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 21:37



And food and drink before you start, hopefully.

35My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 21:38



StormEye wrote:And food and drink before you start, hopefully.

Yes, that helps too. I also have been eating more than one meal a day, and have taken the advice given to me by everybody, and I feel immensely better. Very Happy

36My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-20, 23:53



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:
StormEye wrote:And food and drink before you start, hopefully.

Yes, that helps too. I also have been eating more than one meal a day, and have taken the advice given to me by everybody, and I feel immensely better. :D
My boys weren't there! YTAYv

37My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-21, 02:24

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

oh khult was on the battlefield long enough to chase me down for three rounds, steal my gold tags then run in fear into the out of bounds when I was chasing him down.

I'm bitter

38My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-21, 11:10



That's kinda cheap. I'd be bitter too Epyk.

But I'm bitter since I haven't gotten to play with you but that once.

39My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-21, 11:20

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I'm back on the battle field now

40My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-21, 11:25



Good. I shall now commence stalking. Also, I have a plan. I will chase Khult from the south, you come from the north, and we'll set up C4 (or other SeCers) to the east and west.

What times are you on there?

41My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-21, 11:36



sheep wrote:I did?! I don't even know HOW to do that. >< I remember getting your request, and I swear I pressed the accept button. I'm sorry Tex. I'll send you a request next time I get on. Probably Monday night.

And yes, everyone is geeking out on Black Ops lately. I've been crying about it for a good week now. My controller got soggy and everything.

We need to have a big SeC match sometime soon!

I'll be playing BC2 in the future, just nobody is on when I am (I have a kid so I'll be on somewhere between 6am-10am in the morning EST, nobody is up for that)

If I see some people playing it on my friends list, I'll pop it in to play with them.

42My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-21, 12:56



I'm always up for BC2, even if I'm playing another game. Just send an invite.

43My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-22, 10:09



Something wierd is going on, Sheep. I can't see you in my friends list but it lets me know when you are on.

44My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-22, 10:13

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

got on last night, not many on. decided to go back to sleep.

45My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-22, 12:43



That's weird Tex. I don't know why it would do that. I'll have a looky tonight and see if you're on my FL and if not, send you a request. You'll often see me come online and then disappear because my BF is getting ready to play his game, but mine is the main account (my xbox! rawr!)

His dad was over last night and chuckling at us calling people out on BF (mainly me to all the sneaky people I was seeing and shooting - holding the BF's fort down while he tinkered with the computer).

46My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-22, 15:37



I was wondering about that Sheep. I would see you get online and be like, O I'll finish this game up and see if I can join sheep for some BC2 action... then after 3 minutes your gone...... I be like wow she is a fast player haha!

47My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-22, 15:58



Yeah. It's the boyfriend. I wouldn't be surprised if he's on there for 3 minutes checking out my friends list and messages loool. I think he may be a weee bit put out that I play with a bunch of boys.

I've tried to convince him to add some of you so he can have good players to play with (he's always bitching about his team) but he's resisting. Plus then you'd all have to listen to him rage. He's like Kitty, rages even when he's doing good. Drives me up the wall. It makes me really tense when he starts cursing and getting pissed.

I might skip my turkey day shopping today - since my check hasn't gone through yet - and play video games all day.

All dressed up and no where to go =*(

48My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-22, 16:00



OOoooooooo I might have to send you some sexy messages then HAHAHA

49My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-22, 16:02



Ha! Me too. You're in trouble now sheep.

50My boys weren't there! Empty Re: My boys weren't there! 2010-11-22, 16:03



He'd probably try to hunt you down and beat you up loool

He says he's not the jealous type, but he doesn't like hearing about other guys saying things about me. Made the mistake of telling him my boss' kid thought I had a nice ass. Now he's waiting for him to turn 17 so he'll be legal to give a good thumping too. looool. Hoping he's kidding!

It's weird because he had a half nekid pic of me on his phones main screen for a while.

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