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This game makes me rage

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1This game makes me rage Empty This game makes me rage 2010-11-20, 15:14



And ill tell you why

-P2P servers are pathetic. Leaving people like me at a severe disadvantage most games. Im talking connection speed. Those that I play with know my connection sucks lol

- spawn system, this is horrible on most maps. We know this.

- Teleport knifing

- camp happy community

- soooooo noob friendly. Anyone can have a round like 30-6 in this game. And good players will still have inavoidable horrid rounds due to the reasons above.

- cheap deaths up the ying yanh

Now that being said, I still enjoy cod. Its fub, and will give me lots of hours of gameplay. But damn...sometimes...

2This game makes me rage Empty Re: This game makes me rage 2010-11-20, 15:20

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Spark an owl dude, and the game will be so much better.

3This game makes me rage Empty Re: This game makes me rage 2010-11-20, 15:21



They fixed the teleporting knife somewhat but I agree on everything else.

4This game makes me rage Empty Re: This game makes me rage 2010-11-20, 15:24



Greg KG wrote:Spark an owl dude, and the game will be so much better.

Oh I do man, oh I do.....BF hardly ever make me rage, but this game.....jesus. Last night I got spawn killed seven times in a row on hanoi. RAGE face!

5This game makes me rage Empty Re: This game makes me rage 2010-11-20, 15:28



Greg KG wrote:Spark an owl dude, and the game will be so much better.
WTF does spark an owl mean?

6This game makes me rage Empty Re: This game makes me rage 2010-11-20, 15:30



T-800 wrote:
Greg KG wrote:Spark an owl dude, and the game will be so much better.
WTF does spark an owl mean?


7This game makes me rage Empty Re: This game makes me rage 2010-11-20, 15:32



Symbolic47 wrote:
T-800 wrote:
Greg KG wrote:Spark an owl dude, and the game will be so much better.
WTF does spark an owl mean?

Urban dictionary does not even had it defined but I assume it means sex?

8This game makes me rage Empty Re: This game makes me rage 2010-11-20, 15:55



No man....i shouldnt talk about it considering your a minor.......but......he means rip a joint/blunt....

9This game makes me rage Empty Re: This game makes me rage 2010-11-20, 16:03



Symbolic47 wrote:No man....i shouldnt talk about it considering your a minor.......but......he means rip a joint/blunt....
Damn I feel stupid now.

10This game makes me rage Empty Re: This game makes me rage 2010-11-20, 16:05



For a second i though I posted this topic! This sounds like exactly what i would say!!!!

My connection and overall internet (FUCK YOU FAIRPOINT) has been getting worse over the last couple months. Not to mention i'm already on wireless. But the connection is being used by 3 other laptops 3 base stations and one blackberry!

My fun is going down hill fast...

11This game makes me rage Empty Re: This game makes me rage 2010-11-20, 16:08



godscouchpotato wrote:For a second i though I posted this topic! This sounds like exactly what i would say!!!!

My connection and overall internet (FUCK YOU FAIRPOINT) has been getting worse over the last couple months. Not to mention i'm already on wireless. But the connection is being used by 3 other laptops 3 base stations and one blackberry!

My fun is going down hill fast...
Damn maybe should call your provider or play online games when people are not using the internet right that.

12This game makes me rage Empty Re: This game makes me rage 2010-11-20, 16:13



I would call however I don't pay for internet here. Someone else does and that person doesn't care really cause their hardly ever home! so i'm forced to deal with what i got and it sucks!

Especially when the connection goes down almost 2-3 times a week! Resetting the modem has become like a daily chore.

13This game makes me rage Empty Re: This game makes me rage 2010-11-20, 16:14



godscouchpotato wrote:I would call however I don't pay for internet here. Someone else does and that person doesn't care really cause their hardly ever home! so i'm forced to deal with what i got and it sucks!

Especially when the connection goes down almost 2-3 times a week! Resetting the modem has become like a daily chore.
Then make them care or ask for permission to call on their behalf.

14This game makes me rage Empty Re: This game makes me rage 2010-11-20, 16:16



I cannot do that! Fairpoint will not talk to anyone unless their the person on the bill.

I feel storm's pain on this interwebz crap it sucks!

I haven't been able to enjoy gaming as of late!

15This game makes me rage Empty Re: This game makes me rage 2010-11-20, 16:19



godscouchpotato wrote:I cannot do that! Fairpoint will not talk to anyone unless their the person on the bill.

I feel storm's pain on this interwebz crap it sucks!

I haven't been able to enjoy gaming as of late!
You could always get something like clear or again make then care.

16This game makes me rage Empty Re: This game makes me rage 2010-11-20, 16:37



CoD requires a fairly good connection to play well, which is the only downside to it; the spawns have sucked in every CoD, really. I remember reading in an update, they're going to try to fix them and make them a little better. They always have to do it, but it does help significantly, but the spawns will still fuck you over on occasion.

As for cheap deaths, what do you mean by that? Launchers? I have yet to be killed more than 3 times by a YouTube total so far, which is much, much better than CoD4 or MW2, because if you ever thought you've heard me rage, you have NEVER heard me rage like when I get noobtubed repeatedly. It's really fucking lame. Or do you mean campers?

Every community I've ever played with is camp-tastic. CoD, Halo, BC2, any of them; there's always some piece of shit hiding in some random corner, usually with the most OP weapon they can find, or a silenced one. CG snipers from BC2 drive me insane almost as much as OMA noobtube campers sometimes. Explosives piss me off completely though, regardless of the game.

17This game makes me rage Empty Re: This game makes me rage 2010-11-20, 16:39



It made me rage real bad the day I posted my rage topic.

However, I rage because I myself am not doing well.
I can't imagine being mad at the way someone likes to play or what perks/equipment/attachments etc... they use.

It's all fair game.

18This game makes me rage Empty Re: This game makes me rage 2010-11-20, 16:40



CoD is made to make you rage, that's my prediction, lol.

19This game makes me rage Empty Re: This game makes me rage 2010-11-20, 16:52



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:CoD is made to make you rage, that's my prediction, lol.

20This game makes me rage Empty Re: This game makes me rage 2010-11-20, 17:55



My connection is none too hot, and I don't notice it on BC2, but CoD makes it very noticeable. I just try not to get into cqc. I rage much less with BO than MW2,

21This game makes me rage Empty Re: This game makes me rage 2010-11-20, 21:12



My connection is Canadian and not-stellar, which is just too horrible for xbox live anyway considering most players are coastal Americans.

I get a lot of bullshit in CoD as a result but it doesn't impact my game that hugely.

As for cheap deaths it's usually just double-teams, assault rifles in general since they're all overpowered, hip-spray connection battles, kill streaks, explosives and the knife.

I got a knife kill by accident playing with Khult earlier, I RPG'd some guy's face (I didn't get touched by the splash), he didn't die and I seriously lunged across the room. The knife is fucking bullshit, that has to be the cheapest kill I ever got thus far (1 knife kill total).

ConciliarFox wrote:My connection is none too hot, and I don't noticeit on BC2, but CoD makes it very noticeable. I just try not to get intocqc.

Jesus it's like you read my mind. 99% of all CQC in CoD is connection-based, so I attempt to stay out of it.

22This game makes me rage Empty Re: This game makes me rage 2010-11-20, 21:13



Double teaming somebody isn't really a cheap fight, in any game, IMO. If they want the advantage of stealth by traveling alone, they can pay by dying whenever they're outnumbered.

23This game makes me rage Empty Re: This game makes me rage 2010-11-20, 21:15



It's cheap to me since 70% of the time they either jump out around the corner pre-firing spraying from the hip everywhere after I killed their teammate or some guy spawns in his teammate's asshole around the corner from me after I kill him.

Or the spawns switch and suddenly I'm engulfed in the entire enemy team.

24This game makes me rage Empty Re: This game makes me rage 2010-11-20, 21:16



The 1st time that happened to me on Nuke Town........then it happened 17 more times.

25This game makes me rage Empty Re: This game makes me rage 2010-11-20, 21:17



The spawns are bullshit, but the fact that if you shoot one guy, and another guy comes around the corner and shoots you is your fault if that happens; you should either use a silencer and/or run away after you kill that guy. Otherwise, expect to die, or fight back and get lucky.

Ugh, and Nuketown has the worse spawns of any CoD map, I'd almost even say Shipment.

26This game makes me rage Empty Re: This game makes me rage 2010-11-20, 21:20



There's no delay, he's just traveling a second behind his teammate so he isn't there when I open-fire but he's there fast enough to kill me.

I started using the motion sensor a fuck-ton and it still happens because unlike any other CoD game the lack of stopping power makes it a bit of a challenge to deal with the multi-team, because it's so stupidly connection-based when mine is horrible.

In addition to worthless explosives. Literally the only times I survive the triple-teams are when I have the death machine, which is why I love it so much.

27This game makes me rage Empty Re: This game makes me rage 2010-11-20, 21:25



Then choose to run away, or keep shooting through one guy into the other.

This kind thing happens in every game. If you play Halo, you get in a firefight with 2 people, you will die. You kill one guy, and lose your shields, somebody else attacks you, you're dead. BC2, getting double teamed is almost certain death, because you usually have a weapon that kills in 10-12 shots without a headshot, only a 30 round magazine, and probably not a silencer, and when two of them gang up on you, you're screwed.

You stand the biggest chance in CoD, because you have weapons powerful enough to kill in 3-4 shots anywhere, 2 to the head for some weapons, and a 30 round magazine, as well as the option to silence a majority of weapons in the game. If you see more than one person, picking a fight with them means that you have chosen to take the risk. Half of the time, you can just run away, hide, or trick them into thinking you've gone one direction and flank them (just like any other game), but CoD is the most forgiving, considering you can go prone and have the advantage of silencing your weapon, so it's the one you probably should complain the least about. Having 4 medics spawn together in BC2 means your probably screwed as well, too, lol. But then again, you knew better than to pick a fight with 4 medics on foot, right? It's the same concept.

28This game makes me rage Empty Re: This game makes me rage 2010-11-20, 21:29



Having to aim is present in Battlefield, so there's a bit of a skill-gap there.

In this game a retarded 4 year old without thumbs could be good at CQC, because you either hold the fire button down or go for the reflex knife. Seriously, I have no problems dealing with multi-teams up close in BF - the only times they really get me are the instances in which they're attacking from different angles or there's a bit of range between us and I have no possible cover.

I generally don't expect someone to sprint out from the corner a second after I kill his teammate, so I usually don't have the luxury of just running away because I have no way of predicting something like that without the motion sensor.

When I have one I'll usually get it, unless of course the connection bullshit takes over.

29This game makes me rage Empty Re: This game makes me rage 2010-11-20, 21:35



JDM_Jev wrote:Having to aim is present in Battlefield, so there's a bit of a skill-gap there.

In this game a retarded 4 year old without thumbs could be good at CQC, because you either hold the fire button down or go for the reflex knife. Seriously, I have no problems dealing with multi-teams up close in BF - the only times they really get me are the instances in which they're attacking from different angles or there's a bit of range between us and I have no possible cover.

I generally don't expect someone to sprint out from the corner a second after I kill his teammate, so I usually don't have the luxury of just running away because I have no way of predicting something like that without the motion sensor.

When I have one I'll usually get it, unless of course the connection bullshit takes over.

Then you should actually have an easier time defending yourself in CQC combat because it so easy then? Just do what you said, and hold down the trigger then. Have you not observed other people on your team before? Of course somebody will run around the corner after you kill their teammate.

Also, in BC2, against multi-teams, you're fucked. Completely. Because their killtime > your killtime. It's not cheap, it's just a fact of the matter. If you kill one, even two of them, you did well, because chances are, if 3-4 are shooting at you, you're screwed as well. CQC is just as easy in BC2, but you're usually fighting at a range, so you don't notice it as much. Why would a multi-team all line up and let you shoot them? Of course they're going to shoot you from different directions and gang-bang you. That's a truth of any online FPS. If you kill somebody, just run away after you make sure no dumbass runs around the corner and kills you. Better yet, slap a silencer on your gun so you don't have more than one, or maybe two extra people come to annihilate your face.

30This game makes me rage Empty Re: This game makes me rage 2010-11-20, 21:40



I said it's connection-based, the game may as well flip a coin when it comes to CQC in a CoD game, it's been that way forever unless you're on the PC.

I don't understand why you need to get mad about that, yeah, you have to hit more than twice in a BF game so there's a distinction between good players and bad since one guy who can aim (ie a good player) could win against multiple assailants while in this game it's 50% your connection and 50% luck.

Essentially two random variables because of inconsistencies of P2P hosting. I don't get how anyone can disagree with you without getting roped into some retarded debate - this is basically my experience with every single CoD game, it wasn't even different in CoD2 (outside of the PC, unless everyone was wandering around with rifles, which on the console was 60% of the time (the rest the Trench)).

31This game makes me rage Empty Re: This game makes me rage 2010-11-20, 21:47



Yes, connection advantage is bullshit, I already agreed with that.

What is this having to aim in CQC; it takes more bullets in BC2, but it isn't any harder to aim with a reticle about the same size; if anything, more luck is involved in BC2, because if you both hipfire, you have more chances for your gun to pull bullshit and fire a cardboard cutout of the person than in CoD. They're both luck based when you hipfire, not to mention to the awful hit detection in BC2 making luck an even bigger factor.

Also, numbers>skill in Halo and BC2. Considering the TTK is longer than in CoD, numbers, and more firepower give you a much bigger advantage. It takes more skill in 1v1 fights in CoD and BC2, which is something I enjoy about both of those games, but the same can be said about what I don't/do enjoy at the same time, is that numbers give you a ridiculous advantage, in any game, but more so because of the longer killtimes. If it takes 12 rounds to drop somebody with a weapon, and you all have the same weapon against even 2 people, their killtime on you is halfed, against 3, cut to a third, etc. If you're against 4 people, they each only have to shoot you 3 times to kill you, and you have to shoot each 12 (48 rounds, more than a magazine, and this is assuming you have perfect aim). If they all have AN-94s, against 3 people, they only have to pull the trigger once, and you will die (6 bullets doing 20 = 120 damage, which is lethal). They WILL rape you in Halo and BF, and most likely in CoD, but in CoD, because of the lack of rounds to kill, you stand a much better chance, which is why I don't understand that out of any game, you complain the most about this one.

32This game makes me rage Empty Re: This game makes me rage 2010-11-20, 21:48



Scaling inaccuracy caused by hipfire + low damage makes aiming preferable to hip fire in BC2.

In this game it's basically a requirement, why waste time aiming when you can just spray.

33This game makes me rage Empty Re: This game makes me rage 2010-11-20, 21:56



JDM_Jev wrote:Scaling inaccuracy caused by hipfire + low damage makes aiming preferable to hip fire in BC2.

In this game it's basically a requirement, why waste time aiming when you can just spray.

Larger battlefields mean that aiming is required more in BC2. The hipfire accuracy in both games is roughly the same.

In CoD, the hipfire is actual much worse on some, if not most weapons, than those in BC2, especially Steady Aim. Tell me how good it works to hipfire across the map and hit somebody with an LMG; it doesn't. ADS is just like BC2 or Halo, and gives you perfect accuracy as to where you are aiming at the time, thus rewarding players who pull up their sights and aim. Saying that hipfiring is better than aiming is both something wrong, and stupid to say. It would be like saying that fighting on foot in BC2 is pointless, and you shouldn't even try, because vehicles have such an advantage over infantry, which would be a ridiculous thing to say. If you say that vehicles have an advantage over infantry, than you're lying through your ass. Find a player that doesn't cheat, has a good SPM, and doesn't use vehicles that has a K/D of 3+

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