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Just finished watching a playthrough of Parasite Eve *Spoilers*

Epyk MD
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And I haven't been that impressed by a game for a long time. The story was very original, the characters were VERY well developed, there were many, many different enemy types, all different, the levels were highly detailed for their time. I could predict what was going happen most of the time, but it wasn't so obvious that it was bad (just good with predictions). I like how the story came full circle, and how Ava turned out to be Eve's perfect counter, destroying her and her creation at the very end on the ship.

The music for the most part set the atmosphere really well, except for the standard battle theme; it seemed to lack in the fact that it was a little too "upbeat" or "happy", considering that Eva is fighting mutants that have been torn apart against their will and killed to make something far more sinister; that being said, I still think that the music, overall, was pretty good. The way it got faster while Ava was looking for Ben in the police station and on the ship, and the Museum's theme type music were my favorite.

I think the combat, while very interesting and unique in it's own right, could've used a little bit of work. It seemed to get repetitive after a while, in the sense that you would use the same weapon for a long time, in addition to the take turn style. Maybe some of the abilities that Ava had could've been more useful, because in the playthrough I watched, all I mainly saw the person use was "Heal", "Haste", and "Liberate". Also, it seemed as if the game was a little too easy; there was health and items given out after every fight, and it was also littered everywhere. Maybe there's a harder difficulty mode I don't know about?

Anyways, I'm going to summarize it like this:

The story of the game was FANTASTIC and moving; the characters actually had a side story that you could care about and feel for (they weren't like watching little cardboard cutouts) and the dialogue was phenomenal. The music was very good for the most part, but the combat and difficulty appeared to leave a little bit to be desired (maybe there was a harder difficulty you could unlock that I don't know about).

Based off of watching the entire game, I would say that it is a gem, and definitely worth a buy if I ever see it. Do want.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Indeed, as far as weapons. You pretty much did use the same, but you got *tool* to add upgrades. By the end my starter pistol was rocking a huge ass clip,full auto type fire rate and a gigantic "hitcone"

My favorite battle was probably with the t-rex



theres a vid of an ENTIRE GAME? Is this common on most HIGHLY TOUTED games?



Yeah, just check YouTube; I've been thinking about doing a playthrough of Shadows of the Empire.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

There was an exmode, in chrysler tower that gave an alternate ending...that was incredibly hard

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Oh and in parasite eve 2 you get a shower scene...



Could you elaborate on the Chrysler tower ending?

Also, I'm going to probably watch through the second one, because I'm not in a BC2 mood today, so I guess I'll get to enjoy that, lol.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I loved Parasite Eve. I had the first one but never played the second.

Damn I haven't heard the name Parasite Eve for soooooo long, like 1999ish I think. correct me if I'm wrong



I don't know why the game isn't more famous, especially when there are other titles that are more so, but less deserving.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

You have to climb Chrysler tower floor by floor, very infrequent save spots. And the top floor boss, is infuriatingly hard.



Hmm...maybe I'll have to watch it. I'm starting the Parasite Eve 2 playthrough videos right now though.


One of my favorite games.

You should check out a playthrough of Galerians one of these days.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Apparently It was based of a japanese scifi novel



I love this game I still own it and play it on my PS1. Its at the top of my list with Silent Hill 2 for amazing horror games

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I was always more of a RE fan boy than SH



Well, all of the gameplay videos I can find so far are disappointing. Either:

A.) The only one that is silent, the person skips the dialogue, but I'll probably choose this.

B.) The video has some stupid f***er commentating, and I find it rather irritating.






They're both ok but Silent Hill 2, Parasite Eve, and Fatal Frame 2 are my top horror games. Now the horror genre feels like they're just action adventure games that try and fail to scare.



I've played some of the Resident Evils, but only the Outbreak File #2 and the newer 5 one. The 5 one wasn't really a survival horror, but by God....File #2 was ridiculous. You're pretty much timed, getting hit makes you lose more time, and the game is nearly incompletable on anything Normal and above. "Here's a pistol, it's broken and/or has no bullets". Here's a stick and mop. Now, fight your way through all of the zombies, and I mean, ALL OF THEM, for 2 hours +, to get to the final boss, and even if you have ALL of the ammo given to you, you might, just MIGHT BARELY kill them. Most difficult game I have EVER played.



Damn. The last time I played Parasite Eve was when I was about five years old. I remember it being very good, though I never finished it.


Anyone play the Clock Tower series?



Yes I have played the Clock Tower series, I don't know how I forgot that one.

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