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Sheep Hates me

5 posters

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1Sheep Hates me Empty Sheep Hates me 2010-12-09, 23:29



Everytime she hops on i invite her to our Party and then she just logs off straight away D:

Its because im a Kiwi isnt it thats just Racial Profiling right there!

2Sheep Hates me Empty Re: Sheep Hates me 2010-12-09, 23:31



You can't racially profile white people. I know it sucks, I've been trying to be the victim forever but it just doesn't work.

Little do they know that we're the most hard-done by of all the races...

3Sheep Hates me Empty Re: Sheep Hates me 2010-12-09, 23:33



Lead Based Toys wrote:
Little do they know that we're the most hard-done by of all the races...

Yeah, it sucked when we were enslaved, were given the right to vote, but then weren't able to exercise it for over 100 years because of legislative loopholes.

4Sheep Hates me Empty Re: Sheep Hates me 2010-12-09, 23:33



Whats her gamertag? I need to add her.

5Sheep Hates me Empty Re: Sheep Hates me 2010-12-09, 23:34

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

did she break your hart Frosty?

6Sheep Hates me Empty Re: Sheep Hates me 2010-12-09, 23:35



The Cramtron wrote:
Lead Based Toys wrote:
Little do they know that we're the most hard-done by of all the races...

Yeah, it sucked when we were enslaved, were given the right to vote, but then weren't able to exercise it for over 100 years because of legislative loopholes.

Oh I was talking about before that. You know, back when we were all British

oh god those were dark times.

7Sheep Hates me Empty Re: Sheep Hates me 2010-12-09, 23:36



Oh today Little Frost? That was my boyfriend powering up the box the play himself. It auto logs me in (MY XBOX!!!!) so he has to sign out and then log himself in. Took longer this time because his brother was trying to contact him via me over the box. Sorry.

Also, it's because I hate you.

8Sheep Hates me Empty Re: Sheep Hates me 2010-12-09, 23:37



Yes *Sobs*

Why wont she like me D:

9Sheep Hates me Empty Re: Sheep Hates me 2010-12-09, 23:42


Hey, I come from white people that were oppressed. The Irish got treated pretty badly by the Brits back in the day. They attempted genocide on us to be quite honest.

10Sheep Hates me Empty Re: Sheep Hates me 2010-12-09, 23:45

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Wacco wrote:Hey, I come from white people that were oppressed. The Irish got treated pretty badly by the Brits back in the day. They attempted genocide on us to be quite honest.

yes, that was, and still is a very nasty situation.

11Sheep Hates me Empty Re: Sheep Hates me 2010-12-09, 23:48


TerryMay wrote:
Wacco wrote:Hey, I come from white people that were oppressed. The Irish got treated pretty badly by the Brits back in the day. They attempted genocide on us to be quite honest.

yes, that was, and still is a very nasty situation.

Yea. Also, I came from another group of white people that probably killed natives in Colombia and took over, but that's besides the point Razz

12Sheep Hates me Empty Re: Sheep Hates me 2010-12-09, 23:55



You know what? I don't think it matters wtf my heritage is. I'm Irish, German, French, and Welsh, but that's so many things that it means nothing to me. My family has lived in America longer than any of us alive can remember. If my people were oppressed, it has nothing to do with me. I have nothing to do with any oppression done to anyone, nor do I feel any wrongs done toward me from things that may have happened before I was born.

I understand bitter sentiments can be passed from parent to child, and that's basically the reason why racism exists, but it has nothing to do with me. I will treat no one like they've done wrong to me, and I expect to be treated as if I had done nothing wrong to them. Even if my ancestors were slave overseers, that has nothing to do with me (which they were not). But my point is made.

I think some people give too much meaning to the past. It's something to learn from; not something to justify a grudge. As far as I'm concerned, everyone is born with a clean slate. If only more people could think for themselves instead of accepting what is presented to them by parents or role models or whatever, then maybe we'd have less hateful people in the world.


13Sheep Hates me Empty Re: Sheep Hates me 2010-12-10, 00:00


The Cramtron wrote:You know what? I don't think it matters wtf my heritage is. I'm Irish, German, French, and Welsh, but that's so many things that it means nothing to me. My family has lived in America longer than any of us alive can remember. If my people were oppressed, it has nothing to do with me. I have nothing to do with any oppression done to anyone, nor do I feel any wrongs done toward me from things that may have happened before I was born.

I understand bitter sentiments can be passed from parent to child, and that's basically the reason why racism exists, but it has nothing to do with me. I will treat no one like they've done wrong to me, and I expect to be treated as if I had done nothing wrong to them. Even if my ancestors were slave overseers, that has nothing to do with me (which they were not). But my point is made.

I think some people give too much meaning to the past. It's something to learn from; not something to justify a grudge. As far as I'm concerned, everyone is born with a clean slate. If only more people could think for themselves instead of accepting what is presented to them by parents or role models or whatever, then maybe we'd have less hateful people in the world.


I agree with treating people like they haven't done you wrong. Nobody has done me wrong honestly, so I have no right to be angry at anyone. But I also am really proud of my Irish and Colombian heritage. The Colombian side were the oppressors probably, so can't be mad there, but my Irish side, like many Irish families, suffered in Ireland. I have a slight resentfulness towards the British for it, but that happens a hundred+ years ago, so I don't really act on it. Although I definitely support the IRA Razz

14Sheep Hates me Empty Re: Sheep Hates me 2010-12-10, 00:02

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

racism is a bitter drink man, it leaves a taste that doesn't go away for a long time. that being said I would like to think that we all are born with a clean slate, but it would seem that we must carry the sins of our fathers before us

15Sheep Hates me Empty Re: Sheep Hates me 2010-12-10, 00:06



Apparently hateful sheep topics cause racism topics. loool

Nicely put Cram, unfortunately the world is still pretty ugly, and will likely stay that way, so racism is probably something everyone will always have to deal with.

16Sheep Hates me Empty Re: Sheep Hates me 2010-12-10, 00:07



I started that topic offshoot. I'm getting pretty good at derailing shit, especially considering this time it has a lot of pontificating and deep thought and whatnot.

17Sheep Hates me Empty Re: Sheep Hates me 2010-12-10, 00:09



I noticed. How very Canadian of you Lead.

18Sheep Hates me Empty Re: Sheep Hates me 2010-12-10, 00:12



I would not know since every time I see sheep on she is on netflix....

19Sheep Hates me Empty Re: Sheep Hates me 2010-12-10, 00:14



Most of the time I see DL on he's on Netflix. he's avoiding me

20Sheep Hates me Empty Re: Sheep Hates me 2010-12-10, 00:26



So what if I'm on Netflix (though really you're probably seeing the BF)? Fr0st-ibun send an invite while Heebs and I were waiting Saiyuki. Joined. No big thing.

Get off your Netflix hate Tom! You h8er.

Maybe his family doesn't like him playing with you Lead.

21Sheep Hates me Empty Re: Sheep Hates me 2010-12-10, 00:33



Again, it all goes back to how horribly hard-done by and oppressed I am for being a white Canadian.

22Sheep Hates me Empty Re: Sheep Hates me 2010-12-10, 00:42

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I spent a week in Edmonton when I was 16. Me and two friends, along with a set of parents stayed in the mall of the world. well his parents kinda turned us loose....... damn I drank a lot of canadian beer and smoked a lot of canadian grass in those 5 days

23Sheep Hates me Empty Re: Sheep Hates me 2010-12-10, 01:10



We dont have Netflix in my Country and Lead if you maybe Interrupted less people might want to party with you now i dont mind but some people do

24Sheep Hates me Empty Re: Sheep Hates me 2010-12-10, 01:17

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Lead sounds just like a guy I went to high school with named martin..... Martin did a lot of drugs lol

25Sheep Hates me Empty Re: Sheep Hates me 2010-12-10, 01:18



Did Martin Interrupt Tactical Squad chat to Discuss Metroid with a Randy who joined the Party?

26Sheep Hates me Empty Re: Sheep Hates me 2010-12-10, 01:23

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Hey Metroid is a badass game!

besides when is the last time we found a match that required us to pay attention, let alone need the use of tactical chatter. not very often

27Sheep Hates me Empty Re: Sheep Hates me 2010-12-10, 01:24



Yeah well this was one of those Times we got Overran because no one could call out Enemy Positions or the Fact there was a Tank Raping the back of our Base

28Sheep Hates me Empty Re: Sheep Hates me 2010-12-10, 01:27

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

ohhh c'mon that doesn't sound like an SeC match. here is how it goes as I recall

Spawn, kill kill, die, spawn, kill, lollollolol, knife knife, die, spawn, rape, rape, lol, knife, lol, win

29Sheep Hates me Empty Re: Sheep Hates me 2010-12-10, 01:30



It depends how many of us there are and how Decent the Randy's are

Seriously theyre all camping back there and Enemy's are shooting me out of windows their Watching but not 1 Explosive goes towards that building

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