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My school hates me

Honey Badger
8 posters

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1My school hates me Empty My school hates me 2011-01-18, 16:15



Today was supposed to be my first midterm day. I get up early and drive to school on shitty icy roads, get there and no one else is there. I text me girlfriend, do we have a snowday today? Yes, we do. The school didn't call my house, and by the looks of it, they called everyone else seeing as no one else at all was there.

But hey I'm not complaining about having a snow day.

2My school hates me Empty Re: My school hates me 2011-01-18, 16:17



I thought they usually post that stuff on the news channels.

3My school hates me Empty Re: My school hates me 2011-01-18, 16:19



They do, but I've come to rely on the automated system calling the house, and it messed up this time or something.

4My school hates me Empty Re: My school hates me 2011-01-18, 16:31

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

The call system calls my house at like 5 in the morning. Nobodies up or will be up :l

5My school hates me Empty Re: My school hates me 2011-01-18, 17:36



Once it started snowing i started following my school district on twitter. Mobile updates ftw.

Plus, im always the first one to know when they cancel school Very Happy

6My school hates me Empty Re: My school hates me 2011-01-18, 17:39



Lol your following your school Very Happy

your lucky we dont have Snow days were i live at all

7My school hates me Empty Re: My school hates me 2011-01-18, 17:40



Sheogorath wrote:Lol your following your school Very Happy

your lucky we dont have Snow days were i live at all

How does it not snow in New Zealand!? dont you live like 10 miles from the south pole?

8My school hates me Empty Re: My school hates me 2011-01-18, 17:47



As a kid, when I lived in Hong Kong, during summer season I would be watching the news hoping that I see a red or black umbrella sign up in the corner of the screen. It was a signal for ultra heavy rain.

Or T3 (at kindergarten) T8 for indications of Typhoon. Though a Typhoon can be damaging, so maybe not as much. I could go out in heavy rain day but going out during Typhoon might cause death. LoL

9My school hates me Empty Re: My school hates me 2011-01-18, 17:48



Yes but were also Pretty close to Australia my Country is an Enigma alright?

10My school hates me Empty Re: My school hates me 2011-01-18, 18:16



They always posted this on the news when I was a kid

11My school hates me Empty Re: My school hates me 2011-01-18, 18:38



I didnt watch the News as a kid

12My school hates me Empty Re: My school hates me 2011-01-18, 18:42



Living in Ohio as a child we got tons of snow days!

13My school hates me Empty Re: My school hates me 2011-01-18, 18:44



So i heard Australians played so much Halo that the Flood came Very Happy

14My school hates me Empty Re: My school hates me 2011-01-18, 18:49

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Sheogorath wrote:So i heard Australians played so much Halo that the Flood came Very Happy

hahahah AC+1

15My school hates me Empty Re: My school hates me 2011-01-18, 18:54



Yes it was a Horrible joke i think theyre are like 18 people Dead so far and my Uncle and Aunt plus my Cousins actually had to be Evacuated

16My school hates me Empty Re: My school hates me 2011-01-18, 19:17

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

yeah, they were talking about blowing up some barges that are anchored in the brisbourne river, if they break free they'll trash the crap out of whatever they hit.

17My school hates me Empty Re: My school hates me 2011-01-18, 21:58



It doesn't snow often here (middle of Texas xD) but when it does, we're pretty much guaranteed a snow day. None of us have been exposed to snow a lot and so we basically end up skipping all our classes to play in it, so they gave up on making us go.

18My school hates me Empty Re: My school hates me 2011-01-18, 22:02



Well at least you drove there. Last Wednesday I walked all the way to the college since my sister's car broke down and she took my mom's truck, found out class was canceled and walked all the way back. It was -7, snowing and windy like a motherfucker.

20 minutes to walk there 20 to walk back.

19My school hates me Empty Re: My school hates me 2011-01-19, 00:02



Marxist Dictator wrote:Well at least you drove there. Last Wednesday I walked all the way to the college since my sister's car broke down and she took my mom's truck, found out class was canceled and walked all the way back. It was -7, snowing and windy like a motherfucker.

20 minutes to walk there 20 to walk back.

Ouch... This morning I sat at the bus stop waiting for the school bus while it snowed on me... The bus never showed up and I ended up melting a bunch of snow that I was sitting on. After i finally got a ride to school there was a huge frozen wet patch on my ass...

13 degrees for 30 minutes with no real coat. Cold as fuck

20My school hates me Empty Re: My school hates me 2011-01-19, 18:26



Sheogorath wrote:Yes but were also Pretty close to Australia my Country is an Enigma alright?

Isn't it like, half snowy and half hot in New Zeland? Thats what it was like in RocketPower...

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