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13th Clan squad matches.

Ron Swanson
Patrick Star
Epyk MD
13 posters

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113th Clan squad matches. Empty 13th Clan squad matches. 2010-12-12, 13:06

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Talking with nero we toyed around with the idea of doing a few squad based matches through out the week leading up to thursdays 9pm est match.
So how's the idea of everyone setting up 5 man squads 4 definate 1 backup (back ups can be a definate on another squad)

Once we post the squads on each site you can go about challenging one of their squads and setting up times.

Makes sure you have a badass name for your squad.

I would love to do this as I work Thursday night and can't join in.

My squad will have to be avalable early morning to mid afternon though as I work nights.

What do you guys think?

213th Clan squad matches. Empty Re: 13th Clan squad matches. 2010-12-12, 13:28


It sounds pretty cool i dont wanna set anything in stone yet tho since the semester just ended i am not sure if i'll be working more or going next semester aswel.

313th Clan squad matches. Empty Re: 13th Clan squad matches. 2010-12-12, 13:30



ok. who wants in the leet bunchie squad Razz

413th Clan squad matches. Empty Re: 13th Clan squad matches. 2010-12-12, 13:31

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

That's the beauty if the squad matches less time restrictions.
. Hell i would just grab who ever you play with most on a regular basis.

513th Clan squad matches. Empty Re: 13th Clan squad matches. 2010-12-12, 14:26



Sure i could find time for these(not that im all too busy...)

613th Clan squad matches. Empty Re: 13th Clan squad matches. 2010-12-12, 14:41



This sounds cool. Who wants in to my squad? Very Happy

713th Clan squad matches. Empty Re: 13th Clan squad matches. 2010-12-12, 16:22

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

i'll be in a squad Smile

Last edited by delicious camel on 2010-12-12, 16:31; edited 1 time in total

813th Clan squad matches. Empty Re: 13th Clan squad matches. 2010-12-12, 16:28



i would but 9pm est is way too late for me till the 21st of december where i'll be on till there no tomorrow xD

913th Clan squad matches. Empty Re: 13th Clan squad matches. 2010-12-12, 16:31



Im claiming Camel and Dark for my squad.

1013th Clan squad matches. Empty Re: 13th Clan squad matches. 2010-12-12, 20:44



I wanna play too! My time schedule is stupid though since I'm usually going to bed when everyone is playing.

Maybe we could trying squading up via time zones. Though that would kill me having Fr0st on my squad. Or that damned dirty duck. But Tex is close in time zone...

1113th Clan squad matches. Empty Re: 13th Clan squad matches. 2010-12-13, 07:31



I could possibly join.

1213th Clan squad matches. Empty Re: 13th Clan squad matches. 2010-12-13, 11:24

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I will do this if I'm around

1313th Clan squad matches. Empty Re: 13th Clan squad matches. 2010-12-13, 11:27



Crazy week for me thif week. I can try to be on but still have a lot to do for Christmas. THis Saturday I have to drive up to Cincy for my Dads xmas party and still have shopping to do. I could probably for sure be on Thuirsday at 9 tho.

1413th Clan squad matches. Empty Re: 13th Clan squad matches. 2010-12-13, 12:12


I'll play <.< >.>

1513th Clan squad matches. Empty Re: 13th Clan squad matches. 2010-12-13, 13:17

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Nero012 wrote:I'll play <.< >.>


1613th Clan squad matches. Empty Re: 13th Clan squad matches. 2010-12-13, 13:21

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I'm in if I'm on.

1713th Clan squad matches. Empty Re: 13th Clan squad matches. 2010-12-13, 16:50


can we push the time back to 10pm our west coast guys will have a hard time at 9pm est

1813th Clan squad matches. Empty Re: 13th Clan squad matches. 2010-12-13, 20:57



i claim sheep, dl , and terry?

u ar bunchies naow

1913th Clan squad matches. Empty Re: 13th Clan squad matches. 2010-12-13, 21:11



I r has been kidnapped by a tall person


wth is a bunchie? or do i even want to know?

2013th Clan squad matches. Empty Re: 13th Clan squad matches. 2010-12-13, 21:14

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

Lol im free every day from 3-11 or later idc. except wed. sun and every other weekend. Im not bad..... if i try. and i promise i will try.

2113th Clan squad matches. Empty Re: 13th Clan squad matches. 2010-12-13, 21:15



sheep wrote:I r has been kidnapped by a tall person


wth is a bunchie? or do i even want to know?

its my avatar

2213th Clan squad matches. Empty Re: 13th Clan squad matches. 2010-12-13, 21:22

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Bandit; don't sweat it, I'm a horribad player' but they put up with me.

2313th Clan squad matches. Empty Re: 13th Clan squad matches. 2010-12-13, 21:25

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

Lol all my info is gone from my profile?!?!?!?!

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