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Elite Chaos Squad - Clan

Manila Plague
7 posters

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1Elite Chaos Squad - Clan Empty Elite Chaos Squad - Clan 2011-06-05, 18:34



Hello. The name's Beahua (if you haven't noticed). A group of frienda and I are gathering new members for our clan, the Elite Chaos Squad. Also known as ECS or the ECS-Men.

We're currently looking for another 3-4 members. We would like these members to be pretty skilled, so we're able to compete at a nice, steady rate.

The only few requirements we have are for you to be at least level 35, have a kill/death ratio of at least 0.70, and to be able to play online Battlefield: Bad Company 2 almost everyday. We NEED you to own a useable microphone and to be able to speak English. We prefer you to live in the U.S. so everyone in the clan can be online relatively around the same time. I'm from Florida, ALLLLL the way on the East Coast. I'm on a lot, so send me a message. (:

If you'd like to be a member of ECS, or have any quesions, etc., please message me @ gamertag: Beahua.

Thank you!
-Elite Chaos Squad Co-leader Beahua

2Elite Chaos Squad - Clan Empty Re: Elite Chaos Squad - Clan 2011-06-05, 18:40



i told him to go ahead and give it a shot.
i invited him and his group out on some SeC outings as well

3Elite Chaos Squad - Clan Empty Re: Elite Chaos Squad - Clan 2011-06-05, 19:07



I'm a bit confused. You're talking about Epyk, right? I'm a tad tired right now, and a bit out of it. Dx

4Elite Chaos Squad - Clan Empty Re: Elite Chaos Squad - Clan 2011-06-05, 19:11



im epyk, this is my "im god" account.

5Elite Chaos Squad - Clan Empty Re: Elite Chaos Squad - Clan 2011-06-05, 19:13



Haha, I assumed so. Then, again, you're already a God as Epyk on the SeC. Smile

6Elite Chaos Squad - Clan Empty Re: Elite Chaos Squad - Clan 2011-06-05, 19:14

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

epyl fail = the man with a million aliases

7Elite Chaos Squad - Clan Empty Re: Elite Chaos Squad - Clan 2011-06-05, 19:15

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Admin = God the Father
Epyk = God the Son

he hasnt got round to making a holy spirit yet.

8Elite Chaos Squad - Clan Empty Re: Elite Chaos Squad - Clan 2011-06-06, 00:22



Gotta work on those stats. In my opinion, KD is relatively fine, you lose fights more than you win, but your SPM is a bit on the low side.

As long as your SPM hits about 200, you should be fine.

Fairly good objective score (better than mine anyways) means you're doing something right.

Sidenote: Gustav accuracy. I don't get it. That's the only oddball I see there.

If you want to improve your stats/style, play a few games with us. Apparently that's how everyone got so good here.

I won't join your clan, but if you are a member here you can play with us at least.

9Elite Chaos Squad - Clan Empty Re: Elite Chaos Squad - Clan 2011-06-06, 00:29



Jinouga wrote:Gotta work on those stats. In my opinion, KD is relatively fine, you lose fights more than you win, but your SPM is a bit on the low side.

As long as your SPM hits about 200, you should be fine.

Fairly good objective score (better than mine anyways) means you're doing something right.

Sidenote: Gustav accuracy. I don't get it. That's the only oddball I see there.

If you want to improve your stats/style, play a few games with us. Apparently that's how everyone got so good here.

I won't join your clan, but if you are a member here you can play with us at least.

Pretty much this.

Also, your stats show a very minimal, if no douchyness to them. Very Happy You also have a good number of resupplies/heals for your level. If you want to get your K/D up, just focus on going even; don't pick face to face fights if you can help it. Shoot people in the back, it's the tough guy thing to do (that's what I do most of them time, lol)

Like remz said, play with your friends whenever possible; having teammates that are morons will make you lose/get killed (especially spawnkilled) more often than not. Try to find a group of people here that you fit in well with, both communication/play-style wise, and you're set. Very Happy

10Elite Chaos Squad - Clan Empty Re: Elite Chaos Squad - Clan 2011-06-06, 00:31



Shooting people in the back is the only way to thoroughly up your K/D in this game, unless your sitting on piles of medkits.

Edit: typo

Last edited by Ante on 2011-06-06, 00:45; edited 1 time in total

11Elite Chaos Squad - Clan Empty Re: Elite Chaos Squad - Clan 2011-06-06, 00:33



Ante wrote:Shooting people in the back is the only way to thoroughly up you K/D in this game, unless your sitting on piles of medkits.

Pretty much. K/D doesn't matter much either, so don't sweat it (I get overly concerned about my K/D, don't do that, lol) As long as you are healing, resupplying, and/or going for the objective, you're great to have around.

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