rules as follow please abide by them
1. no spawn camping even if your dominating the battlefield
2. no C4ing mcoms (its a good tactic but will make the game a little quick)can be used defensivly glitching ie. outta maps, wall glicthing
only rules i can have at the time please feel free to add if more come to you.
I would like this to be a fun match between mature gamers (and a little pay back from yall)
i would like at least * per team due to party chat so everyone can communicate but if more come we'll adapt and over come
if you need to get in contact with me my GT is Nero012
lcpl hoyle 1st battalion 8th marines bravo Co
1. no spawn camping even if your dominating the battlefield
2. no C4ing mcoms (its a good tactic but will make the game a little quick)can be used defensivly glitching ie. outta maps, wall glicthing
only rules i can have at the time please feel free to add if more come to you.
I would like this to be a fun match between mature gamers (and a little pay back from yall)
i would like at least * per team due to party chat so everyone can communicate but if more come we'll adapt and over come
if you need to get in contact with me my GT is Nero012
lcpl hoyle 1st battalion 8th marines bravo Co