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Age differance relationships your opinion?

Mrs. Terry of Hat
Honey Badger
10 posters

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I was just curious on what the SeC thinks about a man dating an older woman or a woman dating an older man. I think it doesn't matter as long as love is present i would like to tell a little story after i feel i've heard enough of the SeC's opinions.

It seems in society that an older man dating a younger woman is generally more accepted then an older woman dating a younger man.

How old is too old and how young is too young?

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

Id say a twenty some year difference is a bit much. But who am I to judge. lol



How old is too old and how young is too young?

As long as they're both legal.


As long as both are of age, to each his/her own.



Isnt the old saying "Half your age plus seven"?

Anything younger than that doesn't go i guess. (obviously only for people younger than you)

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

I agree with as long as it's legal. I actually have a really good friend who is my age, her fiance' is in his 50's but they are two of the happiest people you will ever meet. Took them a long time to get over people freaking about it (her parents actually still won't meet him or talk to her) but they are so happy together.

My parents were ten years apart, and they separated after like four years together, haha. So sometimes it doesn't work, because the age difference was a big part of that. But if you are comfortable with it and it works for you, go for it.



Again if everyone is of legal age and of sound miond then I also to each their own. I believe Derp could ad to this conversation a great deal.



Personally, I couldnt be with someone more than 10 years +/- my age. But I know others who do it and they seem to be fine with it. I'm not disturbed by others doing it.



my boyfriend is two years younger than i am, so, whatevs. i couldn't date someone more than 10 years older than i am, like Mills said. it would just creep me out.

but if you want to, by all means! who am i to judge? lol

edit: and dating someone 2 years younger than me is bad enough, i couldn't imagine dating someone any younger than that. i would punch them in the face. >.<



Felling better today Heebs?



Three years older, three years younger. Any more in either direction, and I think that I would have a hard time relating with the person.

I don't care what other people do, though. You want to date someone ten years older than you, then that's cool. Whatever makes you happy.



i feel all right, Zombee! just, you know, sore and kind sick to my stomach and all that nasty garbage. but, doin' better. <3



Kari and I are 7 years apart. She turns 32 (I think...) next month.



My boyfriend is also 2 years younger than me, go figure. I was weird for me at first after I found out his age, but then I got over it.

It was also weird that Heebs was dating a guy younger than me. He rocks though.

Definitely to each their own, but I can see how a massive age difference can cause strife in a relationship since each person is in a different stage of their life and grew up in a different generation with different values and outlooks, but hey, if it works, it works. Why should anyone else care beyond that?

It's not the ages doing the dating anyway.


Well anyways trying to make a long story short i use to play this MMO and i met this woman on there and we were pretty good friends for over a year. Then we started doing more stuff together and such and we just kinda started online dating yeah i never thought i'd be one for that lol.

She has seen pics of me and i've seen pics of her. We call each other here and there and we get along great. I was really surprised to see how much me and her have in common she is 28 and i am 18. To be specific shes 9 years and two months older we've been dating for a little over 20 months were trying to meet on spring break if everything works out ok she lives in michigan and i in pennsylvania so it's not like it's that far away.

The thing is when i told some of my friends and my one brother it seemed liked the first reaction was "dont you think shes too old for you?" So i was curious what others thought. At first i didn't think much about her age but even when i did it didn't bother me she is a wonderful person and i love her.



Well Gil (this is what I'm gonna call you now) - I see nothing wrong in this if everything is legit. I would be kind of worried if you are meeting her alone in case in reality she's some crazy person. That aside...

Older women rock. As one I'm biased, I know, but it's true. As we age, we mature in so many ways. Less flighty, more down to earth, etc.

Despite the age difference - and trust me, she's going to get WAY more flak than you are - if you to click and are comfortable with each other, then that's great.

Just make sure she is not a psycho. I would suggest her coming to you or, if possible, not meeting alone for the first time. I worry about these kinds of things. The internet can be dangerous, and people can pretend for a long time to be something they aren't in order to reel you in.



I agree with Sheeps thought of the meeting alone might be a bad idea the first time. SOmeone in Louisvlle was shot recently meeting someone they thought they knew online and the person freaked on them.

Otherwise I wouldn;t worry about the age diference and just see what happens.



Agreed. If you do insist on meeting alone the first time then wear one of those giant sumo suits. It will make it harder to shank or shoot you and they'll never get your body in a trunk.


yeah shes gonna come up to my house first then we plan to get a hotel room for a few nights.. And yeah thats fine epyk always calls me that its faster than saying gilgamesh.



Just be careful!

Hope it works out for the best.


Thanks i'll try. If you guys dont see me after springbreak you'll know i got killed.



chunckylover53 wrote:Thanks i'll try. If you guys dont see me after springbreak you'll know i got killed.

Sumo. Suit.



chunckylover53 wrote:Thanks i'll try. If you guys dont see me after springbreak you'll know i got killed.
Why not meet in a public place or get a body guard?


Yeah will be meeting at my house. I dont live alone and it's not like the neighborhood is small.



DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:Again if everyone is of legal age and of sound miond then I also to each their own. I believe Derp could ad to this conversation a great deal.

I'm 28 my gf is 52.

we've been together for 6 years and i don't see us seperating anytime soon.


godscouchpotato wrote:
DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:Again if everyone is of legal age and of sound miond then I also to each their own. I believe Derp could ad to this conversation a great deal.

I'm 28 my gf is 52.

we've been together for 6 years and i don't see us seperating anytime soon.

Wow thats cool. I'd also like to add that i never really got along that great with women my age maybe its just the area i am in i dont know.



don't get me wrong i've dated girls closer to my age. My last gf was 20 and i was 25! she was a nut job so i told her to take a hike!

I don't need some post highschool drama girl just in college thinking she's all emo cutting herself! GTFO that's what i did.

EDIT i dated this "little" girl during a brief 1 year break up with my gf.


yeah i had a similiar problem like that lol.

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