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I don't know what it is. But I can't stand "Internet Relationships".

Ron Swanson
Keyser Söze
Dropped Da Soap
19 posters

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Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I mean, aside from crap like Eharmony and crap I don't care about.

But my friend, I swear to God, is fucking annoying.

First off, he has somehow become good friends with, and gotten the cell phone numbers off of 6 girls off of Deviantart. 3 of whom aren't in the same continent.

2nd, he has spent the past few months talking to this girl on the phone, and Skype from another state. The only reason he first heard of her is cause he stole a friends phone and went through her contacts, saw her picture, thought she was hot and started talking to her.

Now they Skype like every night, and text each other. And are thinking of becoming a couple.

and he broke off his last TWO FUCKING relation ships because he didn't want a long term relationship even though he was going to college 2 hours away.

Now he wants to get in a relationship with a girl he has yet to meet, who goes to college three states away.

Tonight they apparently are thinking of it, cause she told her friends about it. And like 20 of her friend added him on Facebook because "OMG! THEY MIGHT GET TOGETHER!"

Then he posts a status about how he likes "How all his Kinda pretty much almost Girlfriends friends added him because they might get together and how he thinks its cool".

I commented saying again, I thought it was stupid cause they "HAVENT FUCKING MET", and she responds and tells me to shut up.

I have nothing against her, but its these kind of relationships that rub me raw.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap


Now I am getting in an argument with said chick, and he is liking all her posts, but won't actually comment to defend himself.



Wait my sister moved on from Shoji?



I know that feel. Internet relationships are cool, but you gotta make the effort to actually meet someone before you talk about hooking up and shit.

On the other hand, 90% of my internet friends live in the UK, while I'm stuck in the US. So I'm fucked.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Lol at the thought of an internet relationship actually constituting a RELATIONSHIP.



i'd disagree, but this is a flame war waiting to happen



*keeps an eye on topic*



I had some sort of an internet relationship a while back on Deviantart. It was just a friend who I had a ton in common with and been like a best friend to me on the site for a year or so. I started liking her a lot after a while but I didn't say anything because she lived 1000 miles away and I thought it was pointless. But eventually she just came out and said she liked me as more than a friend. I was single and not exactly a ladies man, so what the hell I said alright, what could go wrong?

We kind of agreed to give up on the relationship and just be friends a year later cause the long distance thing was too much to deal with but we're still good friends today.




I... gave this a shot a few times. Thought it would get better at some point. The best I found was a woman 12 years older than me who treated me like I was her son.

One chick was cool until she told me she was a Wiccan. She got weird after admitting that. Kinda like.... Open the floodgates!

Then the pictures started. The pics were okay. Not smokin hot, but cute. Then we'd meet. and.... holy shit.... is this the same person???


Well this just seems like your friend is a douche. I guess you could say i am in an internet relationship with someone i've met a few years ago. Me and her were good friends for a little over a year. One day she said something odd so i was curious and bam we started dateing you could say.

It's not like i was playing the game looking for someone it just kinda happened. She only lives a few states away and we've been trying to meet for awhile but we are both a little busy we still talk a lot and call each other sometime we are hopeing to meet before the end of summer.

Yeah it does suck that she lives far away in Michigan but she's unique i've really never met anyone like her. And i know people will ask why don't i just date someone in this city or state, to be honest i've never really met a female i like in real life. Now don't get the wrong idea i've found plenty of them attractive but they weren't people i'd want to be seen with in public.



Internet relationships are too awkward. I prefer to be able to hang out with my girlfriend, too.

Not dissing anyone into this, though. I tried it myself a long time ago... it was just too weird for me.


Let's back up a second. If dude wants to do this, why is it such a big problem for you Soap? Let the guy do what he wants to do.



Ante wrote:Internet relationships are too awkward. I prefer to be able to hang out with my girlfriend, too.

Not dissing anyone into this, though. I tried it myself a long time ago... it was just too weird for me.

For once you and I are in total agreement.



There's more people to choose from on the internet. I'd say good luck to myself finding an attractive girl who has a lot in common with myself at my school. But if you don't have the means to meet someone you meet on the internet it's not really worth it.



wanna cyber, anyone?

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Isn't the internet for porn?

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

People are far different in person than they are on the internet. I'm not a fan of internet relationships because unless you spend physical time with someone you never REALLY know what they are like. But it is a good way to meet people.



I've hooked up with a few people I've met online, but I would never try to have a real relationship. Not saying that it's impossible to start a relationship, but talking to someone online and really knowing someone are two completely different things. Not to mention that long distance relationships do not work.



Not sure how long everyone here considers a long distance relationship.

I met my wife at a party in Cincy where I am from and she is from Louisville. about an hour and a half drive apart. Then we talked for a month on the net before going on our first date. Ohio Ren faire! Then we just saw each other maybe every other weekend and mainly talked on the net. So really we mostly got to know eachother on the internet. So yes I feel like you can meet, or use the internet as a tool to get to know someone and form a relationship. Granted our distance wasn't extreme as we where able to meet, but we still used the internet more at first that I would have typically.

To each hi/her own.



i met my fiance online, we were collaborating on a writing project through a livejournal community. we knew each other for about a year, then we sort of started "dating" i guess, and that lasted almost a year before i flew out to meet him (he lived in WA and i lived in CA).

i felt pretty comfortable with him after knowing him for so long, we talked on the phone and all sorts of things, and skyped together.

and we moved in together after knowing each other for nearly two years, and have been together for nearly three years (actually together, living with each other for three years, not just knowing one another).

so, to say you cannot have an online relationship is clearly bullshit, because i did it, and can comfortably say he is the best thing that ever happened to me.



As much as I don't really like the idea of internet relationships at all, and I say that they probably would never work, my best friend's sister found her spouse online. I don't even think it was a dating site; they just somehow met, then she went to Illinois to meet him, then they got married, and came back here, and currently have 2 children, and are in a healthy relationship. I guess it's possible, but I don't think the odds of success are usually that good.



I think it's pointless because most people are never gonna meet anyway.Unless a guy just finds a rich girl online....That's why I quit caring so much for myyearbook,myspace,or even getting to be facebook.I'm poor as the dirt and can't even see a girl if she was halfway across town lol much less a whole state or couple hours away -___-

but great if it works for you.I know I've met some drop dead fuckin gorgeous girls online and from a town or two over,but we never got to see each other really........None of the girls in my town are worth a damn.All the ones my age all moved away or have kids or are married/have a boyfriend...all the real cute ones are too young at like 16 lol.

I always seem to fall for girls far away from me....but I know in the back of my head I'll never see them,'s nice to be able to talk to somebody and they understand you...not like 99% of people in real life.

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

I think if you are smart about it it can work. Never dated anyone online but I have a lot of friends I only know online, and several that I talk on the phone with and such. I've been good friends with several people from another forum for about five years now, and I am closer to some of them than my real life friends.

Now if you aren't smart about it, that's bad. For example...Ehat and I have a friend who met a girl on WoW, flew to meet her, lost his virginity to her, and then she broke up with him. He knew her for like three weeks and was sure that she was "the one" and they were gonna get married. Kids, that's not smart internet dating.

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

Now now I disagree.

I'm convinced he never actually slept with her because his storytelling of it after sounded like he plagerised porn beforehand.

But yeah...if your not smart...

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Well, I don't think he actually slept with her either. I was just proving a point Razz



Mrs. Terry of Hat wrote:I think if you are smart about it it can work. Never dated anyone online but I have a lot of friends I only know online, and several that I talk on the phone with and such. I've been good friends with several people from another forum for about five years now, and I am closer to some of them than my real life friends.

Now if you aren't smart about it, that's bad. For example...Ehat and I have a friend who met a girl on WoW, flew to meet her, lost his virginity to her, and then she broke up with him. He knew her for like three weeks and was sure that she was "the one" and they were gonna get married. Kids, that's not smart internet dating.

I don't know what it is. But I can't stand "Internet Relationships".  Triplefacepalm



What the hats just typed.... there is so much wrong with this fella. Have him seek help.




If he did then.... MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!!

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

D00MSDAY DEVICE wrote:Let's back up a second. If dude wants to do this, why is it such a big problem for you Soap? Let the guy do what he wants to do.

Okay I should have specified when I made the topic.

I think relationships over the internet are stupid yes, but I don't disagree that sometimes htye can work and all that.

But none of you guys know my friend. I have been best friends with him for 12 years. And for almost that whole time I have known him, he has always been the kind of guy who NEEDS to be in a relationship.
It wasn't uncommon to have a crush on a girl for 2 weeks, get turned down, and 2 hours later ask two other girls only for the same thing to happen again.
Like I think the longest he ever had a crush last was two weeks. Where as I am the guy who has liked the same girl for 6 years.

Also, its the way he goes about getting his relationships. For Christmas there was two girls he liked. So he bought them both rings in the hopes one of them would date him. One completely turned him down and this was after days of him saying shit like "SHES THE ONE!" or "WE ARE MEANT TO BE TOGETHER!" He spent a total of 6 hours telling everyone he was hurt and crap, only to start trying to hook up with a different chick.

Also, once again, I have nothing against most relationships, its just the way he goes about getting them.

Months back before he started going to college, he was dating a girl that I thought was perfect for him. He broke up with her 3 months before he left because he didn't want a long distance relationship.
Now jump ahead two weeks later, I get a call one day from him.
"Dude! Me and Katherine are dating! Isn't that cool!?"

*Note Katherine is a different chick then the one he broke up with 2 weeks before*

My first response to him was "dude, your a douche." He responded with a meek, YEAH, I know.

They dated for a good 4-5 months. And several times out of that period he was constantly debating about breaking up because AGAIN, he didn't want a long distance relationship.

They eventually did break up but only because she turned out to be a queen bitch. But not even 3 weeks after that, was when he met this chick 3 states away.
And now, again they are thinking about hooking up.

But I have always thought internet relationships were dumb, but these two people only strongly force that opinion even harder.

Sorry for long post.



lol SCORE ;D

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:What the hats just typed.... there is so much wrong with this fella. Have him seek help.


I would but he stopped being my friend because his latest girlfriend(who he also thinks is THE ONE) reminded me of a 12 year old boy. I'm just saying.... even my dad thought so.



Dropped da Soap wrote:
D00MSDAY DEVICE wrote:Let's back up a second. If dude wants to do this, why is it such a big problem for you Soap? Let the guy do what he wants to do.

Okay I should have specified when I made the topic.

I think relationships over the internet are stupid yes, but I don't disagree that sometimes htye can work and all that.

But none of you guys know my friend. I have been best friends with him for 12 years. And for almost that whole time I have known him, he has always been the kind of guy who NEEDS to be in a relationship.
It wasn't uncommon to have a crush on a girl for 2 weeks, get turned down, and 2 hours later ask two other girls only for the same thing to happen again.
Like I think the longest he ever had a crush last was two weeks. Where as I am the guy who has liked the same girl for 6 years.

Also, its the way he goes about getting his relationships. For Christmas there was two girls he liked. So he bought them both rings in the hopes one of them would date him. One completely turned him down and this was after days of him saying shit like "SHES THE ONE!" or "WE ARE MEANT TO BE TOGETHER!" He spent a total of 6 hours telling everyone he was hurt and crap, only to start trying to hook up with a different chick.

Also, once again, I have nothing against most relationships, its just the way he goes about getting them.

Months back before he started going to college, he was dating a girl that I thought was perfect for him. He broke up with her 3 months before he left because he didn't want a long distance relationship.
Now jump ahead two weeks later, I get a call one day from him.
"Dude! Me and Katherine are dating! Isn't that cool!?"

*Note Katherine is a different chick then the one he broke up with 2 weeks before*

My first response to him was "dude, your a douche." He responded with a meek, YEAH, I know.

They dated for a good 4-5 months. And several times out of that period he was constantly debating about breaking up because AGAIN, he didn't want a long distance relationship.

They eventually did break up but only because she turned out to be a queen bitch. But not even 3 weeks after that, was when he met this chick 3 states away.
And now, again they are thinking about hooking up.

But I have always thought internet relationships were dumb, but these two people only strongly force that opinion even harder.

Sorry for long post.

Sounds like this song might sum up your buddy.

<iframe width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

She did look like a twelve-year-old boy. Never mind that she's six years younger than him and fresh out of high school, but she even sounded like a little boy.

Also, he has had a lot of "ones." I think we have to be up to like twelve by now. My favorite was the homeless fitness instructor chick. Or maybe the cracked out girl he met at that bar who was on some serious coke.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Mrs. Terry of Hat wrote:She did look like a twelve-year-old boy. Never mind that she's six years younger than him and fresh out of high school, but she even sounded like a little boy.

Also, he has had a lot of "ones." I think we have to be up to like twelve by now. My favorite was the homeless fitness instructor chick. Or maybe the cracked out girl he met at that bar who was on some serious coke.

That guy just sounds like one of those friends you only keep around because he is hilarious to make fun of.

My friend is just a dick

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Online relationships are possible, and they can eventually become something more. So yeah, you guys just had bad luck with that one.



>__> cocaine is a hell of a drug

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

ooo the fitness trainer sounded amazing...I wish I could have met her.

And yes...we made fun of him...A LOT. Needless to say... his ending of our friendship wasn't as dramatic for me as he had hoped.

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

He was one of those friends for sure. Sigh...he is sorely missed.

Yeah, I wish I had met the fitness trainer. Or the "really hot" cherry sours girl that you and Epyk said was pretty unfortunate looking.



Anyone think its kinda funny talking about internet relationships with your internet 'friends'?


I met some really hot Norwegian girl on chatroulette... we skyped a lot for like 2 weeks, but then I realized starting an overseas relationship was kind of pointless because I knew I'd likely never go all the way to norway to see her. And once you talk enough with somebody that you dont really have anything in common with you kind of run out of things to say besides small talk.



I have like nothing in common with my girlfriend but we're going on two years and haven't run out of stuff to say. Don't know how we do it tbh..

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

It's a bit funny, but you don't particularly need that much in common (interest wise) to keep talking to each other.



yeah but if its on the internet... its just talking about yourselves... then what. when you meet someone in your circle of friends you can talk about other people you know and things youve done in the past. you know.

on the internet it just becomes..


whats up

uh nothing

nice weather today..




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