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Republicans to America: FUCK YOU! or more insane bable from the senate floor.

Air Supremacy
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we need an attack from mars type scenario!


Air Supremacy

Air Supremacy


Filibuster. Noun. The most definite solution to any political problem that may even hint of working together with a different political party; The best form of compromise; A political maneuver employed to prevent Congress from passing legislation, enabling the tried and true method of "finger pointing" in order to incite the public against the majority political party while conveniently leaving out WHY exactly the legislation was not passed. See also: Sinking Ship.



I love how lots of republicans act like they have a mandate to repeal everything Obama has done based on gaining a few seats in the senate on house.



Its funny how Republicans hesitated on renewing the Bush tax cuts when Obama changed his stance. Would have loved to see them raise taxes just because Obama wanted the opposite (pretty sure they wouldn't actually ever do that though)


Yup. Republicans ruin everything, huh?

Honestly, this topic right here is why I hate the party system. All the founding fathers warned against it, everyone complains about how it's detrimental to progress, yet nobody does anything about it. I personally am more conservative, so I'm more aligned with Republicans, but I don't agree with everything they do. I want more taxes for the rich right now honestly, the country needs it and they can live. I hate how people just have to blame everything on Republicans or on Democrats. It gets tiresome.

Sorry, I just hate people saying "Those stupid Republicans doing such and such" or "Those Democrats and their liberal agenda!" Pisses me off.




I don't agree or disagree with everything for either party. But honestly the republicans running for office in my state were retarded.

"Democratic house candidate: How will you fix social security? Will you raise the age for social security, get rid of social security, or increase taxes to pay for it? Or do you have a new idea no ones thought of?
Republican house candidate: We'll have an adult conversation and sit down and fix it.
Democratic candidate: So basically you have no ideas to offer the country here.
Republican: Let's not talk about this.
Democratic candidate: Well, another question is the 20 million in your bank account from this election you refruse to explain.
Republican: Let's not talk about that, the american people want to know about jobs.
Democrat: Ok, what's your plan there?
Republican: We'll have some adult conversations in congress and fix it.
Democrat: /Facepalm

And my state voted for this moron. My problem with politics is that people never know what they're voting for. They all rely on these complete bullshit content political ads and don't even watch the debates.



Talking points talking points TALKING POINTS.

the biggest one of these is reducing the deficit. Republicans keep talking about wanting to reduce the deficit, but dont really have any plan on how to do this. Fair enough though, when %80 of government spending goes to Defense, Medicare, and Social Security, 3 things that arent going anywhere.

The other way to reduce the deficit would be to raise taxes, but...



The way to reduce the deficit is to stop fighting endless and unwinnable wars, then we can stop spending half the budget on middle eastern people and worry about our own problems.



Ducksaws wrote:The way to reduce the deficit is to stop fighting endless and unwinnable wars, then we can stop spending half the budget on middle eastern people and worry about our own problems.

I agree.

This falls into the defense category though. I havent heard of many republicans who want to pull out of Afghanistan. Neutral



I stopped reading these posts because I would like to respect you people one day...not a clue on either side



my 95 in honors government says otherwise. please enlighten me to this clue.


hotdamnitssam wrote: I havent heard of many republicans who want to pull out of Afghanistan. Neutral

Nice to meet you.



Many republicans in office*



I dislike both parties.

Democrats the party of No ideas.

Republicans the party of Bad ideas.

But this guy here. Blocking a Nuclear Missile reduction treaty because they feel like it? WTF!

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