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watching Soldier

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1watching Soldier Empty watching Soldier 2010-12-18, 19:27



Kurt Russel is the man! and Sgt. Todd is such a badass. i love the strong silent type >.> loooool

2watching Soldier Empty Re: watching Soldier 2010-12-18, 19:32



Lol I was flipping through the channels and saw that. Passed it up though. Saw it once and doesnt really appeal to me.

3watching Soldier Empty Re: watching Soldier 2010-12-18, 20:10


Classic **** right there.

4watching Soldier Empty Re: watching Soldier 2010-12-18, 21:40



zk50 x erk wrote:Saw it once and doesnt really appeal to me.

you are dead to me. Evil or Very Mad

5watching Soldier Empty Re: watching Soldier 2010-12-18, 23:19



Heh Im sorry heebs.

Older movies dont really appeal much to me. Not saying that 98 is old on its own. Just that its not as new... lol.

Some 90s movies are pretty good. But thats about as far back as they go for me.

Pulp fiction is good so that makes up for it right?

6watching Soldier Empty Re: watching Soldier 2010-12-18, 23:43


Ever see The Thing?

7watching Soldier Empty Re: watching Soldier 2010-12-18, 23:50



Nope lol. I dont watch horror movies much anyways.

8watching Soldier Empty Re: watching Soldier 2010-12-18, 23:56


Dead to me.

9watching Soldier Empty Re: watching Soldier 2010-12-18, 23:56



zk50 x erk wrote:Nope lol. I dont watch horror movies much anyways.

Now you are dead to me

Edit. Damn you D! Get out me head!

10watching Soldier Empty Re: watching Soldier 2010-12-18, 23:57


I like it in there. It's all sheepy and stuff.

11watching Soldier Empty Re: watching Soldier 2010-12-18, 23:58



Well... ok then. Just stay out of the back closet. You don't want to see what I keep in there.

12watching Soldier Empty Re: watching Soldier 2010-12-18, 23:59


*goes into sheepy's back closet

On that note does anyone remember Herman's Head?

13watching Soldier Empty Re: watching Soldier 2010-12-19, 00:04



It sounds really familiar. Other than that. No.

I want to watch Little Shop of Horrors.

And I can't freaking believe they are remaking True Grit. Evil or Very Mad

14watching Soldier Empty Re: watching Soldier 2010-12-22, 18:00

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

For some reason I remember seeing that once upon a time and enjoying it. It had been erased from memory, until now...

15watching Soldier Empty Re: watching Soldier 2010-12-22, 18:10

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Boy this takes me back. I can't belive this came out in 98! I remember it so well.

16watching Soldier Empty Re: watching Soldier 2010-12-22, 18:10



I'm just a mean green motha from outer space and I'm bad!!!!!

17watching Soldier Empty Re: watching Soldier 2010-12-22, 18:11



Soldier is freaking awesome. Me and my sons used to watch over and over again. "So whattaya gonna do?" "I'm gonna killem all, sir." Thanks, Heeb I gotta watch it again.
Oh, and The Thing is one of those "perfect" movies.
I was pissed about True Grit at first but it looks like it might be pretty good. It's supposed to follow the book more closely.

18watching Soldier Empty Re: watching Soldier 2010-12-22, 18:17

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

texasmace wrote:The Thing is one of those "perfect" movies.

Amen to that.

19watching Soldier Empty Re: watching Soldier 2010-12-22, 18:43



texasmace wrote:Thanks, Heeb I gotta watch it again.

i think you should, then we can be righteously awesome together.

20watching Soldier Empty Re: watching Soldier 2010-12-22, 18:53



I love Soldier.
And I've had the "Suddenly Seymour" song from Little Shop of Horrors stuck in my head since I was little. Fucking years now.

I'm not exaggerating at all. Nearly every day I find myself humming it, singing it, putting different words to it etc... I have no idea why, but I'm pretty effin' sick of it.

Talking about movies, I just finished loading up about 400 dvd's because I'm getting rid of them all today.

21watching Soldier Empty Re: watching Soldier 2010-12-22, 19:22




i think i own about 10 DVD's max >.>

22watching Soldier Empty Re: watching Soldier 2010-12-22, 19:28



Yeah. This isn't the first time either. A few years ago I took a ton in to Blockbuster when they were taking trade ins. I walked out with about $800 in credit that I used up over the next couple years buying presents and games with. Almost all those dvd's were rentals from my own business though.

They said they didn't even know their giftcards had a $500 max until I came through. Ha!

23watching Soldier Empty Re: watching Soldier 2010-12-22, 19:32



good lord. i don't think i could handle owning that many DVD's. i hate having them out in the open, i don't even want to look at them. and my boyfriend insists on leaving them out on shelves, all displayed and shit.

i couldn't tell you why, but it irritates me to have the TV, PC, radio, DVD's, CD's, and any other electronic device/cord/whatever in plain view. when i am done with it, i would like for it to be shut away, which is why i like to have a TV and PC cabinet.

*shrugs* just weird i guess lol

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