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Epyk MD

Epyk MD

i wanna admire my awesomeness Sad



Me too. Sad

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

off topic.

grach is the best weapon in the game.

Comrade Rage77

Comrade Rage77

Hey Eypk, sorry I didn't join your game earlier. I was playing with a couple of other friends at the time. It seems like everyone is coming back to this game since 'Nam is about to come out.



fucking vietnam updates goddamn

as if it wasn't bad enough that we can't play it they gotta dangle it in front of us. I'm starting to think the PC guys didn't deserve it because all they're doing is bitching

wah no recoil

guns in vanilla didn't kick much without a 4X, what the fuck game have you been playing. and on the guns with massive spread they have garbage hit detection.

wah high-power guns

honestly at this point I think its a good idea, and it highlights a huge difference between the two games. fucking sick of getting knifed by the guy I'm shooting and seeing 2-6% health left.

wah helicopters

bullet damage isn't enough? holy fuck you're bad



Where are these people at....I need a laugh.



specific topics on the vietnam board

lot more on the general board too, people don't seem to understand there's a regular and a vietnam board for a reason.

Last edited by Lead Based Toys on 2010-12-19, 21:46; edited 1 time in total

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Comrade Rage77 wrote:Hey Eypk, sorry I didn't join your game earlier. I was playing with a couple of other friends at the time. It seems like everyone is coming back to this game since 'Nam is about to come out.

no worries man, just trying to get the guys together for some squad deathmatch



Oh this shit is great. I found a topic where these 2 guys are mad that the AK doesn't have it's real iron sights on it(Real AK sights fucking suck) and are pissed.



I found a topic about on the PC board where some guy types out a massive wall 'o text bitching about the appearance of guns.

''Rust looks fine to me. Vietnam is very wet. Steel rusts.

not even get into the fact that gunpowder, particularly the primers, in
military ammunition, especially "Soviet" type ammunition (such as the
AK, PPSH, TT33, SVD and RPK use) and even more so in *GASP* older
ammunition is heavily corrosive and WILL cause the weapon it is fired
in to rust if it is not cleaned within a day or so of firing. This is
in a nice dry climate. Let's add water and humidity, and yeah, it's
very common for a firearm using Soviet surplus ammunition to start
rusting mere hours after firing.''

then that guy logic-bombed the fuck out of him

Last edited by Lead Based Toys on 2010-12-19, 22:09; edited 1 time in total



"Updates are currently paused due to high load on the stats database"

What does that even mean? Are a lot of people just updating their stats?



Well that and I heard that they're putting a stat-checker for Vietnam up...supposedly.

I don't know why they wouldn't just say 'maintenance bbl lol'



Someone on gamefaqs was whining about the accuracy of gun designs, and this guy said this -

"Because Battlefield games are incredibly authentic depictions of war. Nevermind the slingshot-like sniper rifles, pilots who can survive helicopter crashes unscathed, tanks that move at the speed of snails, and grenades with the deadly force of a firecracker. In summary: Stop looking so hard for true authenticity. If these tiny details - even if they may be due to oversights on the developers' end - really bother you that much, I think you're playing the wrong game. I, on the other hand, will play and enjoy it for what it is rather than nagging about details that have zilch to do with the gameplay formula and overall experience."

awesomesauce. Smile



lol. I feel like half the people on that board need to go enlist or something if they want ultra-realism.

On the regular board its worse. Also if you dig around on the Vietnam board you'll probably find a billion topics whining about the 'historical inaccuracy' of having a Huey with rocket

And the ones that don't claim its historically inaccurate claim it defeats the purpose of the helicopter, which itself was customized to fulfill around a dozen different tasks with varying armaments.

And some wanted attack helicopters, because they don't want to live in a world where they can't circle-strafe.



Its such BS though, because there were plenty of Hueys that were equipped with rocket pods. I think flying the new Hueys are going to be really fun to fly.




The Old BF Vietnam had the Huey Gunship. The half-way between the Huey Transport and the Cobra.
It had rockets and the gunner had a Machine gun and Grenade Launcher on the front of it....the doors were closed so nobody could get in it.

I'm fine with this Huey.



I wonder what kind of damage the M-60 on the gunner ports of the Huey do..

If its the same as the infantry gun it going to suck.



I think the Huey will get away with flying a bit slower in Vietnam than the Blackhawk in regular since it no longer has to deal with wayward Carls and tracers fucking everywhere.

So it'll still be good I thinks, unless people fly the Huey like the Blackhawk in Modern Combat and give the gunners no fucking opportunities to shoot whatsoever.

I'm pretty sure the M60 gunners point forward though, that way the gunners can help light shit up while the pilot does a pass with rockets. Its gonna be Apocalypse Now up in this bitch.



Lead will you flyz with me?



yeah we need a full crew to be the only chopper whores on vietnam



Lead Based Toys wrote:I think the Huey will get away with flying a bit slower in Vietnam than the Blackhawk in regular since it no longer has to deal with wayward Carls and tracers fucking everywhere.

So it'll still be good I thinks, unless people fly the Huey like the Blackhawk in Modern Combat and give the gunners no fucking opportunities to shoot whatsoever.

I'm pretty sure the M60 gunners point forward though, that way the gunners can help light shit up while the pilot does a pass with rockets. Its gonna be Apocalypse Now up in this bitch.

Can you imagine being chased down by a huey thats unloading on you with 2 M60's and a barrage of rockets? That really is going to be intense.

I also think the M60's should shoot tracer rounds.



Well if the M60s on the side were the BC2 Release-strength M60s then I would probably shit my pants.



Lead Based Toys wrote:Well if the M60s on the side were the BC2 Release-strength M60s then I would probably shit my pants.

I think they should be 4-hit kills. Seems about balanced coming from a gun on a helicopter that shoots 550 rpm.



Well I dunno man, I still have nightmares about the launch'd try to find cover, it'd tear it down, you'd plead with it, it wouldn't listen.

You couldn't negotiate with it, you couldn't reason with it, it just killed fucking everything.



I got the game about 6 weeks after release, so i never got to experience the power of the M-60... Sad

Another idea for the chopper, not sure if this would be balanced, but having fixed mg's that align with the missile pods would be badass.



oh no the PBR is overpowered now!!!!!!

and you seriously dodged a bullet (more like 5050050706047045 bullets) by not-having to see the release M60....release Carl on the 360 wasn't that annoying.



Haha, they really nerfed it bad now. I only have a bronze star with it i think.

And how can a boat be OP?
Solution = dont go swimming... Rolling Eyes

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