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I need to cry like a little girl.

Ars Diaboli
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Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Well, it's not that bad. Boring tl;dr about love incoming.

I just want to vent, like I need to every once in a while. And since you are a pretty relaxed group of people, I think it's all right to do it here.

You know, girlfriend left me very recently... I did stupid crap, she got mad, relationship was hard already, she didn't understood me, we didn't know what to do, I couldn't really take any more and I doubt she could either, etc.

But I loved her. Even with me being a douchebag, I was suprisingly nice and loving with her. Maybe too much now that I think about it <.< I wonder if she was getting sick of it Laughing

Anyway, it's been about 3 weeks already, and while I managed to quickly feel better due to some help, I can't help but think about her daily. It's not like I torture myself about it, I just think of her. We talked about 9 days ago and managed to at the very least make it end not too bad. She wasn't being cooperative at first, and was being very cold to me. I thought it was a lost cause and gave up, but the next day she sent me more messages, with a more relaxed attitude and being more comprehensive.

I responded back, but haven't heard any more of her since then. She went on a trip, so that's probably why. These last few days I just play games to not think too much about it, and I had to move her way down on my MSN list, to avoid looking at her nick and think about it again. Maybe she'll answer eventually, but for now I really can't do anything else. So maybe just letting her be is the best course of action.

There's more, but I'm not thinking straight right now so I'll stop, heh.

Oh well, gonna go play.



Well i dont really have any advice or anything but if it helps i read the entire thing

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Haha, yeah. Advice is plenty hard at these kind of things. I know, since I suck at it. I'd probably advice myself something like "go bang a random woman and forget about it".

Thanks for reading.



Off topic: Hey look at that, you only created your account a few hours ago, and you know how to get a sig and navigate the forum... and you have more awesome cred than I do, I think.

On topic: I'm not the best person for advice. No one on this site knows me in reality, though, so I don't have proof...



More time. It'll take more than a few weeks to stop hurting. Just hang in there and keep on trucking. Eventually it'll ease and you'll be able to move on.

Maybe pick up a new hobby!

Good luck, Ars. Sorry about the break up.



My advice for ya would be to head out with some friends to a few bars get yourself a few numbers that's what I usually do, it sounds like that was a more serious relationship then all of mine put together though.


Take her off of your messenger list.

You don't need to torture yourself by being constantly reminded of her. If you think it's really over, let it go. It's going to hurt. And it's going to be hard. The pain may never go away completely and that's fine. Harness that pain and turn it into something positive.

Use this experience to ensure that your next relationship doesn't suffer the same fate.

Hope that helped dude.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Breaking up sucks, that's the harsh reality of it. Just try to keep busy I guess and take it in your stride. Better times will come, man.

Hang in there.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Starcraft_Noob wrote:Off topic: Hey look at that, you only created your account a few hours ago, and you know how to get a sig and navigate the forum... and you have more awesome cred than I do, I think.

What's awesome cred? Awesome credits?

I'm pretty sure that story about the Apache got me one Laughing

And yes, it will take time, I know. It sucks balls.
I've actually been going out with some friends and just overall keeping my mind occupied.

I just keep her at the very bottom of the list, so I don't look. But I lost to temptation last night D: Dammit, didn't even play Batman because of it.

Thanks everyone.



Awesome cred is the stuff that... makes you awesome... and... here's the link:

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