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Vanilla BC2 definitely feels...easier?

Keyser Söze
Dropped Da Soap
Artimise Flare
14 posters

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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Not in the sense that it's easy to kill things, quite the contrary, I find I get more enjoyment out of the vanilla maps than Vietnam. I also find that I do leagues better on vanilla maps. I average at best on a Vietnam map 15-10 occasionally I'll go on a rampage and make that a 20-4 but that is very few and far between. However, I found that I can go 30-10 more often than not say on Panama Canal or Laguna Presa.

Anyone else seem to perform better in vanilla BC2 as opposed to Vietnam? Over all I have to say that I think Vanilla was just more fun. The five new maps just are not cutting it for me, Phu Bai Valley really being the only one that I honestly say that I enjoy.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Shut up. Just shut up. Seriously. No One gives w rats ass about you Or your opinions. So do us all a favor already and just shut the hell up.

Just kidding!! But yeah I fell the same ad you man.



Yeah, I joined a random game a few days ago, and I went something like 40+ kills and 5- deaths with the slugged Neostead. And the other team was half 50's.



Im already back to refular, I use nam as a spicer, or when I join on somone else.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Has been out longer, therefore you have adjusted your playing style to it better, man. Give Vietnam time.



ya reg bc2 is just better

motion sensors *drool*
capable blackocks



Enjoyment of Vietnam is attributed to one major factor.



Yeah i agree, i think i prefer Vanilla. I just get really sick of playing the same maps ooovveerr and over again, with them all looking the same (jungle).

Ill go back and play Cold war rush, Heavy metal, Oasis rush, and harvest day. those new maps are really fun.



not to mention the fucking spoting markers that blend in to everything

those things are like the only way i can see on vanilla bc2 on my SD TV



1fnbighen wrote:SD TV




TheGM wrote:
1fnbighen wrote:SD TV


thinking i need $$$

i have a hd tv in my living room, but i dont want to be around my family raging at bc2 and i dont have an internet access point there

so the next hd tv we get allows me one and makes a happy bunchie

till then i really REALLY appreciate spotters



1: Get Brick.
2: Brick Window.
3: grab TV.
4: ?????????
5: Profit.


Just tell the family I'm taking the nice TV, here is the crappy one and if anybody tries to stop me I'LL BITE YOUR GOD DAMN EYES OUT!!!!



Just pick up an LCD monitor for like 200 bucks. I'm not sure what the standard is, but mine runs at 720p which is more than crisp enough for FPS gaming.



I guess you could do that if threatening your family isn't your thing.



I used to use my Samsung SyncMaster T220HD for HD gaming for a while, and is currently my computer monitor, and a backup TV if someone decides to come to my place, and I need to setup a secondary console devices.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

23" wide screen TFT screen, which doubles as my second computer monitor, is my setup, man.



it's because vietnam is only for fun and gives you next to no oppurtunities to counter ATTACKING snipers that are camping at there spawn in sao cao temple so I cba with it. Plus I need to play with sec once on it because I have only played alone so far.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Yeah, after a while the novelty starts to wear off IMO. Vietnam is recon heaven for the majority of the population that are useless wookies. It also seems that engineers just don't dish out enough damage against tanks. Even with improved explosives, I find it difficult to make a definite kill. 90% of the time they just bail out before the tank blows. It seems that you really need to coordinate your rocket strikes to bring them down or at least use them in conjunction with a friendly attacking tank.

I for some reason find it a lot easier to destroy tanks in vanilla than in nam. Granted anyone who has a brain will use armor when going tanker in nam, warheads or explosives should negate the effects, and yet it's still a bitch to destroy one, at least whenever I encounter one it is.



Operaion Hastings....The end.



Vehicles are underpowered in vietnam. I was trying to get a kill with the mounted gun on a tank and it just wouldn't happen. must have gotten 5 or 6 hit markers but the tank gun seems to make hitboxes way smaller and doesn't do any damage. I got out and had better luck standing still with my m10 than shooting with the tank turret.



Vehicles are worthless in Vietnam. That's why I take pride in flying the paper cup around all round.

And spending more time repairing then I do playing the game ._. Tallness pulls Ace every round with the blowtorch sitting in the backseat.

Hastings makes it a bit more even though. Well the M48 still sucks since the gunner takes 1450430650704057789898967999 hit markers at 12 RPM to kill someone.



Honestly they really need to allow you to repair the Huey mid flight without going through all that iffy altitude shit.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Why does that only apply to the Hind in the first place? It should apply to all of the transport helicopters, the Black hawk is definitely is not OP since it's so damn easy to shoot down.



Artimise Flare wrote:Why does that only apply to the Hind in the first place? It should apply to all of the transport helicopters, the Black hawk is definitely is not OP since it's so damn easy to shoot down.

Well because the Huey can take damage from small arms fire.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

They need to make it so that only certain small arms can hurt the huey, I shouldn't be able to shoot one down with my pistol. Assault rifles I can see, but not a freaking pistol.



at least the game isnt really vehicle focused (minus a ceertain op boat) dice reacted to vehicle whoring the way treyarch nerfed sniping , necessary but overdone, imo

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Agreed, the nerf to the helicopter was far too extreme, there is almost no point to fly them due to how stupidly fast they get blown out of the skies. There is a fine balance between them being OP and UP, it just seems DICE can't seem to find that happy median in between.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I went back to vanilla 2 days ago with a friend.

Vietnam actually made me appreciate how good vanilla BC2 is. I love it.



"Vanilla" is awesomesauce.

If you were in the games last night you'd know how not vanilla it was.

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