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Golden Sun

Epyk MD
11 posters

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1Golden Sun Empty Golden Sun 2011-01-06, 21:54



Okay JRPGs what?

by the way first.

In case you haven't heard, Golden Sun is only the greatest and least-grindy/poetic/lame RPG ever made. Unfortunately two of the games in the series are almost impossible to find at this point.

So play them emulated.

Golden Sun
Golden Sun: The Lost Age

The story revolves around a dying world called Weyard that must be restored to life by releasing the seal on Alchemy (an ancient power) and bringing about the Golden Sun event to revitalize the world.

The story is unimportant, the most amazing part of the game is the battle system. You could base an entire multiplayer around it and never run out of things to do or try. its insane.

Oh and if you play TLA beat the Dullahan without summons or you're casual. Seriously try these games though.

Dark Dawn is out now for the DS. The story is at an all-time meh but the battling is much more awesome and the optional bosses are a bitch (which is good).

Last edited by Marxist Dictator on 2011-01-11, 02:31; edited 1 time in total

2Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-06, 22:14


I haven't played this but i dont really play handhelds they have some nice games but i wish they'd just make them for consoles and i swear the DS burns my eyes after a little while.

3Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-06, 22:17



If they make them into console games we'll end up with another Final Fantasy on our hands.

Gilgamesh when do you not-disappoint me.

4Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-06, 22:23



I've never played them myself, but this
least-grindy/poetic/lame RPG ever
makes me think they must be worth a shot.

Once I get my new Android phone I'll see if I can play them emulated.

5Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-06, 22:27


Marxist Dictator wrote:If they make them into console games we'll end up with another Final Fantasy on our hands.

Gilgamesh when do you not-disappoint me.

Your so hateful Sad The only thing i really played on my DS was yu-gi-oh and a few other things but i haven't played it in forever... Well i'd like to see it consolized i've heard of it before i use to have an emulator too not sure what happened to it.

6Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-06, 22:45



I played the original Golden Sun and loved the shit out if it. I didn't even have to buy it either.

My step-mom worked at a hotel and one day she was cleaning a room after a group of tourists checked out and found it. She then gave it to me. Awesome.

7Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-06, 23:41

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Ill look it up right now, but of course I wont play it while im at work....doing work stuff >.>

8Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-06, 23:54



I played Golden Sun on the GBA, back when that shit was new. Borrowed it from a friend. Awesome game. I was pissed that it seemed to end so abruptly.

I never played any of them after that. I think that was back in 9th grade.

9Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-07, 00:17



I don't have a DS.

So rage unto me.

I still think that Sentinel was harder than Dullahan battle-wise.

10Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-07, 00:40



Yeah except for the fact that Dullahan's move pool is fucking broken.

Djinni blast resets all your classes to default, then he rapes your shit with Formina Sage while taking 2 damage a hit and recovering 200 health a turn.

11Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-07, 00:51



Marxist Dictator wrote:Gilgamesh when do you not-disappoint me.

Poor old gurgamesh....

12Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-07, 03:39


i'm still stuck on the lost age. i have lost all motivation to even try to figure out where to go next

13Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-08, 17:59



Well if you're stuck and you actually get on your 360 just ask me because I found an old prima guide for that game lol

And Gilgamesh is my best friend he just needs a more refined interest in games.

14Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-09, 23:18


i'm in jupiter lighthouse now after playing for like 7 hours straight last night

15Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-09, 23:22



After playing through half of the first one and getting bored, I think I'll go finish Chrono Trigger...

16Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-10, 01:21



finish the jupiter lighthouse for plot twist bro

17Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-10, 03:01


will do bro

18Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-10, 17:28


mars fucking lighthouse

i'm missing 6 djinn so i'll have to go back and get them if i want to fight dullahan won't i?

19Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-11, 02:26



Mars lighthouse? just leave, there's nothing urgent or pressing to do there. the final boss is annoying anyway.

go beat Sentinel. maybe Valukar.

You already did Star Magician right?

and then Dullahan no summons no Luff no Lull

you need those djinni to even access the inner sanctum anyway. or the inner part of the inner sanctum I guess.

dun dun

20Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-11, 04:46


where are sentinel and valukar? i need something to do before i pick up dark dawn

i beat the game btw. i wanna know what happens to alex. doom dragon was gay. he uses djinn storm and then proceeds to use cruel ruin every fucking turn. if i didn't have a bunch of mist potions i probably would have lost

21Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-11, 15:39



well yeah that and if it wasn't so easy to build up a collection of 45 million mist potions he would be difficult. outside of cruel ruin he's more annoying than anything.

Valukar is in Yampi Desert Cave (use the sand psynergy to go up the sand waterfall thing, there's a Djinni in that area too) and Sentinel is in one of those random islands in the eastern sea iirc

you have to do the trading game to access the cave, and there's another two djinni in there.

Go to E Tundara Islet and reunite the penguins, then mind read for a
stone. Go to SE Angara Islet and mind read the bird to exchange the
stone for a hankerchief. Go to N Osenia Islet and mind read the cow to
swp the hankerchief for milk. Go to West Indra Islet and mind read the
dog to swap the milk for a little turtle. Finally head for Sea of Time
Islet (north of Apojji Islet) and mind read the turtle to give the
small turtle to the lonely turtle thing and yay you can go to the islet cave

Sentinel is immune to all Psynergies and Valukar has a shit-ton of HP and can set your Djinni on stand by/summon your shit so go in with base classes only otherwise he'll wreck your Ronin status and shit

22Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-11, 18:31


i already beat both of them before you posted that and then i got destroyed by dullahan. valukar was a joke though lol

and stfu i only had 4 mist potions and they were the ones i found throughout the game that i never used

23Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-11, 21:36



I'm pretty sure you can buy an unlimited amount of mist potions at Prox anyway.

and Dullahan raped your shit because you didn't have a strategy. Or you're not over-leveled enough to take him out with brute force alone.

and Valukar is only annoying when he stun jips half your fucking party and you don't have enough elixers/characters capable of casting restore and then he starts using djinni stun to mix your classes up so you lose restore and then gain it on a character that's stunned and its really annoying goddamn

and in the battle arena the only characters in my party he doesn't 2HK with it are Issac and Garet but that's only because they're Ronins with 1,700 health.

24Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-12, 03:16


stun jip never did a whole lot of damage, maybe 300 or so but that's it.

25Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-12, 14:57



And then enemies in the battle arena have 1.5 x the stats they do in regular.

its been like 5 years since I beat Valukar in the regular game o_O

go get Dark Dawn now

26Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-12, 16:54



I think I have original golden sun under my bed upstairs somewhere. I've been playing golden sun 2 on my PSP emulated for a while, but i'm stuck at a part with a pirate ship and I can't figure out how to trigger the next event.

27Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-12, 18:14


are you in alhafra?

28Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-12, 19:28



I don't even remember. Some tidal wave happened, we were in this city, I went to a new city through a repaired draw bridge, and then I had to do something with a pirate ship. I think the pirates stole the old man mayor's magic ball or something. Or maybe that was Lufia 2. I was playing them at the same time so I'm probably mixing events XD

29Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-12, 22:05


you probably need to go to kibombo then. it's east of madra

30Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-13, 07:14


alright i shall challenge dullahan again now that i have leveled up a few more times. i also got two tisiphone edges from islet cave lolz

31Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-13, 14:42



I just beat Dullahan on Dark Dawn. 55 party average, didn't use any strategy (just attacked/wish'd the whole round, even through multiple Djinn Storms). like 50 turns later I won, I didn't get as much bullshit as usual (though he did instant-down three characters with Charon, not that I care since he Djinn Storm'd that turn too so I dodged it).

fuck yeah

32Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-13, 19:45


yeah he really hates jenna on the lost age. charon one hit downs her so i revive her and the same fucking turn he gets her with condemn or whatever he calls it. then djinn storm brings her down to no hp and bam he uses true collide to finish her off again. i could probably predict when he's going to use djinn storm but meh, not really worth it.

i got dark dawn btw. apparently i played for 5 hours already but it didn't feel like it was that long

33Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-14, 17:10



You can use Luff to block Djinn Storm in TLA iirc. Any of the Psynergy-sealing Djinn can.

34Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-14, 17:19


yeah i know luff and rime can do that

fucking craggy peak on dark dawn was the most annoying dungeon in the history of ever.

35Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-14, 17:20



I know right.

Don't you love how fucking simple all the puzzles are except for the fucking goat one goddamn

36Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-14, 17:23


the goat one was kind of cool. and the one with the two statues reminded me of anemos inner sanctum puzzles

"the crab can't swim any longer" made me laugh

37Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-14, 17:26



did you get to furryville yet

that place is all of my fucking hate

38Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-15, 03:24


i got sveta but then she left the party. i'm fighting the boss in the phantasmal bog right now. the boss music in this game is the best btw

39Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-15, 17:31



wait until you hear the remix of Saturos' theme

unfortunately they made the mistake of applying to every bonus boss. It just doesn't fit on anyone other than Star Magician.

also if you ever get around to beating Dullahan on TLA Excalibur out-damages the Sol Blade since he's weak to Wind and Legend is a wind-attack. I found that out this morning beating him on DD - Legend with max attack on Tyrell with Excalibur (War Adept, 7 Jupiter 2 Mars) did around 1700 damage while Meggido did close to 1300.

So Garet or Felix as a War Adept/Ronin for the increased Jupiter power would be good.

40Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-16, 00:46


i haven't gotten to any of the optional bosses yet.

41Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-16, 00:47



when you get the boat you can do star magician. you need the sol blade for two of them and the vortex that somehow transfers you to crossbone isle doesn't exist until after you beat the game.

42Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-16, 00:55


i'm still in belinsk but i'm fighting all these monsters and shit now. freaky stuff man

43Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-16, 01:52


okay i'm in the boat now where the fuck is star magician.

44Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-16, 02:07



Sail northwest to the hand, then line up with the hand perfectly and sail right into the purple fog.

45Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-16, 02:11


okay, i'm on the other side of the ocean so it will take a few minutes to get there Sad

46Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-16, 02:41



Yeah northwest corner of the globe. Look for 5 penis-shaped rocks.

47Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-16, 02:43


i'm in the lost ship. what the fuck i'm going to find this bitch and kill his ass

btw the enemies here are starting to be somewhat challenging

48Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-16, 02:47



Well yeah the enemies in the dark area as soon as you enter it are a bitch.

And star magician is on the rear of the ship btw. or stern if GM is going to enter this thread and be a bitch

49Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-16, 02:48


i think i might be going the wrong way because i'm pretty sure i need new psynergy to get through this part of the ship

50Golden Sun Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-16, 02:55



oh yeah I forgot about Reveal.

You need Himi for that. Sail to island touching the shadow area, get the reveal stone from the watch tower and go to Yamata to add her to your party and then come back

forgot about that shit

hell I almost forgot about Himi since she proceeds to be a wallflower and has like 2 lines of dialogue total.

she's decent in battle though for weapon's grace

I'm getting off Ing don't save after beating Star Magician because you can't rematch him in the battle area. That's what I did for all the bonus bosses because they're so much fun to fight.

well except for the ogre titans they suck

Last edited by Marxist Dictator on 2011-01-16, 02:57; edited 1 time in total

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