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Golden Sun

Epyk MD
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51Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-16, 02:57


ok i'll do that right as soon as i find out where those places are

52Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-16, 02:58



they're two of the five islands you see. burning island is the spiral-shaped one, don't go there just yet.

53Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-16, 03:34


this game is really fucking long. idk if it's because of all the conversations but it seems like there is still a lot to do

okay what the fuck star magician. when a refresh ball out-speeds half my party it doesn't seem like there's very much i can do. eventually everyone ran out of psynergy and they died, then my backup party lasted 2 turns.

54Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-16, 16:38



Some people say he's more challenging in this game some don't. The Ghoul and Death Balls don't do fuck all though.

Guardians are still annoying and Refresh Balls if you can't out-speed them will grind the battle hopelessly in favor of his party.

55Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-16, 17:35


no ghoul ball should be renamed tank ball because it has over 800 fucking hp and just keeps eating my djinn while the refresh balls heal it

i got some new djinn and i leveled up a few more times so now i have a conjurer, samurai, dragoon, and brutal beast lolsveta. at least i'm faster than the refresh balls now but that's not saying much

56Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-16, 17:49



well all 9-class djinn makes him a lot easier.

i never had an issue with refresh balls since 1 meggido/sveta beastform attack = dead.

57Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-17, 14:38


is apollo sanctum the end of the game? it's giving me that end of the game kind of feel so far

and where the fuck is the sol blade

58Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-17, 17:53



in the apollo sanctum.

59Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-18, 07:53


i beat the game fuck yeah. rief really is a bitch at the end, he's also stupid.

i just got to crossbone isle and it looks really similar to the one in the first game so far lol

60Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-18, 15:53



hey man rief with triton's ward is a fucking badass 750+ heals for the whole party with pure wish

amiti becomes the shit water adept at that point in the game. go to otka island for triton's ward

61Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-18, 18:22


yeah i got it already. i don't feel like pure wish spamming so i won't bother. i think i'll do a no djinn playthrough after i beat dullahan

62Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-18, 20:59



you don't have to spam it and that's the only use you'll ever get out of a water adept, they suck at attacking and you have to fuck everyone's classes over to get decent stat-up psynergies

those are pretty much the three distinct uses for characters in-game so yeah. pure mage rief all the way

fucking hate the lack of RNG I got an Atropos' Rod randomly at the world map over by the endless wall yet for 3 hours of grinding at crossbone isle I only have 1 Lachesis' Rule to show for it. god. fucking. dammit.

all I needs is one tisiphone edge, two lachesis' rule and one hercules axe for eoleo and yay best attacking equipment

fuck doing it all over again for defensive shit. also bloody claws/cleric ring on sveta is awwwwright

63Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-19, 02:19


i got two tisiphone edges almost back to back, you jelly?

64Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-19, 02:23



fuck you I finally downloaded some codes for this game so I just hacked them anyway. stupid luck system and my inability to exploit RNG this time around to my benefit.

65Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-19, 02:29


are there any codes that can modify the difficulty?

66Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-19, 02:32



idk I didn't look. I don't believe so, since that's not what most hackers have in mind when they make codes.

I'm trying to find one that has a full move list like I had for my gameshark in TLA. I wanna use Fulminous Edge and shit.

67Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-19, 02:35


i'm sure somebody is bored enough with the game being easy by now. how much would an action replay cost anyway?

68Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-19, 02:40




also I entered Border Town using the endless wall glitch (I had a no-clip going at the same time anyway so I wouldn't be stuck in random places) and entered border town from the other side and fuck why did they cut it

so many buildings and a random cave area. using growth on the plant leading down to it does nothing Sad

69Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-19, 02:44


border town was really pointless lol. you only go there once for 5 minutes :/

i think i found that vine cave you were talking about too. the one at konpa ruins on the other side of the puddle that you can't use cold snap to freeze?

70Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-19, 16:26



no its seriously on the other end of border town. apparently if you buy a dream leaf and shit you'll wake up there but idk

I went to Carver's Camp too, if you enter from the left you'll end up on the other side. you can push a log and literally stand 2 feet away from the plot device they abandoned 1/6th of the way through the game but reminded you of at the end.

and if you examine the cabinet and stove in his house it says 'it is translating'. ok

also i went to mt aleph and tried to go to gondowon but shit nothings there and you get blocked anyway.

also I spoke to Issac again and apparently watching Mt. Aleph do fucking nothing takes precedence over armaggedon. actually all the towns in the eclipse are the same except furryville of course.

oh and Briggs is still alive apparently, if you go to Port Rago again he's sleeping in his ship. I guess that means Briggs is actually Alex or something.

so Eoleo is confirmed for sequel.

71Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-19, 17:13


i'm at kaocho on my second playthrough so i'm pretty far from getting a dream leaf.

how is eoleo an adept when his parents weren't? i know obaba is but she's like 10 generations old

72Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-19, 17:48



how is sheba an adept when her parents weren't

child of the gods my ass

and why does amiti's understanding of procreation fail so hard

73Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-19, 18:22


i thought i was concieved of a miracle!!!

i'm sorry amiti, but you are not jesus

74Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-19, 19:57



if jesus was a shit piers clone i'd sasdfa;;gf

fucking water adepts and their immense suck

75Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-19, 22:44


eoleo is the best. maybe amiti would be good if i gave him one of my extra tisiphone edges.

76Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-20, 17:44



I'm pretty sure Vengeance is a water-type unleash or something, someone told me that Paladins are pretty good with it.

everybody that isn't Rief, Karis or Sveta can be a Paladin. Sveta is only awesome when she's a Gladiator since its the only other class that gives her Savage Fiend in beastform and basically all her base stats except HP are better than Prime Beast anyway with actual good offensive Psynergies (<3 psynergy surge)

77Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-21, 02:26


why would vengeance be water?

oh yeah there's also some random block in harapa that i can use crush on but i don't get that until way later in the game. is it worth going all the way back across the world once i get it just to see what's on the other side?

78Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-21, 02:52



idk some guy just told me its good with himi as paladins idk. apparently that's the best use for her.

it might be. probably earth or something

and seriously meggido looks like a fire unleash so you never really know. logic isn't always applied to videar games.

79Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-21, 03:44


i'm at craggy peak now so it will be another half an hour before i start having fun again

80Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-21, 17:08



craggy peak is almost as bad as air's rock

hell all those rock areas in tla fucking sucked except gaia rock because hey there's at least a boss battle that's challenging at the end

also himi as a protector = better than rief seriously. better stats in every way, ply/wish/revive/cure poison/restore/avoid in the field = what the fuck

81Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-21, 17:39


and gaia rock was also the shortest one. i don't even remember aqua rock and it took me a while to realize that magma rock was another one of those places... i didn't think they were that bad though. even air's rock was kind of fun even though it was probably the longest dungeon in the game, just because it was the first of the four and it hadn't gotten old yet.

82Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-21, 20:25



magma rock had the coolest dungeon theme in the game, though the interior felt like taopo swamp 2.0

air's rock has the most annoying theme ever and as a big middle finger from camelot you spend 10 minutes just uncovering the fucking entrance goddamn

aqua rock is also dumb just because piers sucks.

83Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-22, 03:00


nah, the first 10 minutes of air's rock was getting to the cliff, the next 10 minutes was climbing it, and the last half hour was figuring out what the fuck you were supposed to do inside it.

84Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-22, 03:18



fucking god mode

also i just remembered how much I hate the great gabomba because that's how you get piers in your party and he sucks ass. also the clock puzzles suck.

85Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-22, 03:23


yeah the magma rock theme made the whole dungeon worth it. and the interior puzzles were fucking hard

86Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-22, 14:06



I think they realized how boring all the rock areas were and decided to make up for it with one that didn't suck goddamn

I dread going to air's rock every time I replay TLA. it's like wow suddenly the fun level just completely disappeared.

87Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-22, 16:33


just hack ivan into your party or something then you never need to go there lol

88Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-22, 16:53



I wonder if you could do that. it pisses me off that you go through that entire area just for fucking reveal. although in that respect aqua rock is worse since you proceed to use parch twice for the rest of the game. at least sand/blaze were cool.

where's master hamma to teach me how to do reveal instead of wasting an hour of my life in the worst designed dungeon ever.

89Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-22, 17:27


i don't think it was that bad

90Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-22, 17:28



well maybe you're bad

91Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-22, 17:29


no man i'm about to fight the mountain roc

92Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-22, 17:32



slap that bitch

or don't for mega challenge mabi

no djinn right?

93Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-22, 17:33


yeah bro. the first time i beat him i didn't know i could use slap on his stone form. and now i gave the slap glove to reefer so it doesn't get in the way of my real equipment

94Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-22, 17:37



piers is worse than rief you should have given it to him and then explain reproduction thoroughly to him

95Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-22, 17:38


you said piers again lol

is alex his dad or what

96Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-22, 17:39



they're the same guy guy

also dullahan is amiti's dad

97Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-22, 17:41


but then amiti would have to be able to use fulminous edge.

98Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-22, 17:44



but if alex was amiti's father that would mean alex too is a shit piers clone

also on my game amiti can use fulminous edge Very Happy

99Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-22, 17:45


This whole topic is you two guys talking get a room already.

100Golden Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Golden Sun 2011-01-22, 17:46



get out of my super secret private chat

we can't help that you people don't play good games.

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